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Everything posted by bowhunter

  1. My suggestion is to keep RR on board as continuity for 1 full year. See how he does without Snyder making bad decisions. New GM (or even current FO) will have a full year to evaluate if change is necessary.
  2. After this transition year, our new GM can make these decisions. Since the sale timing may leave some things in limbo, it's best that we at least have someone guarding the henhouse to provide some degree of continuity.
  3. We have FA to sign and whether earned or not, the players like RR. If RR is fired, we ain't retaining our talent. Rivera should stay. I think he is archaic at times, not the most cerebral coach out there. Makes bad decisions and may need a calculator to make change for a dollar. Plan for 2023 should be to keep Rivera while mandating he replace our OC and the new GM makes personnel decisions. Then the GM can decide Rons fate for 2024.
  4. Or at least put a Pig nose on it. Rumor has it there may be auditions for a 5th Hogette. May even get it on TV and make special appearances. Your Johnson may become more famous than back in your adult film days.
  5. Agreed. The AR thing scares me the most. There was a time where his (rumored) diva attitude was surpassed by his play. But if we're gonna invest a bazillion dollars on any one player, they at least should be near their prime. I don't think that is where AR is at this stage of his career. I'm at lest lukewarm on Carr depending on the accompanying pricetag of course. But the FO silence on the development of Howell leads me to think that they don't feel he is quite ready for primetime, nor that they see him as the future. I hope I'm wrong on that since @KDawgkinda got me pumped about him last offseason. I think we'd all be onboard with a guy like Carr at the $23m range. But if the pricetag gets stupid I'd really give Howell a shot, resign Payne and go on a O-line spending spree.
  6. That's kind of my take (currently) as well. And I'm wondering if a miracle rebirth is possible, and how much earnest confidence in CW we can gain even if he absolutely balls out over the next few games. I hate the purgatory almost as much as I dislike the Hell. So many unanswered questions and mind boggling things for us to complain about all offseason lol. You and TK better batten down the hatches
  7. And I think that part is the key component to Wentz being part of the equation in 2023... $$$ I personally don't think there is anything he can show in 2 games that make it worth keeping him on the roster at his current salary. We have too many holes to fill, starting first and foremost with OL. If he agrees to take a significant paycut, I'd love to have him onboard as we sort through the QB process.
  8. It appears that Thibodeaux is the next coming of LT, and besides "Moxie" one of THs greatest attributes seems to be his football smarts. However, somebody had to make the line protection call on the game determining Sack Fumble TD. Thib went largely unblocked and bad things happened. Although I don't think I would have qualified as a "Hiver," there were a lot of things I enjoyed watching TH play. Now that the things I dont enjoy>>the things I do, I'm ready for Howell. Wentz should not be the future and neither is TH as a starter. @KDawggot me excited for Sam before the draft and it's time to open that chapter.
  9. And the reason why I would hope the new owner would extend Ron and the FO immediately. Eliminate the uncertainty with our upcoming Free Agents and allow the decisions to be made in the best interest of the TEAM and not out of job desperation. You can still fire/replace them 6 months later if you want to (and hopefully the new owner isn't too cheap to do so) but entering into an off-season in limbo never makes for a smooth transition.
  10. I just watched Howells pre-season highlight film. By golly that kid throws (and runs) with some Zip. If Heini can patent "Moxie," I think I'll refer to Sam as "Zippy" Howell
  11. Here's Howells pre-season film. Kid has a little Moxie himself and definitely some Zip on the ball. Is "Mox-Zip" a word?
  12. Either that^, or a note from his mother saying he's allowed to have a football team. I think Goodell would be OK with either
  13. And he really wouldn't feel a need to show up Snyder either, I mean what else needs to be done to make Dan a laughingstock
  14. Although I agree that the focus should be getting Howell ready to lead the franchise, a LOT of this hinges upon who will be owning the Team in 2023, and what if any promises are made to the current (or new) coaching staff. If RR is retained and on a short leash, he'll be focusing on keeping a vet in the lineup and avoiding the rookie learning curve. A coach only focuses on the future if he knows that he's part of it.
  15. If he is moved to IR after not yet playing a 2022 snap, will this push his rookie contract out a year? If so, I imagine that is playing into consideration.
  16. Don't tell anyone but apparently Santa is using more Chinese labor since very few Elf kids want a job in the "trades."
  17. My buddy and I each harvested a wild turkey this am. Within an hour they were breast filleted and in the fryer.
  18. I do find it somewhat strange that the Howell buzz has been pretty quiet. I mean, we have a QB quandry between strong armed but immobile Wentz and weaker armed but mobile TH. Yet on the roster sits Storng armed mobile Howell. Yet otside of this forum there's very little talk about option 3. Not from Coaches, not media questions, not much really at all.
  19. That discussion should include his ability to learn an evolve as a coach. If you're gonna be stubborn about your personnel, you better be right. So although Ron may have made a bad choice initially, any flexibility on the issue is a perceived strength
  20. If I was a member of an exclusive club, few things would elevate the status of my club more than having the 4th richest man in the world be part of it. It probably also makes my net worth jump a good bit. But I don't like reading that he can be a bit of an arrogant A-hole. I'd rather respect him as a person just as much as I respect his wealth.
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