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Everything posted by DogofWar1

  1. Are you suggesting that the Susan Rice "scandal" is somehow a made-up scandal created by the right wing media? I AM SHOCKED! SHOCKED, SIR! Shocked that you would suggest that the National Security Adviser unmasking, in intel reports, names of US individuals who were clearly collaborating with Russia, which she has the power to do, is somehow NOT a scandal. I mean, the real story has always been the leakers. I mean, okay, so she didn't "leak" anything, but, um, she found out names. Who cares if they were collaborating with the Kremlin in illegal manners, SHE unmasked names. That's like, several times worse than collaborating with Russians. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to support the GOP voting to allow my online data to be unmasked to the highest bidders.
  2. *People speculating that Trump campaign might have actively coordinated with Russian hackers* "WHOA WHOA WHOA, talk about jumping the gun, how about we just let the investigation go step by step and see where it goes without rushing to conclusions." *Investigation leads to: US investigators are looking into whether Trump campaign reps helped Russian intel carry out cyberattacks* "WHAT TOOK THEM SO LONG?!"
  3. If Flynn dies suddenly soon, I think we can all assume that Trump did something egregiously impeachable. Also, the WH doesn't know what is going on on all of the 18 acres of the White House grounds? So there are blind spots for dangers? Yeah, either Spicer admitted the Secret Service isn't protecting the WH effectively, or Spicer is full of it. Again. It's the latter option, of course. With these clowns, it's always the latter.
  4. Yeah...if Trump ordered Flynn to discuss sanctions with Russia pre-election, fire up the indictmentmobile. Or perhaps the invisible indictmentjet. Or the speed indictaboat. But we'll see, it's all behind the scenes, but this is getting heavy. Many many things are believable right now, gotta wait for the true truth.
  5. Right, which is why it was so frustrating dealing with the few holdouts. Those are the people I think the article is talking about, the holdouts who tried for many many months to drive a wedge into the democratic party. I voted for Bernie in the primary too, but I let it go very quickly after that. A small % never let it go.
  6. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/03/russians-used-bernie-bros-as-unwitting-agents-in-disinformation-campaign-senate-intel-witness/ Ya don't say...
  7. Flynn asking for immunity could be nothing, buuuuut probably not. Immunity is generally given for anything where a crime might have occurred, not necessarily where one is known, but a bigger fish is also present to be fried. The other thing though is that apparently it's Flynn asking for it. Him reaching out suggests some interesting stuff.
  8. Just last year? How about ever? Like, I would work for "free" in 2018 if my job paid me a million dollars right now in 2017. Also yay, Fox News propaganda arm for great strong Russian-Amerikan alliance. Make good for business.
  9. True but a multiple agency release isn't for them. It's for the moderate Rs and the Independents who were thinking about voting Trump but still are somewhat reasonable people generally; that 4-10% of people that has already left his approval rating would be the primary target.
  10. Definitely true. Op-Eds these days are basically viewed as vehicles for confirmation bias, whether the underlying article is actually good on its own or not. An Op-Ed would be considered political and quickly dismissed by the right. If it comes from multiple agencies, you perhaps convince a decent chunk thatn y'know, stuff is real. But I am guessing those agencies weren't quite ready yet.
  11. This is what is called in the business "being guilty as hell but tryna buy time." https://mobile.twitter.com/BNONews/status/846823482990247936
  12. By y'all do you mean the FBI? Ongoing investigations generally don't get commented on or acted upon. They generally have to be finished. That's standard procedure. That's not indecisive. That's not incompetent. That's appropriate, given we're supposed to have certain rights against unfair prosecution. Seriously, be honest, for once in your political life twa, be honest. The entire American right would have lost their **** if Obama had even so much as commented suggestively about an ongoing investigation into Trump. How much more the outrage would have been if Trump had been indicted pre-election. You cannot play it both ways. You're pretending like you're only playing it one way, that Obama should have done more, outside of usual procedure, pre-election. But no one actually believes that. It's a clown stance bro. You're trying to have it both ways and everyone knows it. There is a 0% chance you or most other Republicans would have peaceably stood by and said "good job" if the DOJ had indicted Trump pre-election. So let's not play that game.
