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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. Neil from Rockville is not the only attorney I've heard say the league won't vote him out due to his legal threats. I heard, or read, another lawyer who specializes in this, I believe he did work for the league, say the same thing. Seems people with legal knowledge have one opinion, sports writers and message board posters have a different view. I think that article about the MJW Report is accurate. And I firmly blame Goodell, who obviously did everything he could do to let Dan off the hook with regard to the Wilkerson Report, will have that report read exactly as he wishes. Now has his opinion changed?. Being forced to testify before Congress as Snyder hides out on his yacht in the Europe could do that I would think. But I've leaned long ago not to trust Roger Goodell to do the right thing.
  2. The problem of course is Peter King didn't even reference things like intimidating witnesses and more. Those things most definitely happened within the past 2 years and it shows the culture has not changed, instead he referenced the record, stadium crowd etc.
  3. So Czabe is finally discussing Washington sports? I follow him on Twitter and he's a full on Wisconsin guy in his new persona.
  4. I had asked for a link too. There is so much crazy out of those 2 it was totally believable that she would say that.
  5. This is what I'm saying. Is there any doubt the league tried their best to cover for Dan and wash their hands of all of this with the Wilkeson Report, the "punishment" etc? Have they done a complete 180 in such a short amount of time? I'm not totally convinced.
  6. I voiced my concerns about the MJW investigation as Freidman is not credible and the Tiffany Johnson allegation is hearsay with no proof. As so many owners are waiting on this report if it is not damaging how do they justify voting him out.
  7. I keep asking myself who I hate more and it always comes up a draw. To answer your question I believe there is a better chance of Snyder losing the team than Trump ever being convicted of a crime (if that was what you meant by "go down").
  8. It may also be career suicide. If, and I'm still forced to use the word if, this is the end I don't want him convinced to sell. No I want him to go down in history as the first owner to be removed.
  9. 9th largest market yet 6th in overall value. That would a bit suspect if it was just that. But it isn't.. The stadium, attendance and concession/parking are way down, lost sponsors etc should mean it should not the 6th most valuable franchise to me but apparently it is.
  10. I've asked this before but can someone explain how a franchise with a crap stadium, pathetic attendance and with that comes reduced concession and parking revenue and in the 9th largest market remains one of the most valuable franchises?
  11. I have to admit that I kind of agree that a lot rests on the MJW report. Are the owners really just saying that to show that they are doing their due diligence? I'm not sure that's true for all 31. I'm also skeptical about the financial component, which was her original target. Friedman is simply not a reliable source and Snyder did produce signed affidavits from those who would know. The Tiffany Johnson accusation is just that, with no real hard evidence.
  12. Yeah I had the same take. Not sure if this is still the case but at one time Snyder owned 980 and they were very very critical of him. If BMitch is hiding his true feelings to stay on good terms with the team then I have even less respect for him,
  13. I've been asking myself for years how bad Millstein must have been for them to decide that Snyder was a better option?
  14. Not sure who had the idea but I have zero doubt RR was on board with the acquisition of Wentz. Given his other options (Mitch T etc) he probably thought he was the best option. And while it is totally true that nobody has success under Snyder this is the team he built, these are the coaches he selected so this is mostly on him.
  15. Just like with Norman they paid big money for a corner who excelled in one system and tried to get him to play well in a totally different system. Why do they keep doing this?
  16. I've been saying this for months. Congress has already filled their role, they exposed Snyder and forced the commissioner to testify, which is all a terrible look for the league. They did their job and kept the story in the news, now it's up to the other owners who will be influenced by the MJW report which is taking far longer than most of us expected. The idea of transferring power to Tanya won't fly and is a stupid suggestion that will never happen.
  17. I think the owners are waiting for the MJW report to be completed before they consider a vote. But I'm confused. The article says she is investigating allegations of sexual misconduct when I thought she was only investigating the financial impropriates allegations.
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