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Everything posted by tshile

  1. @Califan007 The Constipated its not far off 😆 except he plays sports. Does well too but that’s not hard when you’re 8…
  2. I grew up on chips and soda The rule in my house is if you want something g in the house, go get it. my wife does the grocery shopping. She does not want chips and soda. so we have a house without chips and soda. The world still goes round and I’ve learned to enjoy not consuming chips and soda constantly 🤷‍♂️
  3. This is literally my 5 year old daughter. She eats like her mom. We got to a restaurant and she orders a salad with a hard boiled egg. again, she’s 5. but she loves tacos, we have them every week my son on the other hand will only eat a cheeseburger when we’re out, doesn’t matter what type of restaurant it is. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  4. Also, maybe it’s just me, but I feel like people lean too heavily on things they “like” I have preferences. I also know I can force them to change. My early adult life consisted of cream and sugar in my coffee. One day I decided I drink too much coffee to put cream and sugar in every cup - switching to black coffee was hard, because I wasn’t used to it, but it didn’t take long and now it’s the only coffee I can drink. Which is nice because now I’m never in a bind where I don’t like the creamer available… there are plenty of other examples where simply deciding to make a change, long term resulted in actually liking what I changed to eating/drinking. if you use that you “like” something as a crutch, you won’t change. Some things you’ll never like - others you just haven’t given enough of a chance to like. Lifting weights is hard and sucks at the beginning. You’re ****ing sore all the time, you’re carving out time you’d rather do other things, but after so many weeks it becomes something you enjoy; the sore feeling becomes something you desire and it gets less painful and becomes just evidence your improving yourself. Over 6 months I went from lifting 30 minutes 3 times a week to an hour 3 times a week to an hour every day (which actually isn’t how it works out, there’s always a day I miss, but I start every morning with the intention of working out that day - and most days it happens.) how busy my life is didn’t change (if anything it’s worse), and neither did anything else. I just became more willing to invest time in that, as i learned to enjoy it more and more. Just like everything else in life. people get stuck in patterns or routines and struggle to break out of them. i went 2 weeks not working out after new years because i was traveling. I made the excuse I didn’t have time - even though every hotel I stayed in had a gym. That dumbassery led to falling out of my routine and going back to not working out again; for 4.5 months. what you eat and how you take care of your body is a choice and if you don’t make it a point to make smart choices, no one’s gonna do it for you. and if you don’t teach your kids that it’s important to do certain things, regardless if they like it or not, they’re gonna struggle to take care of themselves as adults.
  5. We force our children to eat what we eat. They are currently 5 and 8 years old. There are times where it’s difficult and we have compromised in ways like - eat half of this then we can get you something else you’d prefer. There have been times where we simply wrap up their plate, excuse them from the table, and when they say they’re hungry later we give them their plate of food they didn’t eat. All in all it seems to have been worth it so far. We also just don’t have ****ty food in the house. Zero sodas, I don’t even drink them anymore despite basically being raised on them. So if they want a snack, goldfish and teddy grams and cheezits are about all they’re gonna find that isn’t healthy. I know of lots of people that basically make two dinners every night. One for the kids which consists of thinks like chicken nuggets or fishstix or whatever is from the freezer to the oven; one for the parents. We refuse to do that. we certainly let them have fun kid food frequently, it’s just not the norm and the expectation is they eat what we give them. Again it helps when what’s available is healthy or close enough. Candy, soda, chips, or other heavily processed cheap food just isn’t an option in our house.
  6. I was born after 1983 so, I wouldn’t know if this ancient time where they didn’t advertise 😉
  7. Was watching one the other day and thought to myself - why are they allowed to do this? your doctor should be the one pitching medication to you, as needed. people googling medical advise and using commercials to demand things from their doctors is ass backwards. the difficult part of it is that not all doctors are awesome. Blindly trusting whatever doctor is in front of you isn’t a great idea either. Add: @PeterMPtotally understand what you’re saying, you alluded to it earlier and I got it then. It’s complicated and I don’t mean to paint with a broad brush.
