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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Brow will go tonight vs the Dubs. So, that’s nice.
  2. I’ve watched about 30 game minutes of the Wizards this year. Even that was too much. I’d rather get a root canal than watch another 30. #nola
  3. I am very interested, VERY INTERESTED, in fishing for some secondary depth with a late round pick.
  4. Surely the Browns have a guy in mind they really like. Otherwise, why make the move now?
  5. Appreciate the “conservatives” rolling into the Mass Shooting thread with their NFL hot takes. I suppose it’s a step up from 6 pages of insular, moronic blather about “hunting rifles”.
  6. Eagles Redskins Colts Saints I feel pretty good about all these games.
  7. I’ll probably be jumping on this Pelicans bandwagon pretty soon. Just keeping y’all in the loop.
  8. Lets hear him out and give him the emotional support he deserves.
  9. I think we’d all be better off if there were less pics of liver spots in this thread.
  10. I’m willing to flip any Wizard for Eric Gordon and 4 first rounders. ANY WIZARD
  11. Evil Groove-Death. One of the best guitar solos I’ve heard in many a moon, if you’re into that sort of thing.
  12. Westbrook had 15 rebounds last night. That’s super impressive.
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