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Everything posted by justice98

  1. Rollins looks like a guy that's spent 6 months rehabbing and working out.
  2. Playing along, maybe because the Sixers are in a desperate state and have been an embarrassment to the league following the Hinkie regime. The Celtics dont need the help and they still gave the Lakers the 2nd pick in a 2 player draft.
  3. But they had 10 more points than GSW off of made free throws. That's significant. GSW shot better from 2 and 3, OKC made up the difference at the line. But yeah, I agree, GSW didnt get to the line enough.GSW was down 1 with 2 minutes left. OKC had made 17 free throws at that point to GSWs 11. If GSW just shoots their average for the season, they're up a couple instead of down 1, putting OKC in chase mode rather than themselves. They still might've lost, but the dynamic of the last couple minutes changes.
  4. It's hard for me to get on Steph for his shot selection considering all the crazy shots we've seen him make this year, but there was one shot at the end with about 30 seconds left that was really terrible. It was one of those leaning, off balance, one footed, flick of the wrist deals. He coulda tried a little harder to put up a better shot. You're almost surprised when it doesnt go in, but not that time. If GSW simply made their free throws, they probably win. The difference in any close game can usually be explained at the line.
  5. I'll admit I was really surprised they got as much as they did out of Dudley. I expected him to not be worth much coming off the back surgery, but I was dead wrong. I expected him to be Martell Webster 2.0.
  6. The Spurs are lucky they're in the same season as GSW. No one will remember that this 67 win team, that chased history in their own right, got bounced in the 2nd round and lost 2 of the last 3 by 14. In games that werent even that close. Already, the conversation shifted to who's retiring or not.
  7. They are what they look like, generic henchmen. They dont do anything particurly interesting. They got a generic look, generic moves, generic promos, and now they have the most generic name possible, The Club, which is not their fault. But whatever they were in NJPW is irrelevant. They’re not in Japan anymore. The Bullet Club is the most overrated thing in wrestling. Gallows is the same cat I didnt care about the first time in WWE, in TNA, in NJPW, and now again in WWE. And I'm waiting to see something compelling out of Anderson. He's not untalented, but they got a lot of talented dudes.
  8. I guess he can stop worrying about the wellness violation now.
  9. It's really amazing what Marvel has been able to do with the MCU. It's really never been done like this before. They're 13 movies into this shared universe and it has all worked out pretty well. Even the less highly regarded movies arent really "bad", per se, they're just not as good as others in comparison. It's a huge endeavour, and from a quality and storytelling perspective, it all holds together pretty well, considering it had the potential to go awry at any moment. See the DCEU for how hard it is to pull off, or how easy it is to mess it up.
  10. The amount of punishment the Iron Man suits (and by extension, the regular human inside) can take bugs me.
  11. Think of it like this, Usain Bolt runs about 25-30 mph for 100 meters. Is it ridiculous that a super soldier with enhanced speed and endurance could do probably twice that for much longer?In the comics, Cap has done some pretty amazing things that make the feats of speed and strength in this movie well within the realm of possibility. They're just expanding on the things he can do, rather than making things up he cant do. Like in Winter Soldier, Cap did a little more than in the first one, and he does a little more in this one.
  12. I get what you're saying. He did seem overly skilled and adept for a kid in that situation.
  13. What kinda guilt would Tony have had had something happened to this 16 year old kid he trekked across the Atlantic without his only family member's knowledge? lol
  14. But i just dont get why Sandow can be so over and they acted like it wasnt happening. Like, do they not want fans interested in the people they put on TV?
  15. Black Friday in WWE-land. Released so far today: Damien Sandow Alex Riley Hornswoggle El Torito Cameron Santino Marella Zeb Colter Wade Barrett (but he was leaving anyway)
  16. Basically there wasnt a weak link in the movie. Maybe Zemo, I guess, if I had to pick somebody.
  17. I didnt watch much of Enzo before the main roster, but apparently he's done that exact same spot before. I saw a gif and it looked almost exactly the same. Same spot, same camera angle, everything. He did it at NXT Takeover London. I think he's supposed to turn a little more and go down more on his side, judging by how it went the last time.
  18. Every day or occasionally? Loverro on that show used to be fine cuz it was only once or twice a week. I dont object if they're just gonna continue the old format.
  19. I'm not a fan of the new lineup. I cant deal with Cooley for that length of time in the morning. And I miss that hardcore sports of the Sports Fix at noon on my lunch break.
  20. I felt better about the Enzo bump after watching the 500th slo-mo replay they showed. At full speed it looked hideous and just seeing him go limp to the ground. What probably saved it from being worse was he got his arm up so the rope caught him in the pit like a standard falling into the rope spot. Otherwise, we might be having a different discussion today. As it was, ultimately he just bumped his head. But the whole sequence was sloppy.
  21. The thing is, forget NXT, he kinda just amalgamates phrases and sayings from the last 20 years and packages it in the Enzo Amore delivery. For some reason, it seems fresh to people. That insult has been around for decades. We used to say that in the 80s. lol
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