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Everything posted by veteranskinsfan

  1. I do not know why I keep watching these games. Ron knows nothing about offense and he hired a college offensive coordinator. On fourth and one he calls a pass play when he could have had called a simple quarterback sneak. Defense is playing better but they cannot be on the field the entire game. Its not even Thanksgiving yet and we are already looking out of it. Ron still cannot get challenges right. By losing that challenge we lost a timeout that we really needed at the end of the game.
  2. I heard Sheehan say he is convinced this morning that the Danny intends to sell and not just seek a minority partner. I hope he is right. I agree with him the new owner should re-brand the team. If I was in the front office right now in any capacity I would be looking for a new job asap. Julie Donaldson should have left a year ago when I encouraged her to do so.
  3. Just read a news article about it. Several interested buyers. Hope the NFL keeps the pressure on him to sell.
  4. Extend him at a fair and reasonable price. We are not keeping Wentz even on a cheaper contract. He is headed for his fourth team in 4 years. Taylor and Turner have been together a long time so he understands the system better than Wentz can ever get it. Riverboat Ron needs to ship Wentz out so the owner and the fans will forget about the wasteful contract that was signed and the draft picks that we gave the Colts.
  5. Just heard Moses Morgan, tackle is playing for the Ravens. We sure could use some help on the offensive line. Forgot why he left our team. Did our front office refuse to pay him?
  6. I had hoped to post this yesterday but work got in the way. When was the last time we saw our quarterback execute a successful quarterback sneak? TH hit the perfect hole to get in there.
  7. If you’re putting Wildgoose out there at least teach him to not hold. Defense is tired now.
  8. Let’s try throwing straight ahead? Don’t call 3 swing passes in a row Turner.
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