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Everything posted by NeverSurrender

  1. Im fully vaxxed and am currently getting over Covid right now. Its been about 10 days. So im not sure it really matters but Montez or any other player could get covid as well regardless of Vax status. This thread is making me hate this place.
  2. I thought for sure that was a loss incoming….
  3. Wow….. I thought for sure he would miss that. But still a lot of time left.
  4. We got our share of questionable calls but I call it both ways. There was some bad officiating on that drive.
  5. Anyone else feel like Turner is getting a little to cute on the play calling?
  6. If Everett can play solid coverage he should be a decent replacement for Collins. That was a nice hit!
  7. Well if thats the case then they should just put me in the slot. I would NEVER fumble.
  8. There are a lot of things to say about this game but I’m so sick of these refs not calling things both ways.. this crap has been going on for so long it honestly makes me sick.
  9. I agree 100% with the roll outs and off schedule stuff. I would really like to see a lot more of that. However, what im asking with the deep sideline balls is more of a low risk pass that shouldnt really be intercepted. Kind of the way Mark Brunell Used to use the sideline when he was in Jacksonville before he came to us. Streaks down the side can open up the cover 2 shell that teams are playing a lot of against us. I think this will help TH have more of the middle of the field back. Again, Im not asking for a lot of these plays but tossing a few here and there can make the DBs move more. Thats all im saying.
  10. THe thin about last game is that the 2 INTS were not because of TH's arm strength. They were just bad decisions. Honestly I would like to see him throw more deep balls down the sideline. I think teams are sitting on the short to intermediate stuff a little and taking some shots will force teams to cover a bit more of the field. I still think TH can be effective but until this Defense figures something out (mainly benching Collins), then were arent going to win a lot of games. But what happens if we win this week and TH looks as good as Mahomes....?? Honestly I could see that happening as the Chiefs are not the immovable force they were a few years ago.
  11. I don’t think there’s enough evidence to overturn that call. Wow…..
  12. Bruuhhh. Tress Way is our secret weapon. He CANNOT be stopped. If we every find out how good he is at QB then move over Tom Brady. Someone actually figured this out and won the world championship in Madden with Tress Way at QB..... just sayin
  13. AS Far as I'm concerned, the door is always open. Good to have a fan back with us!
  14. Im not a huge Steve Sims Guy but I have to wonder why Isiah Wright is still on this team and Sims isnt. Wright is awful, has the dropsies just like Sims and has no speed or play making ability literally a waste of reps. Anyway, it seems like we have quite a log jam at WR! As Far as DB goes, Im wondering if Derrick Forrest gets cut.... I wouldnt be a fan of cutting Everett because of his special teams abilities and Apke is probably close to a lock at this point. This McTyre guy shows up out of nowhere and Im really wondering what Forrest has done in practice or the pre-season games to show that he can play on D or ST.
  15. To add to this, I think there were times that our offense was rolling pretty good however the was some stretches of really bad play calling. I do think a lot of this comes down to our limited QB options. Even Alex only had a few healthy games and when his leg got hurt we couldn't do much at all. Then we saw Taylor come in a basically shred the eventual superbowl champs Defense which was #3 in the league with no running game. Im definitely open to seeing what this offense can do with a functional QB. I also like the misdirection and unpredictability we showed "AT TIMES" last year.
  16. If were in Dime then why not go Juice and j3 on the outside with Fuller and Mcain over top with other DBs underneath.
  17. I can think of another SS that switched to FS quite nicely...... just sayin....
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