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Everything posted by mammajamma

  1. Have they broken the record for most big leads squandered in 1 game yet?
  2. what do u think about his newest "unreleased" song about kaepernick?
  3. Light was just a compilation of throwaways. More of a mixtape so not really fair to compare that to a full kendrick studio album. And i think Lupe has better beats than kendrick (especially on the cool & TY), but thats just my opinion
  4. General consensus from hip hop forums, critics, etc. Never, ever look to the grammys when it comes to rap. Just a popularity contest, and a lot of people they nominate arent even pure rappers...
  5. i can respect that. he definitely has a "sit down and listen closely with headphones to keep up" style, so not always for casual listening. but as far as actual rap technique, lyricism, etc.. hes one of the best to ever do it
  6. Fell off? He had best rap album 2 years ago with Tetsuo & Youth not to mention his non-album work over the past 2 years might be his best. he's on top of his game right now
  7. Lupe still best alive. kendrick is building quite the resume though
  8. so if this game ends in a tie...
  9. looks like GB already gave up with almost 10 minutes left ha. their fans are pissed
  10. can't give them all the credit. GB looks terrible in this game. so many mistakes. we'll be 1 game back, but funny to think we're 1 INT away from being in their position, 5-1. nfc east gonna be a tight race
  11. biggest game of the season yet. why not have our best player mysteriously develop a concussion during practice
  12. anybody if this is coming back for this game? definitely the best quality last time
  13. wow someone's defensive haha...thanks for your help...
  14. wow what a dick haha..thanks for your help....
  15. can you please post that in the mean time? thanks
  16. whats even more important is that they are undefeated when I wear my burgundy portis jersey...they are 0-2 if i wear a different jersey...the redskins fate is in my wardrobe's hands
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