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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Yeah cause when I reflect on society and drugs, one thing I find peace with is how difficult it is for children to get weed 🙄
  2. Because it’s not real. At some point you realize the Easter bunny and Santa aren’t real. all he did was adopt a cult. I guess they got tired of worshiping someone from thousands of years ago, and a magical being in the sky, and decided someone alive would be a cool change of pace The cult has found a new leader.
  3. Somewhere in a room people are pondering how to raise money and someone suggest selling a bible and someone else suggest having an insert in the Bible’s that is the constitution and yet another points out you can’t leave out the pledge of allegiance And at some point they decide this is a good idea. Maybe they thought it was a good idea from the start, but it feels more like a dragged out joke turned into an idea
  4. @PleaseBlitz. @Renegade7 to your points - isn’t his rise to fame basically that he was a big time donor they decided should run for governor as a stepping stone to running for president? ie: he didn’t climb the political ranks learning how to be a politician I feel like in that light, it makes total sense this happened the way it did 😂
  5. Just to be clear I’m not trying to say they are similar people, or the problems were similar. I certainly have no reason to believe he’s a “bad guy” all I’m saying is he skated by without much scrutiny because Snyder was the giant piniata in the room. now that Snyder is gone, the bar is no longer loathsome piece of **** everyone hates. Just being a bad owner and not producing better than mediocrity is not good enough. And totally flubbing a stadium deal the way he did, tracks along just great with the rest of it. edit: I don’t think the people that frequent this thread want to watch, much less participate in, this kind of discussion. Sorry, I’ll leave it at that.
  6. The worst thing that happened to Leonsis is Snyder selling the team. been saying it for a while. That will ultimately be the story. He flew under the radar cause he drafted Ovechkin and Snyder owned the football team. at some point people will also come around to the fact that he had only one legit run for a cup with Ovi. I don’t care how many you win, ****s hard and puck luck, but ultimately they only had one legit run (and they won that year.) That’s unacceptable.
  7. And they work tirelessly so they can donate money to their true savior
  8. @PleaseBlitz ‘s post is exactly how I feel. outside of me being a much more casual fan of the team than him. if a team wanted to buy some land and build something, maybe the tax payer cost is infrastructure rework, I’m OK with that. But screw paying for the stadium/land. The money these owners try to make by then building entire markets around their arena, much is only a possibility because they ultimately are doing it on the back of taxpayers by funding the stadium, is total nonsense.
  9. There are a number of 😂 things about it but yes that’s absolutely one of them
  10. This is exactly what I was referring to the other day… too early to jump to conclusions but it will be interesting if it turns out they had problems and headed to the. Ridge anyways…
  11. lol. This cracks me up. where’s @mistertim look at this and tell me you don’t at least chuckle
  12. But can’t the board, with its power, change that deal now? the boards power was stripped before they got control. It’s not like they made a bunch of changes and then Disney did this i feel like I’m just missing a very important piece of this. Idk I actually don’t really care about the Florida Disney thing, and didn’t follow it closely, so maybe I just totally misunderstand how everything unfolded.
  13. The state got what it wants and Disney has to unwind everything they did.
  14. i don’t know. I’m totally confused. going back to that plan, and restoring power, is the way things were before Disney did what they did to neuter the power of the board. how that’s a win for Disney or Desantis walking anything back is beyond me.
  15. Well the original comment was that Desantis was walking something back. If the article is correct - Disney gave up all their arguments and I’m not seeing where the state-controlled board gave up anything. They sued because of disneys maneuvering to try to shift power from the board to the company. They got all that reversed. Where’s the details on how Desantis has walked anything back, or Disney won anything here? I understand that Disney might prefer the plans as agreed to before the board shift but that wasn’t on the table. What was on the table was whether Disney would be allowed to continue after shifting power away from the board, or whether the power would be restored to the board. The power has been restored.
  16. I agree peoples expectations are out of whack. I watch people buy a brand new iPhone pro max, then complain about financial struggles. one place I very much disagree with the liberals on is the notion of what is and isn’t fair when it comes to expectations about what you have in life. but in the context of the thread/subject of the discussion, generally it seems people vote how they feel. If they feel things are OK or better, they tend to vote to keep what we have. If they feel it’s worse than OK, they tend to vote for change. To me we have the republicans pushing negative outlooks and highlighting bad things, we have the Biden team that seems disconnected as we’ve discussed wondering why they can’t run victory laps, and we have a public that’s not very good at details or separating causality. All of this adds up to a bad situation for the Biden team. I still would prefer to think that as they unleash their war chest, and we get closer and Trump maybe gets in more trouble but at least is still in the news for numerous crimes, abortion… that the general public will reject Trump. I just have zero confidence, because on top of everything else it just never seems the traditional rules (of anything) apply to Trump…
  17. Huh? That’s not what that article says. Disney did a bunch of things just before the takeover of the district, which essentially severely limited the districts control over things. The deals shifted decision making from the district board, to the company. the state sued. Disney settled by agreeing all those deals are null and void. That they’ll go back to the 2020 comprehensive plan, and that decision making is restored to the board (which the state now runs) if anything this is Disney giving up. I’m not seeing where the state gave up anything. All the concessions are on Disney’s side. I imagine because they don’t have a case.
