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Everything posted by Riggo#44

  1. I wish someone would do a comparison to all descriptions of new coaches and see how common the language is. I bet there is a lot of overlap in the platitudes doled out.
  2. If it was a one-time article, sure. But it's been a campaign for her. She went on 106.7 and spouted off things about the Lerners being broke, they're undercutting Rizzo, leaving him to twist in the wind, etc., that turned out to be untrue, so her credibility is already low on this subject. I write and edit technical documents for a living--so I always read articles with a critical eye. I always look for unsubstantiated claims. Specifically, she states there are buyers. Really? Who? The MASN thing didn't get cleared up until recently, and that was the major stumbling block. Sure, that might bring interested buyers, but there aren't any now, that we're aware. There was a 2.1B offer from Leonsis and Rubenstein a while back, but in closer analysis, it was ironically like Harper's $315m deal with all the deferrals--e.g., not nearly what it seems to be. That was the only offer they received--and that was almost a year ago. It's been almost two years since they said they would look into a sale, and nothing came of it. Lerner has stated he's in it for the long haul, which she dismisses at the end of the article with a "pfft, that's what Angelos said." But the difference is, Rubenstein was announced as a potential buyer in December, not April. Even then, Angelos dismissed those rumors AFTER Rubenstein was announced as interested. No one is currently interested in the Nationals. It's an entirely different situation. It's not to defend the Lerners, it's my utter disdain for lazy, crap journalism. She's clearly not current on the situation and it's a lazy article--not unlike Florio pushing the Belichick narrative. She has a narrative she wants to push that ignores current information for her agenda. I find it annoying. And I'm not mad, I just dislike this agenda-pushing narrative that discounts very relevant, available information. And this isn't vitriol. If it was, I would have called her a dumb ****.
  3. @PleaseBlitz My point isn't to defend Lerner--I would be perfectly happy if he sold, he's not his dad, who I think was a really good owner. My question is she keeps pressing this issue despite lack of buyers, multiple people saying the sale is all but dead. MASN was a stumbling block--he came out and said he is in it for the long haul. It's just an odd take. Add to that her spouting off garbage like the Lerners are writing personal checks to make payroll a couple months back? I find it very odd. I've never seen any one person championing a sale like this--especially one who has had success and a willingness to spend on payroll. Ghiroli talks about him like he's Dick Monfort.
  4. You're not wrong in the comparisons--but they are different people. I am not wild about the hire, but calling him Rivera 2.0 is just invalid. But the circumstances are wildly different as well. Mainly the organization structure is set up so Quinn isn't in charge of everything. Rivera dealt with Covid, cancer, the team name, the investigations, the team being sold, Snyder being checked out and on a shoe-string budget. Rivera made a ton of mistakes, don't get me wrong, and he was checked out by the end. He was too worried about public perception more than anything else. His staff was highly questionable. He made really poor personnel decisions. Quinn will be able to focus only on the football aspect. I think that would make even Rivera better.
  5. I've lost all respect for Ghiroli since her awful, ill-informed, and just false statements around Rizzo's extension. She said they have buyers? Who? Leonsis was the only one to make an actual bid, 2 years ago. There has been nothing around this since. She dislikes Mark Lerner almost on a personal level--she writes nothing about the other, demonstrably worse owners like Castellini and Nutting. Lerner has said, as she says in the last paragraph, that is he in it for the long haul. Ok. She spends the entire article ignoring that statement. It's odd. That said, it will be interested to see what happens if MASN does get sold to Leonsis and we get fair market value here. Also, I saw the O's valuation was considered "low" by some (it was a headline I saw, that I thought was interesting. I didn't get the details). I wouldn't be against Lerner selling--there are better owners out there. Just not to Leonsis.
  6. I had the misfortune of hearing Danny Rouhier yesterday say they're settling on Quinn and he was basically a consolation prize. This narrative is so aggravating because it shows people weren't paying attention. I was so irritated I had the urge to do the one thing I despise--call in and ream that jackass. (But then I realized I have a life and have better things to do than sit on hold to interact with those two mutton heads.)
  7. In some mocks (for what they're worth) I've seen Keon Coleman drop too. I'd sprint to the podium if he's there in the 2nd.
  8. Keim addressed this a while back. They knew they wanted Peters. He was the runaway favorite. There wasn’t the prohibitive number one choice in the coaching search. That’s the difference
  9. I may be wrong, but XL is giving me strong Deebo Samuel vibes
  10. How many times did Dungy fail, even with Manning? Ryan’s greatest success was with Quinn. It’s not like the Falcons took off without Quinn either. im not a fan of Quinn but you’re doing the Chris Russell bit of holding different coaches to different standards to validate your point.
  11. Quinn took the Falcons to the Super Bowl. He had more success as a HC than either Carroll or Belichick in his first stint. Quinn won a Super Bowl as a DC with Seattle. And immediately revived Dallas horrid defense. Your logic has gaping holes in it
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