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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. TradeTheBeal!


    Tiger is doing Tiger things...
  2. https://twitter.com/anthonyfjoshua/status/1108848954807066625?ref_url=https%3a%2f%2fdeadspin.com%2fajax%2finset%2fiframe%3fid%3dtwitter-1108848954807066625%26autosize%3d1
  3. This CC/Buzzette throwdown is magical. Surely the Tailgate is the most enlightened corner of the net.
  4. I’m riding with LP and the over. Should be fun!
  5. There were some other outliers in there. Kawhi shooting 5-14? That’s an outlier. Warriors shooting 94% from the line? That’s an outlier, too.
  6. CC is right. The only thing she is guilty of Is lack of tact or “saying the quiet part loud”, so to speak. Because, as hard as may be for sane people to believe, the NRA/gun market/far-right does in fact “love it”. Mass shootings are great for business and this instance will simply be piled onto the “only more guns could have prevented this” narrative. This is a feedback loop and it will never stop because Americans are too stupid and cowardly to make a change and have been taught their whole lives that a gun can make them a superhero. And they believe that with all their heart...over and above any fact of science or tenet of any religion. The gun is their law and their lord.
  7. Remember when Facebook banned Farrakhan and nobody cared?
  8. Any new GM that takes this project on is gonna want and need a surplus of draft picks. The roster must be turned over nearly 100% over the next 3 years and it needs to be done cheaply. The only question regarding Beal is when...and it would be best not to wait until he demands a trade. Could depress his value.
  9. For your consideration. Hmm, not sure why my tweets have stopped embedding.
  10. Mexico is a country that’s 762,000 square miles and has 130 million people living in it. But 30something white guys in Loudon have watched Sicario a couple of times so they’ve got the whole thing figured out. Hilarious.
  11. Shut up and get in the car, Spiff. We’re going ice fishing!
  12. Better start rubbing some magic dust on KD’s calf.
  13. Welp...let’s focus on the positive. The effects are absolutely top notch. The creature design is also spectacular. Mothra and Rodan, in particular, are not easy to pull off and they nail it. $200M budget and they spent it wisely. This is light years ahead of half-ass trash like Justice League or Jurassic World. There’s also some fairly clever world-building going on. Although it’s a lot to digest early on...big info dump for the first 30 minutes or so. A good percentage of the score is vintage/classic Toho stuff and it works...very strong. As for the bad? Look, this is a silly movie. The script, the casting, the acting...all kinda silly. A mix of the first film and Pacific Rim but darker. Temper your expectations. If you like Godzilla movies, you’ll enjoy yourself.
  14. The goal, for nearly all of us and by whatever means necessary, is to have a reasonable, intelligent individual in the White House in 2020. If impeachment is determined to be the best path for that, so be it. But that may not be the case...
  15. *reads Gun Control Thread and School Lunch hot takes* *gets washed out to sea by hypocrisy tsunami*
  16. The correlation between “ZOMG Impeach Yesterday Because I Am Angry Young Man” folks and the Bernie Sanders Dank Meme Stashers appears to be roughly 100%.
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