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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Much like roaches scurrying when the kitchen light goes on at 3AM, our Trump apologists reflexively lapse into whataboutism whenever a tiny light of truth is shone upon them. For T-dog, it’s the repeated dog-whistle assertion that drug-smuggling, human trafficking and “crime” is a strictly Latino problem that can be fixed by getting tough on Mexico. Big newsflash...white American folks do all of these things all of the time. For Cowgirl, were gonna go with a Hail Mary and try to flip the conversation to abolishing unions and the minimum wage. Hilarious! And TrollBot clicks into interrogative sea-lion mode. True to form, across the board.
  2. Again, our entire economy is now and always has been built on an influx of cheap immigrant labor. From a pragmatic view, there is no long-term downside, economic or otherwise, for the US to absorb asylum seekers/laborers and their families...no matter their origin. UNLESS...you have a racially-motivated fear of whites losing their majority. And that’s the song that Trump and the GOP is playing. And some of us are dancing right along. I’d also like to add that owning/running detention camps is extremely lucrative for a select few.
  3. Nice game from Lowry tonight...as some predicted.
  4. Kyle Lowry will dominate tonight. Its his time now. Edit: Metallica rules. Always has, always will.
  5. If anyone can think of a time when the US didn’t have a giant minority underclass, I’d like to hear it. Fairly safe to say that a cheap immigrant labor force is a feature of our economic system, not a bug. The only real rub is how many rights and benefits we allow them to have...same as it ever was.
  6. Australia will get on the phone to Joes Bulletproof Glass Co and get it taken care of!
  7. I’m pulling for Joe’s Bulletproof Glass Company. They seem like nice guys.
  8. The amount of soft targets is infinite. If one wished, one could target children and/or classmates at playgrounds/sporting events/bus stops/field trips/etc...and that’s exactly what will happen.
  9. I’ll take this one, Kush....”Yes Birtherism is absolutely racist. In fact, racism is the sum total of its appeal and popularity.” Next...
  10. I fell asleep around halftime...too much manicotti. Glad I didn’t miss anything fun. Go Raptors!
  11. TradeTheBeal!


    Tiger is doing Tiger things...
  12. https://twitter.com/anthonyfjoshua/status/1108848954807066625?ref_url=https%3a%2f%2fdeadspin.com%2fajax%2finset%2fiframe%3fid%3dtwitter-1108848954807066625%26autosize%3d1
  13. This CC/Buzzette throwdown is magical. Surely the Tailgate is the most enlightened corner of the net.
  14. I’m riding with LP and the over. Should be fun!
  15. There were some other outliers in there. Kawhi shooting 5-14? That’s an outlier. Warriors shooting 94% from the line? That’s an outlier, too.
  16. CC is right. The only thing she is guilty of Is lack of tact or “saying the quiet part loud”, so to speak. Because, as hard as may be for sane people to believe, the NRA/gun market/far-right does in fact “love it”. Mass shootings are great for business and this instance will simply be piled onto the “only more guns could have prevented this” narrative. This is a feedback loop and it will never stop because Americans are too stupid and cowardly to make a change and have been taught their whole lives that a gun can make them a superhero. And they believe that with all their heart...over and above any fact of science or tenet of any religion. The gun is their law and their lord.
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