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Everything posted by justice98

  1. Says the public by the ratings. There's a reason there's not much hockey talk on local sports radio. 980 or 105.7 aren't not spending a lot of time on hockey out of defiance. There's a market for everything, there's just not a big enough market to trump the Redskins, Wizards/Terps/Hoyas, or the Nationals. The Caps are the best team in the sport, they're still an afterthought when anything else is going on.
  2. They don't need Sheehan and Jackson on the same show. Jackson's pleasant enough, but he doesn't really bring much to the table. What local former NHL/MLB/NBA guy is out there that should have their own show and a connection to the local audience? I think the pickings are slim. But we can just eliminate NHL of the top, nobody wants to hear so canadian or euro hockey guy talking anything other than hockey. And people don't wanna hear that much hockey talk anyway.
  3. I think the smarks knowing he was Vince's hand picked guy didn't help matters. Cuz Reigns gets a good crowd response at the house shows cuz it's a different less smarky, cynical crowd.
  4. Eden Stiles is my current #1 pick. That chick is flawless.
  5. I think it was more scheduling than he got canned. He had to choose. Because Bryan Singer was his boy and had a bigger role in the Superman movie, so he chose that over the XMEN movie. Hence why he abruptly disappears in it. He was there long enough to do his 2 scenes and he split. And Brett Ratner didn't come on X3 until late in the process.
  6. I feel like I never got to see the best of Stan Hansen, which was in Japan. I remember his WCW days which were nothing special. Wasn't he on the other end of the Vader 'eye coming out of the socket' match ?
  7. They don't have enough in their arsenal to step it up right now. They gave KO vs AJ three segments and they still ran out of quality material.
  8. Yeah, there aren't too many people in the business that seem to have a negative opinion about Stone Cold. They either are friends with him or neutral. I remember hearing about that WM appearance a few years ago with SCSA, the Rock, and Hogan and Hogan and Stone Cold don't really have the warm and fuzzies for each other. Unlike SC and Rock, who are chummy.
  9. I thought X2 was quite entertaining. But I agree that the marginalization of Cyclops in these movies was frustrating.
  10. I used to blame WWE, but watching him long enough, he shares much of the blame for his current slot. I dont think he listens to advice. I remember hearing that Booker gave him some unsolicited advice that he needs to be more selfish in the ring.
  11. It certainly did. And then even after the match it left you wondering what the point of that was. So Ziggler lost...again. If it's not a turn or character change or some other thing, it was pointless. But that promo was indicative of Dolph's problem. His promos always revolve around entertaining the fans rather than winning.
  12. That's basically where I'm at with it. Whatever they were gonna do with the ending of the streak is over with, so no sense in trying to salvage it now. Really, Taker should've retired on that, IMO.
  13. The only way Taker loses is a mega swerve of some sort, which is supposed to make you ignore the loss. Now that he's lost once, the WM record doesn't really mean anything. There's a huge difference between 0 and 1, not so much between 1 and 2.
  14. Did anybody see Corey Graves have to restrain Booker on the pre-show? Scott Stanford better watch his mouth, Booker is having none of his antics. lol
  15. They already blew the Shane return by putting him in the ring.
  16. Eh, he's been jobbing for a while now. They don't know what to do with him.
  17. Vince Russo takes credit for everything. There's a guy on Reddit doing 31 days of the worst finishers. Hilarity.
  18. It works out nicely geographically there, but the first time you get a Portland/Miami or LA/Washington first round matchup, there's gonna be a ton of complaining. That travel and scheduling is gonna be difficult.
  19. No lead is safe that they can't erase in a minute. Especially if you don't get stops. And OKC just doesn't have enough in a 7 game series. Even though they might've won that had Durant not fouled out, in the long run, Westbrook and Durant isn't enough. They need Ibaka to get in the time machine to 3-4 years ago.
  20. Has OKC not watched any tape? He's 50% from 30ft +. He's not a normal man. You HAVE to pick him up at half-court. Roberson just gave him that shot like he was John Wall. He let Steph cross and was nowhere near him and gave him an open look. C'mon man, what are you doing?? And with the game on the line! He had to shoot it from there and they let him. It's that kinda stuff that Isiah and Oscar were talking about.
  21. So there's a fan video showing Byron Saxton handing Reigns a blood capsule right before HHH turns him over to show his face.
  22. They're really gonna have to explain why Taker cares about beating Shane, in a cell, for control of Raw. He's basically Vince's henchman in this for no reason whatsoever.
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