  13. I mean, next time we can just arrest the GOP nominee in mid-October with the ongoing investigation. I was under the impression y'all woulda raised a certain stink about that but it sounds like you'd have been okay with it.
  14. Wow Nunes, be more obviously guilty. I gotta think this means they're toast, know they're toast, and are trying desperately to delay. Nunes would almost certainly not be doing this if there wasn't something major. I mean, if they hadn't scheduled them already, maybe he could slide a "it's all political" explanation under the noses of the people, but when you've already got hearings, canceling them when said hearings could PROVE the innocence you are alleging you have makes you look guilty as sin, probably because you ARE guilty as ****ing sin. Jeebus. What have Trump voters done to this country?
  15. Nunes has zero creditibility left. Zero. The stuff coming out now is too suspicious to be left alone. The guy needs to step down from any role in this investigation AND make a full accounting of everything he did on and around the dates of his unannounced White House visit. If he does both those things, and his explanations are benign (they likely aren't) he can maybe escape being a subject of the FBI's investigation, but without both of those there is no way to assume he's doing anything but obstructing for the sake of protecting the White House.
  16. No way. There are many things for which my suspension of disbelief will kick in for, but Paul Ryan literally groveling on his knees is not one of them. I'll need some proof. But holy cow that would be hilarious if true.
  17. Spicer: Of course we condemn the arrests. That's a clown question bro. Journo: But no official statement has been issued. Spicer: Well treat this as an official statement. Listen, the Administration is too busy to be responding to every little protest in Russia. Journo: What about Putin? Spicer: I think ultimately Putin's people will set things right. Journo: And if they don't...? Spicer: RADICAL MOOSE-LAMBS!
  18. There is a natural inclination towards normalcy that most people have. People want to assume the status quo will return, that things will be "normal" and all the craziness will turn out to not be as bad as it looks. That is a mistake. We need to stop assuming there's a ceiling to this. Will there actually be treason here? Who knows, we're not quite there yet. But it's folly to write it off at this point. There is no ceiling on this just yet. Well here's the thing. In Russia they arrest protesters, and kill journalists. Maybe they're actually trying to cut you a break.
  19. You know you screwed up BIG time when Tom Cotton, GOP Senator, is praising the way the ACA was passed compared to...whatever the hell the GOP just tried to do.
  20. Not so much "Russia" as "foreign government." You cannot put a foreign government's interests ahead of the US'.
  21. Take with a grain of salt for the time being until we get more sources on this, but Flynn flipping almost certainly means that whatever is there to get will be gotten. FBI flips people into cooperating witnesses usually only when there are bigger fish to fry. Flynn was NSA. Only bigger fish is the Orange man himself.
  22. Yup. I have a family member who basically only posts far right fake news sites. She's slipped under the veil, and I think it is not possible to pull her out again. Two things from the past 3 days she's posted (she is a pretty standard "doesn't get you shouldn't re-post 800 things a day on Facebook" person): http://www.yesimright.com/james-comey-is-finished/ ; http://truthfeed.com/breaking-comey-testimony-dems-wanted-to-hurt-trump-instead-cast-suspicion-over-obama/58781/ In case you want to save the clicks (you really should save them), they're websites saying that the Russian stuff has been proven to be nothing (which is obviously false), and that Trump's claim of wiretapping has been proven true (also obviously false).
  23. There are two kinds of insurance companies; the ones that are changing with the ACA and working within it and those who pine for the old ways. The ones that pine for the old ways (or want to extract concessions from the government, see: Aetna) keep saying the ACA will fail, but they also actively attempt to sabotage it where they can. On the whole, the ACA would do very well if all the states accepted expanded Medicaid and insurance companies stopped trying to actively sabotage it.
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