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Everything posted by DogofWar1

  1. The importance of this should not be overlooked. Another President walked this path.
  2. If they got to the Constitutional Sheriff, who among us is safe! Somewhat serious question, when do these Sheriffs...sheriff? I mean you'll never see Sheriff Stacey Kincaid from Fairfax galavanting about like Arpaio or Clarke, too much stuff going on.
  3. "You guys just want to investigate everybody." - Steve Womack (R-AR), responding to constituents asking about Trump/Russia I swear, no Republican official, for the foreseeable future, should ever be allowed to complain about people calling for investigations. The punishment for doing so, if we wanted to have true objective universal justice, would be getting kicked in the balls by Hillary and Bill for at least an hour.
  4. Maybe not double agents exactly, but from what I've read some of the 6 have been directly tied to the dossier, and others have potential circumstantial ties to it, like they might have provided info but not been mentioned at all. It's all speculation from us at this point, but I'm sure the IC is on it. 6 high ranking Russians all dying within a short period? Something's up. Maybe it's got nothing to do with Trump, but the timing does not look great.
  5. Yeah, we're rapidly running past the point where this can be viewed as a coincidence. This seems way too much like Russia got a windfall of intel and is cleaning up double agent loose ends.
  6. This tweet led me to this guy: https://mobile.twitter.com/Khanoisseur I don't know how much stock to put in him but he has some nice charts.
  7. Damn, if Fox is reporting something bad for Trump...though I suppose he could plead that he has the attention span of a two year old and forgot everything he was told about Flynn's call before they even finished telling it to him. I think at this point Pence has to quietly be 100% on board with 25th Amendment strat.
  8. I'd be more open to the stuff flying out of the Trump administration if it wasn't self contradictory. Are the leaks fake news or real and classified, Donald? Can't be both. If it's the former, why would you fire Flynn? Which further begs the question, Flynn supposedly resigned, but Spicer just said Trump fired him. So which is THAT?
  9. Admiring the deflection to Hillary when the man hours expended investigating Trump are basically zero, while they've thrown 25 years of investigations at Hillary and found nothing. "But Hillary" is officially the most pathetic deflection yet at this point.
  10. You know that guy in the movie was arrested for his actions, right? The system *can* still work.
  11. Might just be stragglers. A ton of lawsuits were filed around the same time, but some courts work faster than others.
  12. He's just such a nice guy. The nicest guy. He's gonna make them pay for it, but try to save them money.
  13. Ok, serious question.* Are people in red counties/states just all massive masochists and vote poorly because they enjoy pain? *question not actually 100% serious. Maybe, like, 60% serious.
  14. Federal judges are rarely snarky enough for it, but it would be awesome if a federal judge one time just issued an opinion that was literally just "The burden is undue, law is invalid," on one of these abortion restriction cases.
  15. I suppose it's a good thing President Bannon is getting all his hyper racist stuff out the door early. If they waited a while, Trump might be able to stack enough Federal Courts with judges who would support him; so doing this early improves chances of avoiding Constitutional crises.
  16. The Attorney General is the attorney for the United States, not the President specifically. Yes, they serve at the pleasure of the President, but that doesn't mean they are merely a passthrough for the President's whims. To suggest that the AG is a passthrough is to justify Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre as okay. It wasn't, and it's still not. It also turns AGs into accessories to any crimes of the government, undoubtedly forcing them to use the Nuremberg Defense. AGs are supposed to have at least some independent judgment in matters.
  17. If an AG resigned every time they disagreed with the legality of an EO/Law, we'd burn through a few each week. Every week would be a Saturday Night Massacre and the end result would be eventually an AG signs off on an illegal order. That's precisely why AGs aren't supposed to resign, they're supposed to advise the DOJ attorneys on it. If the view of the AG is that the EO/law is of seriously questionable legality, then they should say so, as Ms. Fields did. I also think the interpretation that she was playing politics is itself another political game. She's been in public service since 1989. She's been praised by members of both parties profusely and consistently through the years. To suggest she acted politically is a cop out; she's far too experienced to not be afforded a presumption that she isn't a political hack.
  18. Bannon knows what he's doing. Trump is his puppet at this point. Trump would be busy jacking off to himself in the WH bathroom for the next month if Bannon wasn't there. Bannon knows how to orchestrate a shock and awe political strategy, and we're seeing it in action. He wants us to think this is incompetence from an outsider, because it blinds us to the sneaking malice within. Remember, Steve Bannon was the guy who personally overruled DHS on Green Card holders. Trump probably doesn't know what the difference between the various groups is and would have listened to a DHS person of authority if left alone with them. Bannon jumped in as the middle man and made sure chaos reigned.
  19. For y'all twitterinos, #MondayNightMassacre should get trending. Get people reading up on the Saturday Night Massacre. And how dangerously similar this is, only 10 days in.
  20. Godspeed Ms. Yates. You will be remembered for doing the right thing even in the face of certain firing.
  21. I've generally been against a poll test, since they're usually terribly warped on purpose. But frankly, if there was just a single "yes/no" question of "Was Donald Trump's ban on travelers from 7 countries implemented on January 27, as implemented on January 27 (prior to any amendments), a good idea?" I wouldn't exactly lose sleep. If you answer yes, they politely take you to the placebo voter booth. And thus America was saved.
  22. Yates. Fighting the good fight. She's totally right. It's pretty dang indefensible, so why sully the good name of the DOJ fighting a losing battle. She knows the ACLU is going to kick their butts in 90% of district courts. She will be fired. And it will be further proof of Trump's madness.
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