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the burgundy and gold

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Everything posted by the burgundy and gold

  1. He would be a nice fit in our very short receiver room. If it only takes a late round pick, why not?
  2. It would be a huge help, (and hopefully not too unrealistic) if Ricky Stromberg could step in and be an above average Center or Guard next season. That would create a potentially above average group of: LT: 2nd Round Draft pick LG: Top FA Guard Center: Stromberg RG: Cosmi RT: Leno/Wylie/Lucas
  3. Just like we all predicted before the season started
  4. Least surprising thing ever that this back fired pretty much immediately. Anyone who didn't see this coming hasn't been following this team for the last two decades. This horse has been beaten to death but just incase, I wasn't a Hopkins lover, but certainly didn't hate him as much as some. My take is that if they were gonna dump him, training camp or the preseason was the time to do it.
  5. Yup very strange indeed. Last update I can remember said he's "getting back into game shape, which might take until December." Doesn't seem normal to me. That combined with him not attending games gives me big concerns. Have there been any reports or pictures of him practicing with the rest of the team?
  6. Thanks for posting this. @William Jackson, woof. O-Line has been very good, Dyami Brown is definitely concerning. Kind of surprised Payne and Holcomb are so low. Allen certainly has taken a step above Payne, will be curious to see if he's the guy from the D-line we don't re-sign when his contract is up.
  7. Great trade. We never get anything productive out of our 2nd rounders, might as well us them to move up in the 1st.
  8. I'm more pissed off about this than any other game I've ever watched. On a side note, I'm beyond dumb founded by Seraphin playing 28 minutes and Gortat playing 12. Just absurd.
  9. Christ that vine of Randy is a new level of bad. Pretty much proving the point we've all known for years now. Glad to see Gil is still supporting the team, he had a rough ending to his career here but I hope people don't let that over shadow what he did for the team
  10. Solid win. No doubt it was a disappointing 4th quarter but the fact that they dominated the OT makes up for it. The traditional Wizards team would have lost after that 4th quarter implosion. Otto didn't have great numbers but played very well. He's come a long way over the last couple months.
  11. Sessions is by definition a mediocre back up player, I think you could argue he can't shoot. I agree it's beneficial to have a 2 who can create off the dribble but my initial post was regarding Martell's regression. It's not like Martell was a Steve Novak type shooter, he was a very good scoring wing player who was versatile. It's a shame he has regressed so much that we now are playing a below average point guard at the 2. Especially considering the contract we signed him to.
  12. Not sure if we're just missing each other's point but you really think a point guard playing the 2 is better with Wall than a shooting specialist?
  13. Completely agree. Sadly those are pretty much the only examples of good teams with that kind of profile.
  14. With Wall on the floor we don't really need ball handlers, we need shooters. Webster was an elite shooter for us in years past. He is an extremely likable guy, it just sucks we paid him and then injuries made him this ineffective.
  15. How far has Martell regressed that we have Sessions playing the 2 over him
  16. Otto has been awesome these last few games. Just another illustration of how awful Randy is.
  17. It's been said in here many times but Otto is a much better player when he plays with Wall instead of the backup.
  18. This is pretty obvious but wow the Knicks roster tonight is one of the worst I've ever seen.
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