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Everything posted by Fresh8686

  1. I think what you're partly asking about is redemption. I don't know how many people think deeply about redemption, but what redemption really is - from my painful, personal experience - is recognizing that there is a line that was crossed and making the choice to work every single day to not cross that line again and in doing so, slowly build and earn back the trust people lost towards you, when you crossed that line in the first place. Now in order for your friends and others to redeem themselves, there has to be an understanding and Acceptance of there being a line that was crossed, and a Rejection of what's beyond that line rather than the current justifications and obfuscations for crossing it in the first place. The problem is, that undertaking, that change for the better, requires challenge and stress and a self-awareness of our limitations and areas in need of further development which is painful to face. It requires a society that has some semblance of health to enough of a degree to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy behavior, and to evaluate both the short and long term consequences that arise from the choices we make. All of which runs contrary to our appetite based, least path of resistance, short-cut taking, exploitative way of living. I always remind myself when I get caught up in all this **** that we're dealing with, that this didn't start with Trump. The stuff we're dealing with now is a culmination of systemic consequences made from the bad choices, directions, and focus our society has chosen to accept and internalize over it's life-time. Basically, we have to fix our foundation. And only now is the awareness of our flawed foundation reaching enough of a critical mass to dispel the myths and fabrications of American exceptionalism or the false sheen of "golden age" nostalgia. MAGA is a reaction to that critical mass of awareness. The people fighting to take things back to the way they were, where exploitation is hidden or diverted from our awareness and we are fed stories/lies and accept and internalize them in order to support and prolong the manipulation of those who benefit and created this quasi-"matrix" in the first place. There is a **** load of people who want to stay in that matrix. But, not all of us are that weak and that ready to settle for scraps when it comes to the potential awaiting for us in life.
  2. I thought this was an interesting twitter compilation thread regarding Trump, Wilbur Ross and Deutsche Bank https://mobile.twitter.com/SLSmith000/status/926594211381686272
  3. Yup, hate is in essence the strongest or most intense expression of rejection human beings have. And like you said above this isn't blind hate at all, but the culmination of the deep seated rejection of trump's bull**** and destruction of our trust and our values day after day.
  4. Former Attorney General Paul Fishman on Rachel Maddow's show was just saying that there seems to be no legal protections incorporated into the language of Flynn's plea agreement. That essentially he can still be charged for his other stuff. Did anybody else see that? Is that correct?
  5. There is not enough understanding of "power" as an emotion in human beings... most people are too busy chasing it, to demystify and depedestalize power in order to understand it. If they did, they would understand it as an unhealthy, emotional response that is located on the extreme spectrum of Capability Personally, I don't indulge in "I'm powerful" feelings when I achieve something nor do I attach and internalize it to my identity or my appetites, to such a point where I feel I need to exercise my "power" in order to validate my view of myself or create stimulation. Instead, I calm down my feelings to bring them away from extremes back to normal and I replace the language I use, assumptions I make, and expectations I have around power to the balanced and grounded view of capability. When you see it in that light, the feeling of power becomes a stupid, immature, quasi-masturbatory fixation, inherently out of balance that must be calibrated rather then indulged in.
  6. Yup, you can have up to an ounce gifted in DC legally and there are some really good people out there, who deliver and are looking to help those in need. One even sells hand-made soap that can then come with a variety of different gifts for the right donation. Quality is not on the same level as Denver's better places, but it's only a notch below and still great.
  7. Really nice man. I go through CO every now and then and my preferred place is the Herbal Cure for flower and Good Chem. for concentrates. If your ever in Boulder I highly recommend 14er. They've got the best flower I've seen in CO along with some really high quality Rosin.
