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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. I hate reading Twitter threads. It’s like reading a novel with only five words on every ****ing page.
  2. They should let Jim Jordan ask all the questions. He knows a sexual assault cover up when he sees one.
  3. I think if they were gonna fire Rosenstein, they should've done it earlier. Too much going on now with the Cohen and Manafort flip. I'm pretty sure no matter how damaging the info Mueller brings to light, Congress will sit on their hands. I mean, most of those guys are in the pocket of the NRA/Russians too. We are so ****ing lost.
  4. He could grope her in the middle of the hearing and still get confirmed. This is just a sideshow.
  5. All the photos of BK used for headlines are changing. The pics have gone from smiling BK to shady/rapey BK. I remember they did the same thing to Tiger Woods when he hit rock bottom. They made that dude look pure evil.
  6. It's kinda like when Sessions didn't recall the meeting where Papadopoulos wanted to set up a back channel to Russia, but he remembered that he told him it wasn't a good idea. I wonder what his response would be under oath.
  7. You keep saying this. We’re talking about two reputable, intelligent people here in the prime of their lives. Not two elderly patients with dementia. The whole “they could both think they are telling the truth” is hot garbage.
  8. I think that's a stretch. In the realm of possibility, sure. Very plausible? Nah. Somebody isn't telling the truth.
  9. There's a lot of people who say nice things about Kavanaugh. Of course, a lot of people said nice things about Ted Bundy, too.
  10. Wilmington has gotten 20 inches of rain so far. Will get close to forty. We're not getting near the winds here in Greenville, NC, but we're still gonna get probably 15 inches of rain. It's a relentless storm. New Bern, Morehead City, Wrightsville Beach all suffering catastrophic losses. A sad day for my beloved home state.
  11. I'm in Greenville, NC. My aunt refuses to head inland, so I am staying here with her. We're prepared, but I've never been through a storm like this before. Gonna be a wild few days.
  12. Reed is out. Or at least it’s a really safe bet. I wanna see us come out with some urgency. Get into a rhythm. Score some points. We need some confidence. EDIT: I have been scooped by a drunken potato. I am self imposing a two day ban on myself. I will see y’all Saturday.
  13. Agreed. Some troll gonna have to come in here and talk about how they like the taste of dog **** to beat that one. I've taken a picture of the outside/inside of a card and texted it to somebody instead of mailing it. Not sure if this is cheap or genius.
  14. One is great cinema. The others are Big Macs floating in a broken toilet behind McDonalds.
  15. Did you really just compare the car chase in Bullitt to the one's in Ronin and Baby Driver? Dear lord. I should've followed @Momma There Goes That Man's lead and ducked outta here.
  16. I hate old white dudes debating classic rock bull****.
  17. As good as it gets. So good. Having Tiger back in the hunt is great, win or lose. The energy level at the course is at a different level.
  18. Ah, the good ole “my client would never be that stupid” defense. Enjoy jail you smug ****.
  19. I kinda liked it. Now I know why. This trial pleases me. Excited to see who they call tomorrow.
  20. Ted Koppel wrote a book about the possibility of an attack on our power grid called "Lights Out" a few years back. I remember most were dismissive of it as a money grab. I saw Ted doing the talk show rounds, and the implications of such an attack are disturbing to say the least.
  21. Not sure. Just don't make the same mistake I did and look up MyRoot.com You know, the conspiracy lib in me has thought about this subject a bit. If they did change votes and swayed the election (not saying they did), would it be better for the good of the country to bury that? Wouldn't it undermind our democracy more if we admitted that a foreign power rigged our election, more than just dealing with results and making sure it didn't happen again? The fallout would be nuts.
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