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Everything posted by mammajamma

  1. Getting lots of good contact on Max so far. Have to turn it into runs quick before our bullpen comes in
  2. Layout and stats are great. Only downside is this game has felt like a really long Apple commercial so far. Kinda tacky how much the announcers are plugging apple products
  3. while i disagree with trading him (i think you need a strong player as a foundation to build around during your rebuild, and he has the potential to be one of the best hitters of all time), i definitely see your point of team control. although you could argue that hes such a good player that teams might be willing to ignore the team control part (more than most players) when bidding for him
  4. Ya it's been a few years since I've done the reddit thing, so it might not be what it was. Just make sure you're using an adblocker like ublock origin
  5. Sorry to not answer your question, but it amazes me every single year how much easier it is to watch out of market vs. local fans. Im able to watch this on the MLB app AND the espn app, but most Nats fans can only watch it if they have one cable provider? That is so ridiculous I'd just google "Reddit baseball streams". That used to work for me
  6. Why before next season? We still have a few more seasons before free agency
  7. I'm not as dramatically down on this team as a whole as some of you, but our pitching is BAD. If we had at least an average rotation/BP, we wouldn't win any playoff games but I think this season would at least be exciting
  8. Guarantee that guy has said "keep politics out of sports" at least once on twitter
  9. anybody in the dc area think this game is actually going to happen today?
  10. Wish more DC teams would start doing more with “DC” instead of Washington (like DC United). Washington is a state north of Oregon
  11. has he even shown interest in owning a football team? finding it hard to imagine with his personality that he even cares about football. he has 10s of billions of dollars and is basically retired. why add the stress and work?
  12. that story was definitely disturbing, but i think the claim that he asked the staff to make a video of the cheerleaders naked is the one that would cause some action. not sure if they can prove the request came from him specifically.. either way, what they do have is a collection of many disturbing allegations under his leadership. all being investigated by congress. i personally think the nfl already has enough to force him to sell (damaging the image of the league), but they have a history of overly defending its owners no matter what. who knows
  13. Hathaway is killing it this game. Sends Kane into the bench, then just completely leveled McDavid.
  14. These TNT intermissions are SO much better than what we had with NBC (national broadcasts). The goal breakdowns with Gretzky are great
  15. guess the allstar break is a good time for this to happen. hope he recovers quickly
  16. Not sure. But both teams were loaded with talent, just missed a QB
  17. I'm willing to do an avy bet if you want that the Rams win by double digits.
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