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Everything posted by DogofWar1

  1. That girl at the bottom with the hat who is staring into the camera is great, It's like she's saying "They think I'm gonna change, but I'm still one bad mother****er."
  2. Definitely am in no shape to get one by 2017. Maybe by 2018-2019 range though. Would love one as a stepping stone to a decked out Model S somewhere down the line. That is a fancy looking car, and in the 35K range, I figure I can get a run-of-the-mill baseline Benz or BMW, or nab one of those babies. And any issues will have hopefully been ironed out with the 2nd or 3rd year of production too.
  3. Very fortuitous for him to have those cameras up. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/03/video-clears-texas-man-of-assaulting-cop-did-police-commit-perjury/
  4. I subscribed to that channel. Seems like a good place for laughs and to put into the usual youtube rotation. I think I understood that "settler agent" guy's argument better than himself by the end of that. I don't know the procedure in FLA, but in VA, if that case happened, I would really really love the judge to just issue a bench warrant on the failure to appear, and then have the judge instruct the bailiff to take the guy into custody when they see him, followed by the bailiff hopefully looking around for a few seconds as if searching, then cuffing the guy. Judicial theater such as that would be hilarious.
  5. Pictures of damage to the Refuge have been released. http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/25/us/gallery/malheur-damage/index.html No dildos, which begs the question, where did they all go?
  6. Well, playing NRA's advocate, that would wildly violate the 2nd Amendment. Not to mention, it would be tremendously bloody. Personally, I think there are a number of common sense reforms that could be done before we even contemplated that kind of solution, if such a solution as that ever came into serious contemplation.
  7. To the first point, Star Wars fans have held out hope for Boba Fett swinging back into action since Episode 6, 30+ years ago. Boba Fett was all about cool. I think most fans would be okay with Han showing up one more time. Imagine if during the climax of VIII or IX, Slave I just shows up with Boba and Han to save the day. I'm pretty sure most fans would cease to care about the story, at least long enough to change their pants. And yeah, I mean, Han *should* be dead. All indications are he's dead. But again, shove $30M into Ford's face and then have a writer just crazy enough to do it, and who knows. So yeah, Han should be out of the picture. I'd prefer it that way. I also wouldn't be surprised if he popped up somewhere in episode VIII or IX.
  8. Yes: I believe that's from Looney Toons: Back in Action, where he fights Marvin the Martian. EDIT: As for Han theories, Star Wars, like many properties, runs on the Rule of Cool, that is, if it's cool, and you can get away with it not totally killing suspension of disbelief, go for it. By that, Han could totally still be alive. He *should* be dead, but I'm also not a power-drunk writer seeking to immortalize myself in a cinema pantheon. Not to mention, distances in Star Wars seem to be much less than they should be/appear. Between Luke falling in Episode V and being able to see planets entire star systems away getting blown up like they were as close as the moon in VII, who knows, that chasm could have been the equivalent of a ten foot drop for Han ultimately.
  9. Yeah, real talk, if you get into an armed standoff with the federal government, and they let you off once, once they get you, you're probably not going to be considered not a flight risk.
  10. Game over. And they're out of quarters. I thought he was going to martyr himself. I'm glad he didn't, but did he get cold feet or what? Maybe they can warp the definition of martyr like they warped the Constitution. Martyrdom can totally now be going to jail. No dying needed.
  11. I mean, we arrested most of the big names. The guys who weren't arrested were probably not at the refuge for long anyway, and probably were wandering around the town. And if we dronestriked them earlier, Cliven would probably have never gotten on a plane and he'd still be down there in his ranch compound.
  12. If we're just gonna start disqualifying candidates for things that have not been proven, or even resulted in indictments yet, we're gonna have to toss Ted "Oh Canada" Cruz too. And I imagine Frye would not like that one bit.
  13. Arresting Cliven is big. He's one of the "spiritual" leaders of the whole movement. Him "beating" the feds in 2014 was such a major victory for these anti-government groups. Hopefully these last four guys at the refuge will give up peacefully and we can be done with it.
  14. If Cliven Bundy shows up, perfect. Arrest him too.
  15. I mean, any "rescuers" are probably FBI. FBI is FBI. Rescuers are FBI. Guys in the video PCS posted, VERY CLEARLY FBI. Sheriff that won't help them, FBI. That crazy rep. lady from Nevada, FBI. Bundy, probably FBI and got himself caught. LaVoy, FBI, setting them up to be targets. You're FBI. I'm FBI. PCS is DEFINITELY FBI. Jumbo might be CIA. But zoony and tk, 100% F.B.I.
  16. 52:38 on that: "Pursuit of happiness being that we had property. And that's where happiness comes from, because our riches all come from the Earth." Scientology has some stiff competition coming down the pipe, doesn't it?
  17. I know that first thing is true. I hope that second thing is true. Do we have a link? I really want to know. A quick google search yielded nothing.
  18. They have to be getting close to done, right? One can only jack it to one's misplaced sense of self-righteousness so many times before one starts to chafe. I suppose the gifts of lube could extend that, but they must be running close to dry.
  19. There's something that feels off about a system where a cop can sue a family directly for emotional damages but the family can only sue the city/state/etc, and the cop's estate is never in any serious jeopardy.
  20. The Oregonian zoomed in and slowed down the video. http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/01/watch_weve_slowed_down_the_vid.html I think if the video had been totally unclear that might have done something new for us, but I think the parties have retreated to their corners already, and zooming in and slowing it down won't do anything to change that. I will say the new zooming on the video makes it look more like LaVoy pulled his revolver. It looks like something extends at an awkward angle with awkward size from his arm. But, ultimately, the FBI can't win. Normally they don't release anything for anyone, and here they released a video within a day of the event and they're getting flak for not releasing dash cam or something.
  21. Yo, those PPN dudes are fakers. If they were real patriots they'd know Malhuer had been renamed "Harney County Resource Center." AMATEURS!
  22. This guy was pretty good too. At first I thought he was making fun of them, but as he kept going, I think he might be serious. Poe's Law might be in effect here. I hope it is.
  23. Didn't watch the crazy's video, but checked comments. Early winner:
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