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Everything posted by mammajamma

  1. Happy with the prospects but still think we could’ve gotten more for Bell on his own. He was having a great year and he just got thrown into a trade that a lot of people predicted for a while would just be for Juan
  2. We didn’t want a basically free MLB 1B for the next 3 years?
  3. so with Hosmer out of the deal, does that take off Bell too? Or are they going to throw in another MLB player?
  4. im depressed about losing Soto, but on to the good news. we move from ranked mid-20's in the minors to top 5 with one deal, and this is our future talent: gotta believe our rebuild just sped up a lot
  5. Ah.. thanks. Didn’t see the part that we get a free MLB 1B
  6. I just don’t understand adding Bell in there. This is the same package that’s been floating around just for Juan, and then you add Hosmer (another bad contract) for Bell? Confused
  7. Meanwhile Hector thinks the Nats are making another offer before the deadline ha
  8. ya I hear you. I mean literally anybody (stats) would be better than him, so wouldn't hurt (win/loss-wise) see what some young guys can do. But I guess it doesn't make sense if it messes up service time (I'll never understand these dumb rules). I just need to stop watching this year I guess ha
  9. Paying someone $25mil to help us tank better is hilarious
  10. I just can't for the life of me understand why Corbin is still a starter, instead of seeing what a young guy can do. Unless it's just blatant tanking
  11. Excited for Elijah Green. One of those players that make you wish the MLB didn't take so long to play draft picks
  12. happy either way at this point. either we get a super-superstar locked up for life, or half our lineup/sp is top prospects for the next 5+ years
  13. welp, that answered my question on if they were going to make another deal before the deadline. seems like boras is just making up excuses for Juan to not sign at this point. doubt Juan is going to turn down that much money to stay over an owner, unless he really wants out too
  14. I agree. just curious if Rizzo will try 1 more deal at him before the deadline, especially since there's still some time. based on some these offers ive seen, im pretty confident he's gone by next week if they don't throw him one more offer
  15. "insiders" on twitter think Soto to SD is pretty much a done deal. I've seen this before with max though. You guys think Riz will throw one more offer at Soto before accepting?
  16. Also doesn't make sense for a team to trade for him at this point in time anyway. Would have to give up the farm (literally) for someone thats a FA in 2 years. The obvious path here is they're leaving it to the new ownership, who will not want the megastar of their organization to leave right after buying it
  17. Still has 2 years left... In no way does this mean theyre going to trade him this month. Dramatic Twitter headlines. Hasn't boras said all along that they wouldn't take a deal until they get much closer to free agency for him?
  18. just when i was getting excited again about our pitching
  19. other big tech companies in silicon valley are getting poached like crazy lately if they even mention people having to go back to the office... not to mention other car companies that are hiring like crazy to get their ev fleets going he's going to lose a lot of quality employees to companies that pay just as much, have a less toxic work environment, and don't have a complete egomaniac running the place. and its going to be just in time for them to lose business to the dozens of other ev cars that are about to flood the market... bill gates is correct with the short
  20. We Own This City finished tonight. Yet another great show by David Simon. The guy is undefeated, and that story is unbelievable.
  21. That's really embarrassing for the MLB, but the umps should've at least huddled up and talked it over since replay was down. Super fail by the ump
  22. ya i'm aware of everything you said and agree. my whole point before was this part of your post: "But maybe with the new mRNA technique they could make the vaccine to adapt to the various variants but that might be years away though I would imagine." i know it's not current tech and might take a while, but it'll be interesting to see how this pandemic advances how vaccines work in the future. i read something about the military developing a vaccine they think can work with ANY coronavirus variant. i know its the military, but stuff like that would be huge going forward to longer lasting vaccines
  23. I think they were up 3-0 in one of the games they could've clinched too. Complete Caps style meltdown and now a lot of guys leaving
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