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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. We do. May not be possible to get it right per se where everyone is happy, but it will be easy to improve on the current situation! (I am a little worried they’ll decide it’s not worth the trouble though)
  2. That’s all fair as well. We just differ on our feelings about the old name. For me the new name can suck it, because it was handpicked by Snyder. The old name was going away anyway, but I wish that would’ve happened after Snyder was gone so we could’ve had a legitimate renaming process. Could not agree more with your last two sentences. Snyder being gone is the most important thing, so no regrets.
  3. Man, I’m all for tanking once we are eliminated from contention. But I gotta aim little higher than that for my “dream scenario”! 😁 kidding aside, though, I agree that would be a good place to be at the end of this year
  4. No, I know why he did it. He didn’t have to go after the team name though. We have courts to settle such disputes. And it didn’t work anyway, he ended up having to sell his shares for way under value. Sure it’s great that Snyder taking on the debt was one of the dominoes that eventually led to his demise, but Fred Smith was looking out for Fred Smith and the rest of us suffered for it. I don’t give him or FedEx any credit for Snyder being gone.
  5. I honestly don’t think sitting a year is what made Mahomes and Rogers great. They would have been Hall of Famers either way, and both of those teams may have cost themselves a title by keeping them on the bench behind lesser players. Mahomes has become the new Brady, where using him as a comparison for anything is a waste of time. He’s just a unicorn that is not constrained by conventional thinking. Love maybe we can talk once he puts up more than half a good season. But he is an outlier example, as teams generally do not spend high picks like that on a QB when they already have a stud at the position. Looks good now, but remember at the time they could’ve used those picks to give a still great Rogers a couple more weapons which may have put them over the top in those years.
  6. Is he not that quality of player? I feel like he is. The player we thought we were getting when we drafted Chase. It’s expensive, but blue chip players do not come cheap. And we are seriously lacking in blue chip players right now. Plus, the guy is only 25 years old. If we are going to splurge on a stud player, this is the kind of guy we should target imo.
  7. You’re not getting a difference maker like a Barkley or Josh Jacobs with a mid round pick, I don’t understand that comparison. I do agree with the current trend that you don’t pay up for a running back in today’s NFL, but at some point that gets baked into the cost and running backs will become a value again. Maybe we are not quite there, yet, but… If the market has gotten so bad for RBs that we can get a stud like those guys on a team friendly one or two year deal, then I think it’s worth considering. We’re in a position where we don’t need to be frugal about the cap right now, and we definitely have a shortage of blue chip players on the roster. Seems like a rookie QB would benefit from the presence of a veteran star running back in the huddle that he can turn around and hand the ball to.
  8. For me, it’s Q2 with Doug Williams. I was in college at the time, and my buddies and I had a tradition of guzzling a beer when they scored a touchdown. Needless to say, I have very little memory of the second half of the game! of course Riggins is the obvious answer, but I didn’t quite have enough time invested as a fan at that point to truly appreciate it.
  9. Not a big deal, but enough to bump him behind Maye for some of us who were 50/50 between the two. Daniels is probably thinking he should have just blown off the entire event. Might still have been a bad look but the focus wouldn’t be so much on the weigh in. Everything they do there can be done at his pro day anyway. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the top prospects skip it completely going forward.
  10. That’s fair. But they did let the fans in, and everybody knows… Fans boo sometimes
  11. I don’t think it’s disrupting the process at all, just hurting the feelings of a few reporters. If the guy who says he’s going to “rewrite history” can’t handle a few boo birds, well then I say good luck to him. But my guess is he doesn’t care about it one bit. I agree it’s classless behavior, but not something they should be kicked out over.
  12. Interesting. Is Chad Forbes reputable? I see the quotation marks, but it doesn’t say who he is quoting?
  13. Yep, it’s not just whether he can put on the weight, but whether he can do it without losing his speed. Unless both are measured at the same time, I guess we’re not going to know, which makes it difficult to get on board with drafting him over Drake Maye.
  14. Pfffft. As if LSU‘s pro day is going to be ignored or something, if not for his long awaited weigh in. Not a huge red flag because we already knew he was underweight, but definitely is pushing me toward the Drake Maye side of the discussion at 2.
  15. That’s nice that he avoided jail time, but I’m still left with serious doubts about him as a person/player. When Ron made that dumb ass pick, he pitched us on Davis being raw but someone who could be molded into a great player due to the maturity and discipline that comes from growing up in a military family. A character guy if you will, but seems like it’s just the opposite. He’s a good enough stopgap for now while we focus on other positions, but he’ll need to be replaced as well sooner than later. I don’t see any chance of him ever living up to his first round draft status.
  16. Tempting, of course, but I’d rather see them go after someone younger
  17. Gates sucks, Leno is ancient, and we’ve needed to upgrade from Logan for years. Hoping for a major upgrade at all three positions, but any warm body would be just about as good as those guys.
  18. It was. But we’ve been burned before by owner meddling. Badly. So an overreaction on our part is to be expected. I thought Harris did a good job of diffusing things by putting it out there that he was only there to observe.
  19. Not so sure about that. The net result of it was 1- the name change, and 2- Snyder ended up buying those minority shares at a discount rate. By most accounts, he had actually become more powerful at that point. If not for the Gruden email leak getting Congress back involved, we may still be stuck with him. I’ll grant that maybe it helped in the end, but Fred Smith’s intentions were completely selfish at the time.
  20. Good riddance to FedEx. I hope they lost their ass on the deal. I’ll never forgive the company for igniting the name change fiasco.
  21. Apparently, San Fran (CMC) and Detroit (Montgomery) didn’t get the memo. And it’s not going to cost “big money“ otherwise I’d agree. Seems like a market inefficiency where you can get a lot of on field contribution for your dollar. If somebody is giving them big money, then yeah, move on. But for a reasonable price that we can easily afford without affecting our ability to improve other positions, it’s worth at least considering.
  22. He also said he likes versatile running backs. I agree, I don’t like one-dimensional “speed” backs. C-rod is only a project at this point, we have no idea if he can play. I do agree you can find good running backs late in the draft though, so either way is fine with me. Running backs are cheap, both in free agency and in the draft. I’d like to make sure we have two we can rely on. C-Rod and a late draft pick are not proven reliable options.
  23. Normally I’d agree, but RBs are cheap now. These guys won’t break the bank in money or years, and we have all that cap room burning a hole in our pocket. A stud RB will make our line look better, and help protect our rookie QB. And a reliable veteran presence around so many young guys seems prudent. edit: I’d add that SF traded for CMC and Detroit signed Montgomery and spent a high first on Gibbs, so I’m not sure if your assessment of what our FO believes in regarding running backs value is necessarily accurate.
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