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Everything posted by veteranskinsfan

  1. Some day Turner will leave this team and then we will see what the rest of the NFL thinks of him. I doubt he gets another job unless one of Norv's buddies hires him. He is not a top 15 offensive coordinator in the NFL. I do not care who is at quarterback and who he has for offensive linemen. Yes, he can balance the number of pass plays vs. run plays called but he really can't produce sustained drives even when we win games by one or two points.
  2. Eagles 35 Skins 14. Time to start thinking about who we want to keep on this roster and who has to go in the off season.
  3. I will check out Mark B's recap tonight after work. Thanks.
  4. I believe if we had someone other than Turner on Sunday as the offensive coordinator we would have beat Minnesota. Why doesn't he have TH running outside the pocket and then throwing to receivers? Instead we see batted balls from Viking defenders. On fourth and one he calls a pass play which failed instead of a simple quarterback sneak. We have let good offensive coordinators go to other teams and become Head Coaches while we hire Ron who is a defensive coach and knows nothing about offense. Cannot wait unitl the Danny sells this team and the new owner brings in a new set of coaches by first hiring a competent General Manager.
  5. Colts fired Frank Reich today after going 3-5. So can we fire Scott Turner and if Rivera refuses to fire him just fire him too? Let the new owner get a decent General Manager in here who knows something about the NFL and football. Remember Ron- NFL stands for NOT FOR LONG.
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