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Everything posted by profusion

  1. Orchard Park Football Team - 31 Landover Football Team - 24 Bills are better, but not by as much as we might think.
  2. Ugh, Chargers don't look so awesome against the Cowboys. I don't if this means anything in the grand scheme of things.
  3. Heinicke looked a lot more accurate against Tampa last year. He's really sailing them high tonight.
  4. I'll admit to being nervous about this one after how flat they were on Sunday.
  5. Let's not forget this was a 7-9 team last year. Making the playoffs in more convincing fashion this year would represent a sizable leap for the franchise. The offense has to be more than "give Gibson the ball and see if he can make something happen," which is how it started out on Sunday. Heinicke has to get Mclaurin and Thomas involved for them to have any shot this year. I think the defense will come around.
  6. WFT 31 NYG 10 Friday: Irrational playoff predictions start.
  7. A lot of concerns, but I'm not willing to be more definitive than that in Week 1.
  8. Yeah, this was a frustrating game. The third-down conversions by the Chargers we're ridiculous.
  9. I believe he said he won't know more until tomorrow.
  10. I'm not spinning it or saying it's okay. Just not flailing my arms and writing off the season after a single bad game to start the year.
  11. Only one team in history has won ALL the games. It's not realistic. I've watched the NFL for too long to make judgements based on Week 1. There are certainly huge warning signs; I'm not downplaying that.
  12. I'm not going to overreact based on Week 1. It's just possible that the Chargers are that good--they certainly have a ton of talent to work with. The Giants game will tell us a lot. It might be that making the playoffs at 7-9 last year has given us false hopes.
  13. Sure looked like Gibson's elbow was down before the ball came out. Guess the booth didn't feel the need to review.
  14. That's how you do it!!! Kind of surprised, since Herbert's been on-point all day.
  15. Ugh. I can't get too down on Hopkins for missing a 51-yarder. That false start was horrible. We just can't afford that.
  16. That facemask call on Gibson looked dubious to me. Appeared to be a good stiff-arm, to me.
  17. That's the kind of wacky stuff that usually goes against us. I'll take it.
  18. I can't imagine that'll stand, but we'll see...
  19. Sewage pipes bursting is something you'd have expected at the Vet or the old Cleveland Stadium. Wow. The smell undoubtedly matches the game, so far.
  20. Seems longer than that, actually. We've barely seen our offense.
  21. I'm not going to overreact based on the first half of the first game. Doesn't look good, though.
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