  8. Just read that a possible reason Murkowkski will vote for the tax bill, is because of some juicy arctic wildlife legislation hidden in the bill that opens up the region to oil and gas drilling. http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/18/politics/lisa-murkowski-tax-reform-arctic-drilling/index.html And man... so tired of the narrative that a corporate tax cut will automatically spur further investment and expansion. When you already have money to spend and invest, what motivates a company is the OPPORTUNITY to make more money at an advantageous rate or through gaining a competitive edge that mitigates the risk to enough of a degree. Being given money does not create that opportunity in and of itself unless you were hurting for money in the first place and needed the help to get past hurdles to expansion. That is not the case at all for successful companies and the people who run them that become these political donors. Who it is the case for are poor people. They will not sit on that money, they'll spend and invest it, because their the ones in actual scarcity and are consequently motivated by its pressure. For them the opportunity for things they want to buy and invest in are available, but the access or financial leverage to reach it is not, after the cost of living takes it toll. These people are doing **** backwards.
  9. Looks like there is another accuser coming out this afternoon... http://www.ajc.com/news/national/gloria-allred-hold-press-conference-with-new-roy-moore-accuser/Gzo4WHg3eUHj7NQ6lomHXO/
  10. I read every single one of the accounts in that thread, my heart shattering with every word. I hate these ****ing rapists, I reject every single bit of weakness and predatory pleasure they take in destroying the lives of people we care about. We need to pull back the curtain on this ****, this is completely unacceptable and all too long has been kept under wraps with lies and threats and a culture that shames our most vulnerable when they come out to speak their truth. And these guys who do this **** are the WEAKEST ****ing people on the planet. While the women who pull themselves up from this horrible **** done to them, who face the assholes who try to blame them or call them liars, they are some of the strongest, most beautiful souls I've ever had the pleasure to meet. I don't know if other guys know what it's like to work with a loved one for years to heal from rape and abuse. The painstaking trust that must be forged, the self-control and empathy and heart you have to have just to support someone as they go through healing something so monumental... like many people on that thread her sexual abuse also started at 3 and happened many other times after that... these women and men fight everyday just to be healed enough to have a normal day. To be able to go through a single ****ing day without being reminded of these traumas, to have a normal feeling of safety that so many take for granted. To have an intimate relationship that isn't tainted by what these weak ****s have done to them. And the thing is, I still haven't heard all the stories... Just the day before she told me about another one while she worked at CNN years ago that included repeated sexual abuse and my heart clenched with pain and rage, all the while doing everything I could to balance those feelings and not make it about what I was feeling, but instead to support her and let her know that it wasn't her fault. We fight those feelings of shame with every accounting, because of so many ignorant people who have no idea what these people are going through try to put them in this impossible situation of somehow fighting off a person twice your size, twice your weight, and twice your rank. We're going to change this ****. Educate and train men so they can control their appetites and actually communicate with women rather then treat them as objects or opportunities for predation. To put women in positions of power so our culture and our government doesn't have this shadow side where victims can be marginalized and robbed of voice and protection. **** these ****ing assholes. All of them.
  11. I'd say it's more that the context of the situation makes consent untenable rather than the individual is incapable of consent due to some fault or weakness of their own. Do you disagree that those factors are applicable? Do you have first or second hand, in-depth experience with situations where sexual overtures are made while a power imbalance is present? I have a wife who has survived sexual molestation and rape and we occasionally work to help girls who have also dealt with the same, heal and regain themselves. An integral part of that is overcoming the feelings that arise from the self-castigation of "I should have" I should have pushed him away, I should have ran, or said no more forcefully then I did, etc. And overcoming that is often aided by separating the fantasy of how we think we would have acted in that situation with the reality of the factors and pressures at play during the event and how the human nervous system handles it or doesn't. Im not implying you're victim blaming by the way. But a lot of times an innacurate idea of how things go down paired with an over-inflated sense of how a person would personally handle it can be a slippery slope towards victim blaming... ie implying they were weak or incapable or maybe even facetious in their account of why they didn't stop or remove themselves from the situation.
  12. Are you considering in your assessment the power dynamic at play and with that said the possible repercussions that come from leaving and upsetting the perv who is in a position of power, plus the biological freeze response that can be induced in such high stress, high surprise situations (or less intensely how such ****tails of stress and surprise can lead to a greater chance of compliance from the victim)? We gotta make the context apples to apples, before we attempt to answer such a question and seriously consider all the factors that may be at play.
