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Everything posted by ixcuincle

  1. "Clingan is good in the paint" yeah well so is Sarr if Atlanta takes Sarr and they very well might pass on him then snatch him up immediate.
  2. I don't get the appeal of Clingan or Castle. Why should we draft them, because they won rings on stacked teams? Dan Hurley won't be coaching them in DC. Why bother. Sarr or the other French kid. No other option.
  3. Both sides can be **** Hamas instigated it but Israel is going overboard I just hope we can reach a truce soon I'm tired of violence
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/opinions/us-election-isnt-playing-out-how-i-thought-zakaria/index.html When President Joe Biden made clear that he was going to run for reelection, I had a sense of what his election strategy was and thought it was an intelligent path to victory. After the chaos of Covid-19 and the administration of former President Donald Trump, Biden would stand for normalcy and a rising tide of good economic news. Trump would divide Republicans, with significant chunks of the party wishing that someone like former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would be their nominee. Meanwhile, Trump would unite and motivate Democrats, allowing Biden to focus on independent voters in the swing states that threw the Electoral College to Trump in 2016 and to Biden in 2020. I have to admit, none of this is playing out as I had thought. Trump is now leading in almost all the swing states, and behind those numbers lie even more troubling details. As someone worried about the prospects of a second Trump term, I think it is best to be honest about reality. I understand that polls are not always accurate, but in general they have tended to underestimate Trump’s support, not overestimate it. I doubt that there are many shy Biden voters in the country. Perhaps the most worrying new trend for Democrats is that far from being the more unified party, they are now bitterly divided over the war in Gaza. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has said the eruption of pro-Palestinian protests could be “Biden’s Vietnam” and even invoked the specter of President Lyndon Johnson choosing not to run for reelection in 1968 because of the public opposition to that war. The analogy is farfetched — America was itself sending hundreds of thousands of troops to Vietnam, with more being recruited from college campuses every week. But there is no denying that the party seems more openly divided than it has been in decades. Only 33% of Americans say they approved of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, which is criticized both by people who think he is too soft and people who think he is too hard on Israel.
  5. "As someone worried about the prospects of a second Trump term, I think it's best to be honest about reality." teepThink
  6. No one lives forever, no one. But with advances in modern science and my high level income, it's not crazy to think I can live to be 245, maybe 300. Heck, I just read in the newspaper that they put a pig heart in some guy from Russia. Do you know what that means?
  7. He's more tolerable than anyone in the DC market right now. (Pat)
  8. McAfee is one of the most popular national radio shows though
  9. I have Nuggets fatigue would be nice to see someone else win it
  10. sports talk is for fan callers and hot takes the more educated of us moved on to podcasts long ago. For instance Keim's podcast is must listen. He rarely gives into the drama and hype and analyzes everything with a reasoned mind. For example everyone was crying about the number drama with JD and Tress and Keim outlined that initially Way was not willing to give 5 up because of what it meant to him and he was the captain. But after being asked again and more discussions he decided to give Daniels the number. There was no animosity or drama, just facts I will say though for podcasts like Nats Chat where Gaudi is now, or Keim's podcast, they are overly reliant on advertising. You'll be listening and then they shove in 2 or 3 ads. That's why I always have the fast forward button ready to skip ahead 30 seconds or until the actual discussion returns. But you can get a lot of drama-free intel and insight listening to reasonable sports podcasts.
  11. Lol how did the Spurs get 4 and 8th picks
  12. lebron is actually the last thing we need sadly this team will not contend anytime soon so I am slowly accepting we have to go young and develop players like, we aren't even going to try to win games for like 4 more years lol
  13. well yeah but picking sarr or the other guy would be helpful
  14. the number drama is overblown listen to guys like John keim and podcasts that don't rely on drama for cheap clicks
  15. 3 GOP candidates for WVA governor try to outdo each other on anti-LGBTQ issues https://www.cbsnews.com/news/3-gop-candidates-west-virginia-governor-anti-lgbtq/ Leading up to Tuesday's West Virginia primary, three of the Republican candidates for governor have been trying to outdo each other in proving their opposition to transgender rights. In TV ads running in West Virginia, state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, Chris Miller and Moore Capito have been accusing each other of harboring transgender sympathies while touting their own efforts to restrict LGBTQ rights.
  16. I would not mind having Frank Vogel as head coach here, no more retreads Any vet coach good at developing talent on this young team needs a look
  17. I was working yesterday and it was legit 56 degrees out in May with rain It's going to be 60's today. It's not winter anymore. This cold weather has long overstayed it's welcome
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