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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Theoretically - yes. in reality given how war crimes tend to actually work - no. They’re the victor. The only question is how far they are required to go. One option would be for Hamas to surrender to the ICC, and Israel stop now. I’m sure Israel would just execute them. But if Hamas wanted to save Palestinians they’d surrender. But like most groups in control waging war, they don’t actually give a **** about the people, and will fight for as long as they are allowed to. their leaders don’t even have the balls to be physically in the Gaza Strip. They rattle their sabers from Qatar (or wherever they are. ) They're cowards talking a big game from safety while all these people die.
  2. There’s also a weird thing with the states AG offices where there is a clear path of potential to wind up in politics. that’s why we see these people look like they’re auditioning for a movie when they’re running a serious case. They are looking at that potential. obviously there’s other reasons for the discrepancy in results but that seems unique to the state AG offices (I may be totally wrong - working off memory of generally observing things over the decades)
  3. My understanding of federal cases is that they take forever but they usually nail you on what they have. I work with some supposedly good litigators - the only time I hear, or see on their face, or otherwise sense concern about something is when they’re up against the DOJ. Say what you want - but based on my third-hand experience growing up around law enforcement and knowing/working with various lawyers over my adult life - the DOJ scares everyone and it’s a reputation they’ve earned. That’s generally how I view people (especially people that don’t work with or against the DOJ as a function of their job) criticizing them about how long they take. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Oh I agree. I don’t really know how any of that works. Or if that’s a common practice to afford the accused leeway like that. Personally I would have thought an individual judge in a different jurisdiction wouldn’t care what you have going on elsewhere and would say that’s your problem to figure out. 🤷‍♂️
  5. oh that’s fine. I’m not going to argue with any of that. I was speaking strictly to the way it’s covered. I’m not trying to defend the judge. They said August. it’s in the article.
  6. The way news is covered and consumed is so irritating i don’t know why people accept it and don’t demand better. The headline is misleading clickbait and so is the tweet. Neither side wanted trial to start, and the notion it’s indefinitely suspended intentionally creates an understanding that’s so off the mark.
  7. So based on that link and the link that cites the original decision, prosecution wanted a July date but the judge decided to wait until now to issue a ruling. They’re keeping pretrial proceedings as scheduled and will decide the date at a later date i realize that doesn’t jibe with the corrupt judge, case suspended indefinitely headline clickbait **** - but when actually reading the article, that’s how it reads to me 🤷‍♂️
  8. Yup. And I was seeing the same news elsewhere when it broke - there was nothing agreed to by either party as their demands are the opposite. and Egypt has been pretty don’t give a **** about the Palestinians for a while. It was Egypt that kept that border crossing closed when all this began, and only opened it to aid after lots of pressure. They’ve always had to balance what they want/think and what they say publicly. The Palestinians are not much liked by the rest of the region which is why the only help they get is to be made an international incident against western democracies every several years. Hamas is essentially using them as human shields. And the blame is cast on the Israeli’s. also I don’t know if Israel did that to please Egypt (makes total sense as an option) or if they are just enclosing the area. Either makes sense and the result is the same so doesn’t much matter.
  9. According to CNN Israel moved in and occupied the border crossing area and has shut the rafah border crossing down
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/tech/tiktok-osama-bin-laden-letter-to-america/index.html combined with some random polls about people having sympathy or believing he was right or whatever wearing that bandana tracks perfectly with the younger generation which is why you can’t take them seriously
  11. No, I wouldn’t say that. I think you’d swap that part out for whatever was applicable to the context. Doesn’t change what I said though.
  12. Oh duh, of course. Well. They were already stepping up aggression in the West Bank shortly after the initial attack. But yes, I assume the West Bank is finished as well one way or another. It was so fragmented already it’s basically just a formality at this point. I was speaking to the idea that I quoted which was that having a superior military means anything morally. I think you’re seeing the answer to “then what?” now, in the general sense. Generally I think history shows your options are surrender, fight until they annihilate you, or hold on long enough to get them to decide it’s no longer worth it. I don’t think the third option exists when you’re neighbors. Taliban had the third option and exercised it. Ukraine and Gaza/West bank don’t really have that option.