  13. Yup, apparently he's been interviewed by the FBI at least 5 or 6 times and possible by another agency as well. This guy is like a field of landmines on top of roaming roombas for the trump administration. Oh lord he's putting Sessions in a very bad position with his testimony. 73/ BOMBSHELL #3: Jeff Sessions organized the June 2016 Capitol Hill Club NatSec meeting, and let the WH lie that no such meeting occurred. 74/ This is *another* critical lie on Russia by Sessions, especially as—at the dinner *he set up*—he was seated next to George Papadopoulos. 75/ The meeting wasn't short (two hours long), and Sessions used J.D. Gordon—who "may have had a Trump email address"—to set it all up. 76/ Page admits he discussed his upcoming (we now know Kremlin-orchestrated) Moscow trip with the AG at the unreported June '16 NatSec meet. 77/ Process it: the *first time* Page ever meets Sen. Jeff Sessions, the *first thing* he tells him is, "I'm about to go to Moscow." Jesus. 79/ BOMBSHELL #4: Page gives the first ever confirmation, it appears, that Jeff SESSIONS received Papadopoulos emails about Kremlin meeting.
  14. Reading through this now, the reveals about Page notifying Hope Hicks (Trump's alleged pillow pal and direct intermediary) about going to Moscow are especially interesting given the fact that Mueller is scheduled to interview Hope after they come back from Asia. Page is not just a perjury machine for himself, but anyone else he can trip up who either already has interviewed with Mueller or soon will be. Setting the stage for more people to be flipped...
  15. lol, was just about to post that. "But there is one quirk that consistently puzzles America’s fans and critics alike. Why, they ask, does it experience so many mass shootings? Perhaps, some speculate, it is because American society is unusually violent. Or its racial divisions have frayed the bonds of society. Or its citizens lack proper mental care under a health care system that draws frequent derision abroad. These explanations share one thing in common: Though seemingly sensible, all have been debunked by research on shootings elsewhere in the world. Instead, an ever-growing body of research consistently reaches the same conclusion. The only variable that can explain the high rate of mass shootings in America is its astronomical number of guns." When I hear people say "guns don't kill people, people kill people" I shake my head because the truth is guns give people the LEVERAGE to kill people more easily and with greater volume. One of the biggest challenges human face as a society is being able to keep our emotional and mental development at a pace with the developments of technology that give us the leverage to do even greater damage to ourselves if we make bad choices. And we are failing that challenge.
  16. Right, but it's all tied together. The corruption is what made this group of people amenable to working with a foreign adversary and giving them concessions via a shift in the GOP platform with Ukraine and the easing of Russian Sanctions. Further this history of corruption and incompetence are also what make them perfect candidates for Russian operatives to turn them out and own them with their Kompromat. Incompetence - the lack of quality in your efforts and execution corruption - the lack of quality in your intentions and behavior
  17. Why one or the other? There is a definite mix of both extreme incompetence and extreme corruption.
  18. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/putin-rival-ties-kushner-meeting-kremlin-bankers-n811631 " A prominent exiled Russian oligarch said in an exclusive interview with NBC News that he is nearly certain Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to collaborate with the Trump campaign, and that he believes a top Russian banker was not "acting on his own behalf" when he held a controversial meeting with Jared Kushner last December. "
  19. At what point does a symbol become more important than the values it is supposed to represent? And is that point a failure in the larger scheme of things? If so, how do we redeem that failure? The flag, the anthem, even the construct that is this idea of the united states of America, don't they exist and especially derive meaning based upon how well they represent certain values? It never fails to boggle my mind how people get so out of touch with actual values and their practice in the face of pedestalization of symbols and constructs. Blind allegiance and blind tribalism creating this behavior and response that is such a failure of the standards these values normally would be requiring us to uphold. I guess you have to actually live by those standards in order to be the type of person who also holds the symbols and constructs of our nation to the same values they claim to represent. When you got a group of people who rarely if ever practice self-reflection, nor challenge their flaws and limitations, and have no concept of self-redemption, they become perfectly incapable of critically thinking in this respect.
