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Posts posted by Llevron

  1. 28 minutes ago, illone said:

    Curious which channel everyone prefers for draft coverage?


    Normally I stick to NFL Network, but was just watching command center and apparently Peters and Quinn will be making comments right after each pick...



    If they are going to be on there then that is what I’m watching. Normally it’s NFL network for me though if I’m home. 

  2. I think discounting Daniels progress made over his career is only doing you a disservice. Clearly people are taking that into account and it sounds like they are weighing it heavily. Sounds to me its something they like about him, versus the argument that he is a one year wonder. At least, they are willing to role the dice on the prospect that is the case. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, mistertim said:


    So now you're doing the "he doesn't always do that" straw man. He doesn't always do it as soon as there's pressure. But he does a lot. Which is the point. 


    You turned my argument into a strawman because you cannot argue it. That is a you problem. I don't have to defend this stuff. But look at what you said, look at what I said, and then look at what you said I said. They differ a lot. You are defensive about the "he doesn't always do that" argument because its correct, he doesn't. You want to argue its a pattern of behavior that is difficult if not impossible to solve at the next level. I argue he is coached to do it, is making the correct, positive play. We have danced this dance before. Its why we used to be friends. 


    Honestly if you are going to do this I don't know why we are even getting into this. You know what I'm going to say at this point. And I know you are going to accuse me of making strawman arguments. No fun in that for me. And I guarantee you can anticipate my responses to all these points by now. So soon we are just gonna skip all the typing and just grunt at each other. 


    1 hour ago, mistertim said:

    I'm sorry that statistic means nothing to you. But if you take a look at some of the guys who were nearly as low in that category and went to the NFL...well let's just say it's not very good company. 


    The list of people good at that stat is not super good company either really. Unless you manipulate the numbers to only include people who got a second contract (ie isolate the good people). Then sure, you have a point. PFF, who loves this number, says all the time that its nebulous at best when it comes to predicting an NFL career. Only that its hard to improve on. Which I agree its hard to improve. Might be something he struggles with. 


    1 hour ago, mistertim said:

    And yes, often the results were good in college against inferior athletes. But the NFL is different and I don't think his running style is going to translate well. Especially with how thin he is and the nutso way he takes hits.


    Speed kills at all levels. He has it. He will be effective. Define wont translate. Cause if you mean he wont be getting yards on the ground in the NFL then I couldn't disagree more and I don't think you have anyway to prove that. If you mean he will take such big hits that he will break then yes that is the worry we agree there. 


    1 hour ago, mistertim said:

    In the NFL he's inevitably going to get decleated multiple times, and it's probably only matter of time until the result is an injury. 


    The hope will be he learns or his coach sits him before it ends his career. But it is a worry, yes. 


    1 hour ago, mistertim said:

    As far as WRs who can get open, it's not a matter of getting open, it's a matter of the difference between NFL open and college open. He's not going to have Nabers amd Thomas getting several yards of separation over and over.


    And this is where his low amount of anticipation throws on tape could rear its head. The majority of the time, even on anticipation routes like comebacks and outs, he didn't throw the ball until he saw his guy open. 


    He got away with it in college, especially since his receivers were getting so much separation. But that won't be the case in the NFL. Tons of those throws would have been picks in the pros. 


    We watched offensive coordinators all over the NFL during the regular season and especially in the playoffs scheme guys wide open. Are we the only team in the league who is not planning to do that? Even if we are (the only team who wont scheme guys open) watching his film gives me no reason to believe he cant do this stuff. He has done it. He also looks to be really good staying on time and on schedule in the pocket. If there is a worry about him passing, its how often he does it outside of the planned offense. To me its easy to see what he could do in the correct structure. 


    Honestly we have done this enough I know your points. I think they are valid. I just disagree with your analysis. Thats not what ended our friendship. It was that snake who got in between us. 

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  4. Just now, mistertim said:


    A guy who pulls his eyes down and runs as soon as there's pressure at a borderline historic rate is a running QB.


    My issue with this is you saying he does it as soon as there is pressure and there is plenty of tape of him not doing that. I just don't agree with your analysis there. Most people don't, actually. So I don't know what else I can do to dissuade you there. I think he manages pressure better than Maye actually. Room for improvement for both, though. 


    Just now, mistertim said:

    Daniels ranks 193 out of 196 QB prospects since 2019 in how low his pass rate vs run rate when pressured is.


    That means almost nothing to me. And you know my argument here is why take credit from him for positive plays he is making? When he does take off, he is very effective. He averaged over 8 yards per carry last season. It would be stupid for him not to run it. Its basically a guaranteed 1st down. Its the smart play. 


