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Posts posted by Llevron

  1. I legit would be good with all 3, even McCarthy. 

    We are in a glorious position. Usually you have at best one good QB and a bunch of projects to choose from. We have a new HC, a new GM and they will be able to choose from whoever they think is best for exactly what they want to do. And they have a variety of talent to choose from. I’m honestly stoked regardless. I just want to see what they come up with. The wait is killing me a little. 

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  2. Just now, RWJ said:

    Funniest thing is that Mr. Bill in NE did this process time and time again and now it's getting out that this is new (i.e., bring players together like Peters did) and a BIG IF this is true they don't like it the laugh is on them, the TOP GOLF players.  SMH.  LOL  

    In all honesty - being serious for a moment - if it really pissed off JD and his crew so much that they would torpedo him for real, then it was 100% worth it to have the little party. I can’t se how anyone could disagree with the results in that case. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, illone said:


    I’m here for it 😂

    We probably wont know for sure for 2-3 years anyways. In my mind the draft is just the start. Not saying you shouldnt celebrate if your guy is picked. Thats fun too. But its more fun to win the division five years in a row. 

    Yea we won’t know anything for sure for a while. All these guys get a grace period. This transition is not easy. 

    That said….there is going to be no shortage of “I knew we picked the wrong guy” posts with the first negative play. Probably won’t wait that long. Let the ball hit the ground in training camp! Mannnnn

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  4. 1 hour ago, CapsSkins said:


    Shedeur Sanders talking to Quinn Ewers next year:


    SS: "Hey man, this draft process is crazy. You picked an agent yet?"

    QE: "Talking to a few. Some big guys like Athletes First, Don Yee's shop, but also some smaller ones. Hey Ron Butler at Agency 1 hit me up."

    SS: "Jayden's guy? Wasn't he the one tweeting about the Commanders draft process that cause a lot of drama? I definitely wouldn't go with him."

    QE "Yeah there's so much craziness going on already, don't need to add to it."


    Before I signed with my agents, I called around to get info on their reputations. I did my homework. This is not an "any publicity is good publicity" business. 


    He probably would have picked Drew Rosenhaus. I'm sure you remember how many scandals his guy has been involved in. Yet he is still doing his thing. I dont think the tweet is the kiss of death you think it is. Im sure publicity wasn't the intent of him liking the tweet. But once the fire was on them and they started making MORE of them? Its pretty clear to me that they like the attention yall are giving them. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Ghost of said:

    @Llevron You keep doing this like there's a possibility you're right and I think the only reason you're invested in that possibility is because of your feelings on the QB involved.  And it's totally legit to say you don't think this will affect the pick itself.  Or that you think the team and the agents will patch it up if need be.  But to act like you know better than someone who just talked to you from a place of expertise in entertainment is some kind of ego, dude.


    I thought that's what we have been doing the whole time in this thread?? Arguing against people with expertise is our thing why is it an issue now?


    I think its pretty obvious they have more name recognition today than they did yesterday. 



  6. 1 minute ago, CapsSkins said:


    I started my entertainment career at a talent agency and a famous TV agent once told me "all you have in this town are your taste and your word".

    What you are saying is flat-out wrong I will trust my decade of experience in a similar business on this matter. But you are of course entitled to your own opinion.


    We dont have to argue over it. You know the agency now right? Did you know them last week? Its that simple 

    Just now, illone said:


    feels like he wanted to be romanced. 

    instead he ended up on a weird episode of the bachelor: top golf edition and didnt know how to handle other people being in the room. 


    Thats exactly what its like actually lol 

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, mistertim said:


    So you honestly think it's a good media strategy to potentially damage your clients draft position and potentially cost him millions of dollars just so you can get some extra attention on social media? 


    Explain the damage. Cause right now you have to be telling me that he is possibly going #2 over all and that his agents tweet messed that up. You really believe all of that? 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    So in your opinion it's basically every possibility except clear damage control. I have no clue why this is a hill you're choosing to die on. The agent said/did something dumb. It got lots of negative attention. Someone else is coming to his defense in an attempt to control the fallout. Seems relatively straightforward and happens all the time in media.


    You know what else is a straightforward concept that happens ALL the time in media? All publicity is good publicity. You didnt even know these dudes existed yesterday. You know im right. It makes just as much sense as damage control over a ****ing emoji lol 

    • Haha 1
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  9. 2 minutes ago, CapsSkins said:


    Athlete agenting is not a public-facing business, they don't need randos clicking on their profile. I know some agents and am working with a Hall of Fame player on some TV/film stuff. I have my own agents for screenwriting. These are heavily reputational and relationship-driven businesses and the rep should never be the story. Especially when this is causing negative swirl. It's amateurish at best and signals character concerns at worst. 


    2 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    "Crap, I was wrong and didn't do cursory research. Would a mea culpa be in order? Nah, I'll just pretend like the guys who did the 10 second cursory research are actually dopes for giving the people on Twitter more exposure instead!"


    Yall are easily played. All they need is one new athlete or parent to see their names and remember them next time around and its worth it. Dude is going #2 or #3 overall most likely and now yall cant stop talking about his agency. Its free publicity and I guarantee not one team cares about this guys agent if they think he is that talented 

    • Haha 3
    • Sad 1
  10. 1 minute ago, mistertim said:


    If they're not in damage control mode why did another agent from the same firm quickly get on Twitter and say "FAKE NEWS!" to something that clearly happened?


    I think they know this looks pretty damn bad. Maybe they hoped it wouldn't have legs but it certainly appears to.


    How do you know its another agent from the same firm?

  11. 2 hours ago, Conn said:

    No, that particular argument is basically a dog whistle to the people who say that defensive coaches generally prefer running QB’s because they personally scare them more in regular season gameplanning. It’s a well-known trope. So saying that the HC (who was a DC) would prefer the guy that would scare him the most in year 1 is not giving our decision-making group enough credit, is my only point. Any elite passer is automatically the hardest player on the field to defend. Obviously a smart decision-making group would prioritize drafting whoever they believe that will be—and weigh whether that’s in year 1, or year 2, or whatever. But yeah the dumb “former defensive coordinators tend to favor the guy who would scare them in game prep right now” is a long-standing argument and the implication is that for a guy like Quinn, it would be weighted heavier than long term potential as a passer. It’s just not giving our organization’s acquisition of a real GM enough credit. It’s poor reasoning whether we end up taking Daniels or not. If we take Daniels, it’ll be because Peters is betting that he becomes an elite passer longterm—not because Quinn thinks he’s the hardest to defend right now.


    Ah well honestly we agree. I misunderstood you my bad 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Conn said:

    Remember when people used to look forward to having a highly regarded GM, in part, so that you have someone in the organization who isn’t beholden to short term thinking? 

    Yeah I think some of these guys are forgetting about that when explaining the logic behind why they think the pick will be whoever 

    Saying he is harder to defend is short term thinking now? 

    You want the one that’s easier to defend cause…..?

  13. Just now, SoCalSkins said:

    It’s Maye. It’s always been Maye. The build up and intrigue is all show. 

    Now that you know are you happier? You opened the Christmas gift on December 18. Felt great on December 18 but not having something to open on the 25th might not be as fun. 

    Please don’t ask me about Santa being real. 😂 



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