  20. I'm just tired of limits and barriers being placed upon women, because guys suck too much at life to work on developing a handle and maturity with their own sexuality. How hard is it not too be a ****ing weirdo around women? To adapt to whatever sexual tension you might feel around them? To be able to differentiate the sexual stimulation from who they really are as people, so you can actually form some type of working or personal relationship, rather than act like a dog in heat or some twitchy nervous wreck? And this weird Mike Pence religious based isolation from women is coming from an extreme and unhealthy place as well, that is not the answer, although that is NOT to say that certain legal and business practices in place during unequal power dynamics are wrong, more so I'm saying that is different then the place where Mike Pence is coming from and I understand others reactions to it on here.
  21. My Wife's cousin works as one of the top guys in the state dept. and handles weapons import/export. Right now silencers are in his jurisdiction but there has been serious push to legalize them for general consumption and take them away from his purview. Who is one of the main people pushing for this to happen? Donald Trump Jr Why? https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/gun-silencers-are-hard-to-buy-donald-trump-jr-and-silencer-makers-want-to-change-that/2017/01/07/0764ab4c-d2d2-11e6-9cb0-54ab630851e8_story.html?utm_term=.beccf9f73736 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-jr-son-gun-silencer-control-laws-restrictions-campaign-remove-mass-shootings-fears-a7767586.html
  22. That's actually tribalism, not racism. Racism, has to include an element of superiority/inferiority, that is based on skin color. If it doesn't have that element of superiority/inferiority then it is racial prejudice, rather than racism. People can be selfish and not give a **** about people, due to those people not being a part of their group and zone of awareness. Which means they lack the connection or attachment to those people and the necessary emotional impetus to consider them during their collection of context. That flaw, does not necessarily mean that they also believe and/or operate from a place of skin color based superiority in regards to those very same people. Of course people can be tribal AND racist, but not all of them necessarily are.
  23. Freedom does not necessarily include complete protection from the consequences that arise from exercising it. That's why in real life, the more freedom you have, the more responsible you have to be. Taking care to make sure the consequences of one's choice don't create a situation that brings about a collapse one can't recover from (to be responsible is to put effort into keeping things from falling apart, whether it be a job, a trust, a goal, or another human being). It's a lesson this president would do well to learn, but of course he won't.
  24. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2017/08/what_the_alt_left_was_actually_doing_in_charlottesville.html "At that point, more of the anarchists and antifa milling nearby saw the huge mob of the Nazis approach and stepped in. They were about 200-300 feet away from us and stepped between us (the clergy and faith leaders) and the Nazis. This enraged the Nazis, who indeed quickly responded violently. At this point, Sekou made a call that it was unsafe—it had gotten very violent very fast—and told us to disperse quickly. While one obviously can’t objectively say what a kind of alternate reality or “sliding doors”–type situation would have been, one can hypothesize or theorize. Based on what was happening all around, the looks on their faces, the sheer number of them, and the weapons they were wielding, my hypothesis or theory is that had the antifa not stepped in, those of us standing on the steps would definitely have been injured, very likely gravely so. On Democracy Now, Cornel West, who was also in the line with us, said that he felt that the antifa saved his life. I didn’t roll my eyes at that statement or see it as an exaggeration—I saw it as a very reasonable hypothesis based on the facts we had."
  25. Thought this was interesting... In 1945, the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper—writing from New Zealand, where he had fled from the OG Nazis—identified what he terms the Paradox of Tolerance: "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." Which basically means a balance of tolerance is needed, not extreme tolerance. In order to protect tolerance we must be intolerant to those things that are inherently intolerant. Like ****ing nazi man children who fail so bad at life, they create this hateful fantasy of false superiority, to distract them from how inferior they feel at being able to build the most basic foundations of a decent and fruitful life.
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