    Just now, mistertim said:

    And IMO it's likely to be even worse in the NFL as be won't have the kind of OL and elite WRs he did in college. 


    Right. He wont have WRs that can get open and OL that can black in the school. Excellent point. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    Yeah, he missed on the Ben Johnson part. But i definitely do have the fear that we'll pick the next bust running QB while Maye goes to the Pats and ends up as the next Josh Allen.


    It would be such a quintessential Washington move.


    This fear is grounded in your analysis that he is a running QB. Which is incorrect. I have failed miserably to convince you of otherwise and that is my failure, not yours. I blame myself. 

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  6. 6 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    I think it may have been more from a "Daniels is probably going to get hurt and we'll need a decent backup" perspective. 


    I get it but in order for Howell to be a decent back up he would have to get some reps. I dont want to give him any reps. I aint giving Mariota any reps either if I can help it. He is better prepared for that than Howell. 

    7 minutes ago, HTTRDynasty said:

    I would agree if the injury risk with Daniels wasn’t so apparent. 


    If he gets injured as often as yall think he will we are picking again in the top 3 sooner than Howell gets a new contract anyway. Its fine. Sam Howell brings us literally nothing. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, HTTRDynasty said:

    If we do draft Daniels, I think trading away Howell was a mistake. 


    If we draft Daniels and we put everything we can into his development as a player AND he busts, we wouldn't be thinking about Howell anyway. We would be picking high again. 


    And whoever we pick we need to put 100% of the effort behind them. I learned that from the great @Going Commando

  8. 31 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    lol yeah it's sort of like if you asked an NFL QB what his goal for the year is and he said "Put up big stats so I can make the pro bowl and get a fat bonus check for it"

    I mean I heard a NFL guy once say that he had to sign a mega deal in order for the rest of the little guys behind him to get paid fair deals. And he has been one of the best in the league for a few seasons now. So, I’m not overly concerned about the mindset. These guys are different and what motivates them 🤷🏽‍♂️

    I am full on shocked at the lack of awareness though. Like bruh…..play the game lol

    32 minutes ago, mac8887 said:

    It doesn’t really bother me to much, if he would’ve said SEC championship or national championship, he would’ve been a failure. He had to say something that he actually accomplished, so he went with the Heisman. 

    Most likely. I never went into a job interview talking about stuff I failed to accomplish unless they asked me that specifically. I don’t really care either way though. He had to play pretty to to win that Trophy. That means he had to help his team. 

  9. The idea that they would draft a guy who they harbor ill will and resentment towards #2 overall should tell you all you really need to know about that guys opinion. It’s ****ing stupid. They would never draft a guy they don’t like as the most important piece. Come on! 

    Especially with the arguably more talented Maye right there. There is no reason to do it. 

  10. Just now, mistertim said:


    I actually think the fact that he took Kyler points to him being very flexible with who he can work with, as opposed to that being the type of QB he looks for. He was a new HC with a #1 overall pick. They had Rosen, who he probably knew sucked and didn't like.


    So his first order of business was getting a new QB he could mold. It was a **** QB draft and Murray was the best of the bunch. So he took the chance and bet on his ability to mold his system to Kyler's strengths.

    Kyler problem is that he’s stupid and doesn’t study. None of the QBs in this draft are like that so I agree he will probably be fine with whoever.

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  11. 25 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    You just cannot assume Daniels will continue this insane trajectory of growth. In college he was super experienced playing against a bunch of kids. In the NFL he'll be the fresh meat. 


    Its more likely he's already plateaued than anything else.

    I think it’s fair to assume he has the capability to continue to improve and if you think your organization is in place to help him with that, then it’s worth rolling the dice on his potential. 

    Same as Maye, really. I don’t know why y’all are so bent out of shape with the idea that he can still get better. 

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  12. 37 minutes ago, ntotoro said:

    Keim wants JD and has been trying to manifest it into existence based on he-said, she-said... and no one inside the team.


    Now he's hedging his bets. I know he has his defenders, but it feels like he's living off the graces of FO's of the past. My estimation of him and his petty saltiness on social media had plummeted this offseason.

    It’s crazy cause you made almost all of that up and you probably really believe it 

    18 minutes ago, MartinC said:

    The draft can’t get here fast enough. 

    That’s said we then have to deal with the predictable melt downs of some posters if ‘their’ guy isn’t the pick. 


    I figured y’all lived for this stuff lol

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