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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. https://streamable.com/7dt0a?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&fbclid=IwAR3J1hlk-vgoswQPS18BxFxb2Vm32leW0lvJ0JynEgSdklj6Oeu1sJjnu5c teaser with alernate ending. Sorry it didn’t embed. 😀
  2. The Force Awakens sucked. The Last Jedi was unforgivable. But I'm sure this one will be amazing!
  3. Finally saw Aquaman. That is undoubtedly the best piece of **** I've seen in quite a while (maybe since The Fifth Element). It is totally committed to its silly, ****ty story and happily goes off the deep end with ruthless zeal. It has everything, including Willem Dafoe with a man bun. Solid. Gotta be the best stoner flick of the decade. Can't believe how much I enjoyed it. (3/4)
  4. I’m taking some of that Rickie at 20-1 Augusta action. So we can celebrate together!
  5. The Favourite - (2018, dir. Yorgos Lanthimos) To keep this short and sweet, this is a British comedy that takes place in the early 1700s. Queen Anne has failing health and two women vie for her attention and the power that comes with it. The costumes and set pieces are breathtakingly done, providing a nice backdrop to what otherwise boils down to an old-fashioned cat fight. This is Lanthimos' follow up to one of my personal faves, The Lobster. The tone is similar here, but I think this film is more cinema conscious instead of focusing mainly on the jokes. I loved it, but I think the tone slowly shifts to more serious territory in the final act. It made the ending feel a bit tedious. There are laugh out loud moments. Olivia Coleman is great as Queen Anne. Emma Stone is solid, yet unspectacular (in my eye). I think she's really talented, but for some reason I just don't find her to be terribly interesting. Maybe it's just a personal thing. Rachel Weisz delivers a tour de force. Steals the film for me. She's amazing. Not sure there's a better talent working today. Fun times. (3.5/4)
  6. Agreed. This is the worst I’ve felt about things in a while. Too stunned for words at this point. Hoping for a better tomorrow.
  7. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - (1958, Richard Brooks) An adaptation of the fiery Tennessee Williams play, Brooks' adaptation is a real scorcher. For those unfamiliar with the play, Paul Newman plays a drunken ex-football player who takes his seductive wife (Elizabeth Taylor) home to see his family. His father is a Memphis tycoon, played by the incomparable Burl Ives (Oscar win). I love this film. Is it a little over the top at times? Yes. Do I care? No. I could watch a young Newman and Taylor go round and round all day. Dirty secrets. Flawed characters. Nobody holds back, as they tear each other apart. They hit hard, fast, and deep. Nobody escapes unscathed. This feels like a southern version of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, which is also a favorite of mine. I really miss the days when Hollywood wrote these types of characters. Six nominations, including Best Picture and nods for both Newman and Taylor. Easily some of their best work. A true classic. (4/4)
  8. Nats games gonna be at least fifteen minutes shorter this year. Bryce isn’t around to step out to measure his **** after every single pitch. I think you guys will be better with him gone.
  9. We’ve discussed Creed 2 on here before, but after watching the original Rocky I have a new take on this. Creed checked all the story boxes but it had no scope. The fight in Rocky felt like the most important sporting event in history. The world was gonna watch. The fights in Creed felt like a Thursday night undercard on ESPN2.
  10. They are parsing through Cohen’s prepared testimony right now. Gonna be a long day tomorrow. Fireworks.
  11. Yeah. Let’s make our policy decisions based on quotes from The Godfather. I guess it’s better than Sicario 2: Electric Bugaloo.
  12. Betting against the Dookies. Again. Syracuse +6.
  13. When Comey was fired and Rosenstein was questioned before the committee, I remember thinking “now Trump is just gonna skate with this guy in charge”. Soon he appointed Mueller. Hoping the same thing will happen with Barr. Somebody has to stop this atrocity. Might as well be Bill.
  14. So Mueller extended the grand jury by six months and now Barr walks in and says it’s finished? Doesn’t add up for me. We shall see.
  15. People talk about how Bennett does more with less at UVA, but Harris and Brogdon were pretty damn good.
  16. Betting against Duke. Again. NC State +17.
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