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Old Bay

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Everything posted by Old Bay

  1. That's a lot of money being thrown around. I think a move like Shaw's is bad business on both sides. Shaw could use a couple more years of seasoning and he'd get that with Southampton. Same way Phil Jones did with Blackburn. It make sense I get it, strike while the iron is hot, but making that jump before you're ready can derail a career. Jones was a beast for Blackburn and he's looked pedestrian since joining United.
  2. Opposite. He said if he doesn't drink his milk he'll play for a team that no one is heard of. So then the boys are fighting over the milk so neither has to play for Accrington Stanley.
  3. Wow, what a burn! I know about Accrington Stanley because they're near Blackburn. And if they're in the League I will probably at least have name recognition to go from.
  4. I know I'm not the most educated of footy fans, but I like to think I'm somewhat knowledgeable. So excuse me when I say this, but, who the **** is Forest Green?
  5. Ricky Lambert feels like this cycle's Grant Holt. Though at least Lambert made the national squad.
  6. It's amazing how much you take on the personality of your club and supporters even from far away. Cause in theory I shouldn't have anything against Burnley. But I just don't like them, lol.
  7. Just not Burnley. Please not Burnley.
  8. That's when you throw more money at him and he can't even remember that he ever played in Northframpton.
  9. Yeah, for as much stick as people give the Raos they've never gouged the fans. They've got really reasonable ticket prices in general, never changed that policy when they took over. The fella who gave out the first ticket was the manager, Gary Bowyer.
  10. I couldn't believe it when they bought Charlie Austin off Burnley.
  11. Hope Derby beats QPR for promotion.
  12. Rovers fell short. Went on a good run at the end, unbeaten in the last 12 or 13. But draws against Yeovil and Sheffield Wednesday don't really help the cause.
  13. Probably. But I think it's an issue of not knowing the language. I've mispronounced a lot until I realize how it's supposed to sound. And I still say Reel Madrid more often than Ree-al Madrid. But that's probably my southern lazy speech kicking in.
  14. That's the sequel to White Men Can't Jump called White Men Can't Dance.
  15. Bunkering is one thing, but time wasting is unsportsmanlike to me.
  16. Mild rant, and no disrespect intended to folks who actually follow their clubs. A coworker of mine who is rather new, started up maybe 6 months ago, told me about how much of a Manchester United fan he was. I've had some discussions with him but nothing too in depth since when I said I liked Blackburn he kind of gave me a blank stare like I made up a club. Today I saw him for the first time since Moyes was fired and I smiled and said "Moyes' reign of terror is over, huh?". He responded, "Who?". Thinking he may not have heard me I said, "David Moyes." He looked at me confused. Then I said, "United's manager." He said, "Oh," and shrugged and shook his head. I'm sorry man, but you don't even know the manager of the team you profess to love ever so much. That kind of fandom annoys me. Sorry for the rant. End rant.
  17. Welcome to mortality like most football fans have to deal with on a constant basis.
  18. Unless you're a United fan it's hard to feel sorry...
  19. Hope I get to watch the 30 for 30 tonight, though it's not likely and I'm one of those weirdos that don't have a DVR. All the best to the Liverpool community on this infamous anniversary.
  20. Yeah, I've hated that aspect of it. No need to change the home kit much at all, IMO. Away and third kits are fine, but the home should stay steady for a couple/few years at least bar sponsorship changes.
  21. Rovers sort of do this but green top with a dark blue shorts and socks is pretty uggers. But, I understand the traditionalist approach.
  22. Real club, eh? What constitutes a real club?
  23. Pretty nasty collapse for Sunderland there.
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