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Everything posted by mammajamma

  1. just zero purpose with the puck in the offensive zone
  2. yikes. completely dominated since our last goal
  3. you're probably right. just hard to believe all 6 guys on the ice for us couldnt find that puck while their 1 guy had no problem
  4. that replay... wow... just watched FIVE caps stare at the puck in front of Sammy, with the ONE fla player going after the puck
  5. carlson wiffing on a puck leads to a breakaway goal. how many times have we seen that
  6. i noticed this the first 2 games of the series as well.. FLA fans think EVERY single hit is a penalty
  7. this is gonna be a loonnnng 2nd half of the game
  8. OSH!!!!!!!!!! how efficient is this offense ha
  9. there we go! caps have had control of the puck for like 20 seconds for the last 15 minutes and have 2 goals
  10. playing sharp on defense but id rather not play 100% of this game on defense
  11. did we have control in the offensive zone at all the entire last 10 minutes of that period? whew. gotta be happy leading after that period
  12. edit: guess it lead to frustration play by us ha
  13. hopefully this leads to some frustration play by FL
  14. I never said that.. I know vaccines are there to mostly keep you out of the hospital. I was just saying in my personal experience, it worked well enough a few months ago to keep me from getting infected at all. Now it seems like that part of the protection has waned a bit (or could be a new variant like someone pointed out). Either way, happy the vaccine has helped me in different ways. All I was saying was I hope they can one day figure out how to make the current vaccines last longer
  15. Got my booster in December, was exposed to someone in late January (helped them with their covid test as they coughed on me), and never tested positive from that Was literally inside for 1 minute picking up food the other day without a mask on, and just tested positive with a fever and heavy cough My point of this (anecdotal) story is it seems like they were right when they said vaccines only last about 4 months Hopefully they can figure that out...
  16. literally inches from being up 3-1 in this series. now a best of 3, in florida for 2 of them... i hate sports
  17. ****.. inches away from 3-1.. now 2-2
  18. gotcha thanks! i was distracted and glanced up just in time to see their guy on the ground and a zebra with his arm up.
  19. wtf just happened ha. did the ref call a penalty and then take it away before that goal? or was he just signaling offsides?
  20. looking better on defense, but completely lost in the offensive zone
  21. feel like theyve lost their rhythm since the 1st goal. hope they get their composure back in the 3rd
  22. Finally just finished the game, and holy moly.. can't say enough good things about Sammy. He completely owned his net (and looked a bit more athletic than I remember him being ha). That was sorely needed since we had zero goaltender confidence after the first 2 games. If he can keep that up, sky is the limit for this group
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