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Everything posted by Riggo#44

  1. I think the most important parts of culture are: 1. Everybody plays 2. Everybody has fun 3. Orange slices at halftime
  2. Entirely possible, but we also saw him give up on plays. Lots of them. Pass. Give me someone that wants to play
  3. Really like this hire. I was really surprised when they fired him. Desai not so much, but the Eagles offense was really good last year.
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v436/jayman42/elivilliage.jpg http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj609/paul_davis11/honboobooeli2_zps6122dcc6.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/leedogg/ForumPics/eli_tigger.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7bivu.jpg Some of the funnier ones. Ok, off topic, I'll stop...
  5. Probably, but still, that's not a good sign. We need to make a leap forward in development this year.
  6. I get your overall sentiment. We've been through this too many times to not have some trepidation concerning our hires. 2013 tells us all we need to know there. However, can we dispense with critque? Kyle Shanahan was just as involved in this debacle, and we would be tripping over ourselves if we hired him.
  7. Reading the retorts from Johnson’s camp, I had the same thoughts. I was involved in something where a lot of falsehoods were written that affected me, personally. We did not respond. It eventually died out and forgotten about. When you respond, it puts another log on the fire and puts it back at the top of the Twitter list. It will be very interesting how his interviews go next year. I still hope he stubs is pinky toe on the leg of the bed, every morning, for the next year.
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