  8. Someone in @Bang’s situation makes sense for this. I think part of the problem is the context people are speaking to. For me - the article and the senate report: - assume half of people with obesity will take the drug - use market pricing without insurance (they say 900+/month while the manufacturer says 50% of current users pay 25$/month and 75% pay less than 50$/month) - use research about production costs that: — isn’t the actual production cost, because no one knows that because the manufacturer won’t release it — isn’t the same production methods, and I haven’t found why that’s an OK way to do it yet. — doesn’t factor in R&D for this drug not decades of R&D to get here - this didn’t just pop out of nowhere, weight loss drugs have been in demand and researched for a while now and we just now apparently have something coming to market that works - compares our system to systems that are very different than ours, without explaining any of it, to just create an argument about Americans getting screwed then declares the price is too high and will bankrupt the system. It’s not just a flimsy foundation it’s an outright dishonest way of presenting information, and clearly used to drum up outrage. Big pharmaceutical industry needs significant regulation. Them and the medical device manufacturers mostly escaped the affordable care act - I presume because they paid enough people to dodge it. You’ll get no argument out of me that they need to be thoroughly investigated and regulated - look at the opioid crisis and what came out of all that … This reminds me of the congress people hauling tech people in for pointless hearings. If you’re not going to make an effort to actually understand the subject and speak intelligently about it, they’re just going to run circles around you and make you look stupid and nothing will change. not everyone who is obese needs a pill to fix it. The cost comparisons don’t work, the production cost analysis ranges from <1$ to >40$ and is all over the map. No research and development is included in any of this analysis best I can tell. The whole conversation is severely lacking in meaningful information. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Meh. I’m sure they have enough evidence. the problem is it’s sort of a joke. Israel doesn’t sign onto the ICC. Neither do we. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Muslim countries are not going to turn them over. We already have US senators that went threatening letters about this. my bet is dog and pony show that means nothing. I’ve been saying for a while the whole thing is a joke - guess here’s the chance to see if I’m right or wrong. My bet is this will have the same result as ES collectively issuing warrants for their arrest.
  10. lol what? you realize your taste buds change as your grow? This seems like an incredible hand waving leap you’ve made here id also like to point out that not liking foods and understanding what you need to eat to be healthy is a core concept of being an adult. We do (… or at least we should…) lots of things we “don’t like” because we have to. If you’re an adult refusing to eat healthy foods cause you didn’t like them as a child then you’re a lost cause anyways.
  11. ICC is going after the top 3 leaders of Hamas and Israel with criminal charges for war crimes.
  12. Some important parts of this are wrong. They weren’t banging on his door late at night, it was broad daylight. They didn’t kick his door on, he opened it. I’m not sure why he didn’t know who it was, the officer announced himself plenty. No one broke into his house. Doesn’t mean the officer didn’t do something wrong or shouldn’t be held responsible for his actions. It’s just what you wrote is wrong.
  13. tshile


    I want to watch DCB fall apart on the back and take 20 minutes to miss a 6 foot put by 2 feet. It’s extra fun when it happens after he spends half the day thinking he’s in contention
  14. I’m surprised there were no repairs needed to allow it to float. Would have thought there’d be some damage causing it to take on water somehow
  15. 😆 you’re right, I make so much money I don’t face basic challenges like taking care of my body 😆 what a crock of **** you spew. if you want to dodge personal responsibility be my guest. everyones busy. Anyone with kids and two working spouses is incredibly busy. You’re not special. It’s so clear you’ve put no effort into this beyond headline outrage. Cause you don’t even understand the questions I’m asking about. which tracks perfectly with “I’m too busy to exercise you just don’t get it”
  16. Yeah I get that - if you don’t think regular exercise is key to health and weight control then have fun with that idea. I think it’s key to a lot of things and in general should be on your list next to brushing your teeth, showering, eating, drinking water, and understanding how to make sure you **** in a toilet. it’s a basic part of taking care of yourself. “I don’t have time” is not an excuse. I say that as someone with good sections of my adult life using that excuse and pretending it’s anything other than the bull**** excuse it is. if someone told you they don’t brush their teeth cause they don’t have time, what would you think? that’s how you should think about exercise.
