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Everything posted by MisterPinstripe

  1. I love reading your posts and the insight you provide, but I disagree with this one point. If you are at 2 and take a swing and miss its more understandable. It happens a lot, QBs are hard to find. However if you trade back from 2 and one of the 2 QBs that were available at your pick are great it is WAY more damning and hard to come back from.
  2. Is there any QB that skyrocketed up draft boards at the end of the season that panned out?
  3. As long as we lose AZ doesnt matter. NE only matters because of potential SOS is so close.
  4. They must trade Fields before the draft right? Have to think his trade value would drop a chunk of they drafted Williams and then tried to trade him?
  5. Maybe Jamin needed to not be under Jack. He's made more plays today then I can recall.
  6. Its crazy looking around the NFC East and seeing how dismissed Howell is by the other teams fans. I see him being compared as just another Colt McCoy, no different than Jason Campbell, etc.
  7. We aren't protecting him by limiting how much he throws. Certainly he wouldn't be leading the league in passing if we didn't pass so much. But the fact that he is passing so much and doing so well is also an indication that he is really good. And doing it behind a bad OL and no running game.
  8. Missed XP cost us the game. If we are up 1 with less than a minute left it completely changes the tenor of the game. Rather then them having no pressure, because if they don't score we go to OT, they HAVE to score. More pressure on them and it changes the plays that they are calling as its now a MUST score. Maybe we still lose, but that 1 point was huge.
  9. Let's also remember that in every game except that mess of a Bill's game, Sam has 14 TDs and 5 INTs. I'd take that every day of the week. That game really skews his stats.
  10. What an indictment of this coaching staff that they kept rolling out Gates for 7 games letting Howell get crushed because they refused to make a change. Suddenly the last two games Howell has a lot more time. Incompetence or ego to refusing to admit you made a bad signing and continue to let your young QB get crushed. How many games did we lose because of letting Gates who is clueless with protections continue to call them.
  11. I was thinking yesterday they should start him. If he can't perform against the patriots offense then we know he just sucks.
  12. As long as we get good compensation I am 100% down with trading both. They have not helped this defense.
  13. I don't expect Bieniemy to kill it but what's the downside? We suck? We already do so at least you give him a trial and we get a better draft pick. Part of it for sure is I am so frustrated with Ron, but I really dont see much of a downside. The biggest impact move would be firing JDR, but we dont have anyone that I can think of to step in and call the defense.
  14. I just dont get whats the point of keeping Ron? What is he providing? He has shown nothing and seems to be doing even less this year. At least if you give it over to Bieniemy you can give him a trial go as HC and see how it goes. I get not wanting to let a HC go during the season, but like, what are we really losing if we get rid of Rivera? Anything?
  15. Completely agree, Sam is not the problem, he is the only real bright spot we have right now. If the defense wasnt absolutely terrible we would have a couple more wins right now. I get not wanting to fire a HC during the season, but what benefit do we get by retaining Rivera right now, he doesnt do anything anyway. Though the bigger issue is JDR sucks so I guess it wouldnt change that much.
  16. Curtis Samuel was streaking wide open down the middle of the field. If Sam is looking toward the middle instead of left its an easy touchdown.
  17. Giants have not scored an offensive touchdown in the first half this season. Which means they will score a TD on their first drive against us, we are record breakers but our defense also has been terrible.
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