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Everything posted by PigskinRedskin

  1. Oh I agree, it's a different team and with EB I feel more confident, I'm just saying I could see a similar outcome is all. If it gets out of hand early, definitely feel better with adjustments to turn the tide in Washington's favor. The weather I think helps us more than them. Some strong running by Robinson, maybe some good screens (which showed possible this year thankfully). Hopefully we win, living in Rochester, all I hear is Bills, Bills, Bills. Ugh haha.
  2. I think the Bills will be taking command most of the game similar to Week 3 matchup back in 2021. We got a decent team but the Bills just are more complete and if Allen plays more like last week then the first week, then will be a tough outing. Though I think there will still be aspects of the game to be excited about for the future but just a complete game on all sides of the ball against a consistent playoff team.
  3. Wow, I wasn't expecting for the team to be this atrocious....
  4. It's just nice to not hear the name [redacted] anymore. The energy is different, just feels good. Now we can focus more on the product on the field and not be so worried about what headlines may be coming because of [redacted].
  5. Just would like to see some good execution by the first team offense. Not too focused on the score but technique and being on the same page, as well as discipline. None of this:
  6. Pretty cool shot. Definitely wish I lived closer, it's going to be a blast this year with the rejuvenated energy from having Thou Shall Not Be Named gone and Harris & Co. taking over!
  7. I can't wait till it's official and we can finally celebrate. Just sitting here waiting for the news is taking forever!
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