  17. Add: I find exercise has a direct and significant impact on my mental health. Handling stress and general outlook on life short term and long term are significantly better when I’m routinely working out. At this point in my life it’s probably the best improvement for me that it brings. I know a lot of people that feel the same way. It was part of the coaching our stress coach at work harps on, and she’s pretty well regarded in the area. baring one of these genetic issues (which certainly exist), the only person responsible for the condition of your body is you. One good change recently is society finally recognizing there isn’t just one way to look healthy - we’re not talking about super model outcomes here, we’re talking about taking care of yourself on a basic level such that you don’t have to take a pill to lose weight. i suppose people with a mental issue that drives them to obesity (seems like there’s several and different contexts to them) are in the same boat as the ones with genetic issues. To me those groups make total sense for this. But again - the analysis is if everyone that was obese took the pills it would bankrupt the system, which seems laughably absurd context to base the rest of this on. Most people could get by without pills if they put the effort in. That they don’t and want a cheap shortcut is a different issue.
  18. To me it’s like comparing chik fil a to the other fast food restraints. It’s a different experience. shopping at a place like Walmart vs Wegmans? The type of customer, the type of employee, the quality of the food and facility… it’s night and day. But the bigger picture of an area like you mention is also telling. everything from how clean or well kept things are, to whether or not it would fit for a yoga or spin class studio to exist. best to my knowledge the USA is unique in its obesity epidemic. Addictive foods, profiteering at every aspect, gluttony… it’s increasingly more common to see people riding around stores in carts cause they’re so obese that seems reasonable as opposed to them walking around to get their food 🤦🏼‍♂️ I’ve been hearing people rave about a Netflix docuseries on this, but haven’t watched it yet. It’s tied something akin to “you are what you eat” or something like that. after decades of society making poor choices about how they eat, and neglecting to exercise in even the most basic of ways (it’s like everyone forgot the importance of it taught in elementary school), it comes as no surprise there’s and uproar that a pill that would fix your obesity isn’t cheap enough for everyone to take 😆
  19. it’s also interesting to see what type of people shop at which grocery stores there are very clear trends at least where I live.
  20. that’s not really how it works… they say there’s room for profit and tax but they don’t explain it and that’s not really how things work. The production cost of one item isn’t the only factor that drives how a company markets its stuff - in any market. And all these articles are just regurgitating the same thing. so since you seem to know what’s in the research maybe you can answer this cause I didn’t find it: why does it seem appropriate to use different production methods to justify why something should cost? Why didn’t they stick to the way this company manufactures it? Is that a common way to analyze things and justify this? Do we have lots of examples of companies changing their production methods because someone theoretically found a cheaper way and wrote an article about it? how can you imply production cost is what it should cost, without knowing what was spent on r&d? Best I can tell, no one knows what was spent on R&D. I’ve asked but no one’s answered it, and I can’t find it in the researchers work or the article. if I missed all that clarification let me know, it’s a lot to read and I’m not well versed in it enough to pretend I maybe didn’t make a mistake or misunderstand. since you seem to know so much about it you can probably be helpful in providing information the articles regurgitating the basic stuff all passed on explaining?
  21. This notion that because boundaries used to be X, they must go back to X, always amuses me. World history is littered with boundaries changing. It’s the same nonsense Russia uses to justify why Ukraine should be theirs (as well as other Eastern European states)
  22. Right. I’m aware. But if you actually read the articles they don’t actually tell you anything. I even went to read the research and it’s confusing as to what it’s saying. no ones saying how much the r&d was. This stuff didn’t pop out of no where. There’s decades of research into weight loss and these are just now hitting the market. Your own article posts results varying from <1$ to 40$ a month “production cost” is a creative way of looking at it. The “production cost” of a soda in a restaurant is like 5 cents but that’s not what they charge. I see a bunch of people throwing around half baked information but no one actually backing up any of it with anything that makes sense. Just a bunch of “it shouldn’t be expensive” commentary. No one seems to be able to say what it should cost, and why.
  23. What should they cost? And who gets to decide that? how much did it take to discover/create it?
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