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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. I've been thinking the exact same thing. And it's hardly just this year, we've seen these breakdowns for years now.
  2. I think too much has been made about Trump's visit to DC. Look at the pic, does anyone look familiar? Maybe because maybe they worked for Trump at the resort and they were meeting to discuss that business? I have not followed the J6 investigation, I have grown so disgusted with the Pubs and their attitude that it was no big deal and have been focusing on the documents scandal. What potential charges will come to Trump and his cronies?
  3. But what does "throwing down the gauntlet" mean? What power did they possess to take more action? 2 impeachments would have never done the trick as the GOP members refused to convict. I'm not exactly sure of the process to invoke the 25th Amendment is but pretty sure it would require a vote from the very same GOP members who obviously would never vote in favor on enacting the 25th Amendment.
  4. Now new to the board, new to the politics thread. I stand by my position that with 2 impeachments, the J6 investigation etc they are trying, the GOP continues to hinder them.
  5. Then he should be railing again his former party in a scorned lover sort of way. I mean I get what he is saying and agree to some extent. But it's not hard to see who the party in the wrong is here.
  6. You sure make long posts and put in great effort to blame the wrong party. While some of what you say is true IMO you are pointing your gun in the wrong direction.
  7. The Dems are not the party at fault. That would be the GOP, the party that enable this monster and blocks every Democratic attempt at justice.
  8. All this will do is delay things, and give the Trump supporters one less thing to cry about in the process. Unless I am mistaken I don't see how this changes their ability to follow the evidence and proceed eventually after this is sorted out.
  9. I'm not sure how the Democrats are to blame. They impeached him, twice. They are holding J6 hearings. They are being crippled by those on the other side of the aisle. I'm not sure why so many are freaking out at this Special Master. How will that stop the investigation? It appears it will only delay things a bit and in the process not give the Trump supporters something to cry about had she ruled differently. Am I missing something about this SM and what this person would do to the investigation?
  10. This is simply not true. We all should know the name Reality Winter by now. This is just one of many examples of people serving serious time for far less than what Trump has done Reality Leigh Winner (born December 4, 1991)[5] is an American former enlisted US Air Force member and intelligence specialist. In 2018, she was given the longest prison sentence ever imposed for unauthorized release of government information to the media[6] after she leaked an intelligence report about Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[7] She was sentenced to five years and three months in federal prison.[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_Winner#:~:text=Reality Leigh Winner (born December 4%2C 1991) is,five years and three months in federal prison.
  11. Yeah but we've had a whole lot of things with Trump that we're unprecedented. I mean I get why they would be reluctant to do it but again the DOJ had made it pretty clear that he wants to send a message that nobody's above the law. You also want to send a message so that nobody else tries to do this. There was never a doubt that they were going to wait until after the midterms, but I would be very surprised if they don't indict him
  12. Thank you. I checked an odds makers still have Trump Not Indicted as the betting favorite. Can someone explain this to me? The DOJ head said very clearly nobody is above the law.
  13. Yeah I've been wondering what happened to her. She is facing serious legal issues for sure, you can't take back a document you signed that was a lie. She has learned that when you get into bed with Donald Trump it rarely works out well for you, Not an ounce of sympathy, she knew who he was.
  14. I gave you a like as this is a solid point and one that I had considered. Yes its a bit too early to evaluate Ron's draft picks. But this is not 1992 anymore. We see more young players making impacts today because they come in more developed than in years past, We did not need a few years to see how good TM was for instance, or how bad Troy Apke was. It seems to me if a guy is a player we know within the first year or 2 in most cases, Of course players can improve, but can we really count on a player at the level of BSJ will improve to the level of a good starting corner? Will J. Davis make the huge leap from a year ago to even consider justifying his selection at 19?
  15. So now that it appears as if you have no rebuttal to my points on RR's roster moves you are going to keep hammering home this one? As I already pointed out the best players on this roster were here before RR arrived. As has been pointed out it's hard to know exactly how much control Smith had, and again Snyder stole his first round pick. But the fact remains the best players on this team, specifically but not limited to TM, and Allen, were picked when Smith was here.
  16. No actually my point was this staff has not done well. A point you continued to ague so I have simply responded to your arguments. As for Smith as others had mentioned with Bruce and Dan (who torpedoed their first round pick by forcing Haskins, if not we could be talking about a hit by Kyle Smith) around it's hard to determine which were really Kyle's picks. What I do know if the best players on this team were here before RR took over personnel.
  17. While I admire your passion this is a homer post. Cosmi is solid, I'll give you that. But "very good" as you claimed? Well as my example showed at this point in time he is not at the Very Good catagory, not even close. We don't know about Davis. But you seem convinced he will be an impact player. That has not happened yet so too early for you to spike the football there, to date he has not lived up to his draft status, not even close. But you are right, he was drafted as a bit of a project. Which of course lead to the question why are they spending the 19th pick in the draft on a project? We'll see on him but to date, well.... BSJ is a pick I really liked at the time. But to date there is nothing, I repeat nothing, that shows us that he will be a "good" starting CB. And he sure isn't there now, so again your claim that he is "good" is premature. Finding a blocking TE in the middle rounds is just not that difficult. Why are we even mentioning back of the roster players like Milne? They have no impact, every team in the league has a Milne on their roster. Year 3 and to date not one impact player has been drafted, or signed as a FA for that matter, by this staff.
  18. I'm pretty sure the leak came from a Secret Service agent. They have taken an oath to protect the country right?
  19. Again you are dealing in theory. Yes Cosmi was pretty good, when he played. Not sure what the definition of "very good" is but for argument's sake let's say that means he is in the top third. Anything below that would be considered "above average" which is a far cry from "very good". So are you now arguing that Sam Cosmi on August 28, 2022 is considered in the top 3rd of all starting RTs? Come on now...... And no it's not only dip****s that are labeling Davis a potential bust. It was pretty damn apparent. How many times have we heard coaches talk up players in camp? Remember how we heard how Devon Thomas has really improved? We've heard that about a thousand players over the years. Of course he could turn out to be really good, but we are a long way from actually seeing that in games that actually matter. Preseason games don't count, just ask Marco Mitchell fans. If you ask me only dip****s will listen to that talk and actually argue that it's fact. Still looking for that one impact player, and you have shown that you still don't have any. Just wishful thinking
  20. Cosmi is still a bit unproven. And finding OL in the draft is not that hard, as are backup TEs such as Bates. Davis? Are we talking about the same Davis that still has BUST written all over him? He has proven nothing. Are you really using Milne as an example of solid drafting? Really? Those guys are a dime a dozen. I'm still looking for one impact player and it sure ain't on your list. And then we have the free agents they have signed. Only way to describe that is sigh. This is Ron's third season, can you really look at this roster and claim it is vastly better than the one he inherited?
  21. The best players on this team are still players who were here before RR and his staff arrived. As was pointed out above Smith's picks were certainly not terrible, had Tim Settle been drafted years ago without the DT they had here at the time he would have been considered a hit in the later rounds. Now how many impact players, or even good solid starters, has RR and his staff drafted in 3 drafts?
  22. It's actually 25%. The third round has the second highest number of receivers drafted with 52 but only a 25% success rate. https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2015/2/20/8072877/what-the-statistics-tell-us-about-the-draft-by-round I'm not calling out Ron for this pick specifically. As I said it appears as if this is yet another miss by a staff that has had very few impact picks.
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