  18. Um. I’m not an economist but I dont think that’s how that works? there are times when the fed lowers rates to deal with liquidity traps caused by an economic crisis. The QE’s and the financial/housing melt down being the most recent. otherwise I believe interest rates are tied to the freds stated desire to target 2% inflation. I believe rates went up to combat inflation. I also believe the fed is generally concerned about creating a big shock, and over the years expressed concern that their interest rate moves were not having the impact on inflation they expected. I don’t think it’s simply a sign of a good/bad economy last thought - people have been spoiled by low rates during QE. I believe big picture we still have interest rates lower than historical average post-gold standard. People want 2.75% mortgages and 0% new car auto loans. They got used to them. So now what they see are horrific rates, when in reality it’s on the lower end of historic averages. And of course when I hear average people talk, they blame Biden for higher interest rates 🤦🏼‍♂️ you can be driven mad listening to what average people have to say about what’s going on, why, and whom to blame. especially given our current culture where if you try to participate in the conversation and share the real data and situation, you’re viewed as an elitest talking down to them and are ignored and viewed as an enemy of the state. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  19. two children in daycare out the outskirts of NOVA ran us almost 30k a year. not a fancy daycare. And we looked at places inside NOVA so they’d be closer to my wife’s job and those prices were even more outrageous. in-home nanny options start at 30k/year (we looked…) cost of food also plays into this, when you’re shopping for a family of 4+. all our extra circular stuff is more expensive. And of course you have the cost of college always in the background. if you’re making 60k a year, and you see what you have after taxes and then realize daycare costs 25-30k. Yeah, that drives critical decisions like “am I going to keep working, or should I be a stay at home <whatever>” The median household income here is 110k but that’s dragged up by all the big earners working in nova that move here. You’re talking roughly 1/4 of household income going to daycare. Plus taxes and healthcare, and your mortgage. There’s not a lot left after it all. 15-20% of your income goes to taxes, 25% goes to childcare, and suddenly you have people making what should be decent money - deciding working isn’t worth it cause your paying a lot to have other people spend more time with your kids than you do.
  20. It’s baffling. Totally baffling. Voters have short memories and don’t pay enough attention. I have no other explanation. But I’m right there with you (and others) on this.
  21. i operate a 24’ inboard. Most people think of personal board as outboards or even inboard/outboards, in the sense that a prop hangs off the back and moves back and forth and is your steering. An inboard operates more like a large ship - the screw is fixed and doesn’t move, a rudder is behind the prop, the rudder turns the ship. my small boat, in ideal conditions on a lake, becomes incredibly clunky to maneuver at low speeds. You basically have to learn how to time quick, short thrusts to get steering with allowing your momentum to carry you. It’s a huge pain in the ass, not overly complicated or impossible but you do have to come to grips with the reality of your controls and how to use them. If I have no propulsion I’m basically ****ed. A little wind or current will totally outsize whatever control I have with a rudder and no propulsion. And that’s a 24’ boat that weighs about 5500# on a lake… it’s just a fundamental flaw with that design. when wind or chop gets bad, pulling into the boat slip gets tricky. I can only imagine a larger ship, with all that weight, dealing with tides and wind. It’s like asking loaded semi to have the braking and maneuverability of a civic. It just doesn’t work like that. With propulsion it’s tricky enough - without? You’re at the mercy of wind and current, and if your backup system isn’t working… you’ve got no options.
  22. I think we are too. but I don’t think this is all stupidity. The price increases outlined are real. Given how many people live paycheck to paycheck, this makes total sense. I think you fix it by being honest about it instead of doing victory laps with a “you don’t get it” “you’re just stupid” mentality. 🤷‍♂️ ultimately it doesn’t change my vote. Again, I don’t personally blame Biden. In fact, I blame republicans for most everything right now because their whole shtick is to create more dysfunction for the government. but… that’s not necessarily how the public feels, thinks, or votes. And THAT is how the Biden team should handle it - yeah we got a lot more work to do, numbers look good, but day to day life is much harder, and here’s a list of reasons why republicans have made it harder …
  23. Another suggestion: maybe we shouldn’t have ships that big. I get it - it makes things cheaper if we can move more at a time. but how does that long term work out when we factor in the cost of the bridge? Or the cost of the other problems we see when something happens to a large ship (oil in particular)? If we net it all out, are we coming out a head when we compare the day to day cheaper widgets with the problems outsourcing has created here at home, and all the costs associated with this? We’ve lost a major port until further notice and have to spend billions on a new bridge. How’s that math work out? And it’s just one incident. if we have ships that can take out our bridges because ship growth has outpaced infrastructure upkeep, maybe we shouldn’t let the ships be so big? if only we had some system with people that would be charged with keeping track of this sort of stuff, and be proactive and thoughtful instead of reactive and complacent. (and a voter base that cared about such things enough to demand it)
  24. right and it had income caps and it expired I don’t disagree with any of that. I follow the same economic news you do - I see the same thing you do. the difference is I understand why people have such a negative outlook. From the original article: the Biden admin wants to do victory laps on the economy, but day to day people are seeing those price increases. if you can’t see why that’s not working, I don’t know what to say. This is like falling in a guys combine numbers when on Sunday he just doesn’t play well. As with all statistics and metrics and analytics - they are meant to be one tool to inform and help advise. no one gives a **** about jobs reports and inflation numbers falling when rent is 20% higher, food is 21% higher, etc. do I personally blame Biden for that? Of course not. But I recognize how it translates into how voters feel and ultimately vote. And I understand why doing victory laps is a bad idea. It’s like when we watch a player celebrate a tackle in the fourth quarter when their team is down 20 and the game is over. Oh. I wasn’t trying to crap on the article. I was furthering the conversation about the disconnect and how the Biden team is (not) handling it. that’s all. Sorry if the way I worded things suggested otherwise. From what I see in economic news, there is at least some effort put into understanding the disconnect. But it doesn’t seem to be across the board, and it certainly doesn’t seem to be happening with the Biden team. (Although as I said earlier - I’m not a political strategist and a good one might very well think I’m an idiot and that my preferred way of them doing things would cost them the election 🤷‍♂️)
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