  13. I think the timeline is more 2-6 months. If they are actually going to invade the rafah camps… I mean that’s basically all that’s left isn’t there? Isn’t that where the people who fled, fled to? if they actually do it (they’re in the outskirts areas now I believe) then I think 20 years from now there won’t be a Gaza Strip … I’m not sure they’re gonna actually do it though. Guess we’ll see.
  14. I’ve never thought the fact Israel has a better military matters. We lay waste to people we go to war with. The difference is crazy staggering. Having a superior military only means it’s dumb for them to screw with you, because the only thing preventing your annihilation is the one side not wanting to do it. Your post reads as oversimplifying the situation and then casually throwing out “yeah the holocaust happened” as an attempt to say you care are the Israelis, then very one-sided the rest of it as pro Palestinian. Gaza is 141 square miles. Of course going after Hamas means dealing with civilians in the area Hamas did this with their attack. They are the government of Gaza as elected by the people that live there. I’ve posted the polls before but according to Gallup Palestinians support terrorist organizations and terrorist acts like bombing food markets (ie: specifically targeting just civilians) in a significantly higher rate than everywhere else in the Middle East then you have things like this https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514 sorry but the “civilians will get hurt and have no where to flee to” doesn’t do much for me when said civilians have entangled themselves with terrorists, intentionally.
  15. I actually don’t think that’s allowed. Not a lawyer but I believe it was decided a long time ago that’s a way to bias a jury 🤷‍♂️
  16. I’m reluctant to think him going to jail is a good thing for him in any sense buy to me it doesn’t matter. You follow the law and apply the punishment when and how much, correctly. If it somehow ‘helps’ him the fine - cross that bridge if we get there.
  17. @Spaceman Spiff question: how many months/years do you need to see at a job to remove any concern about it being a flag? like in your example you’ve got someone less than a year. Makes sense. what if it’s 18 months-2 years? I’m guessing the job title changes matter too - like someone just getting the same job every 12-14 months might be a flag as opposed to someone that’s “progrsssing” in some way….. also do you have any jobs open? Asking for a friend 😂
  18. This I’ll never understand. I see it a lot. The cost of recruiting, interviewing, the training time, and then you wind up paying more to bring someone in than to keep someone. You’ll get more money finding someone desperate to fill a seat for whatever role, than working with a person that already has the seat filled. It’s like they don’t have expect you to be able to get a new job or something
  19. this I definitely see a lot of always connected has had its drawbacks. I think in europe they have very specific rules about this exact thing. I recall it being explained to me once but I don’t remember the details That’s really bad management. there are lots of really bad managers/poorly run companies in that regard. A good manager wants to see their employees advance even when it means more work for the manager. I watch my wife do it all the time. But she works for someone that provides those opportunist and encourages that.
  20. This has not been my experience however it is what I hear a lot of people, that never advance, and justify why they do the minimum, say 🤷‍♂️
  21. Lol ”why we do the bare minimum at work” enjoy getting paid the bare minimum and not advancing I’m sure when you have 20 years in and it’s gone nowhere you’ll have a list of reasons for that, none of which will be your fault
  22. Eh - I think it does. The number of normal people who think conspiracy theories about it to this day… there’s a whole generation that has a significant percentage of which think if they meet god and get 1 question to ask - it’s who killed JFK. I can only imagine growing up in that household. I think it makes him unfit for leadership in government but I’m not going to pretend that could have a profound, character shaping impact on someone. obviously the rest of the family has escaped that sort of thing but I’m totally not surprised we have one that didn’t.
  23. Not sure why I never thought of this before. But kenedy has two family members that were prominent young politicians that were bucking the system in a certain way and they were both gunned down. Totally makes sense he believes in all kinds of conspiracy theories. I probably would too
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