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Everything posted by Zguy28

  1. I would say Guardians of the Galaxy was most confusing on that front. But it had a cool soundtrack so it gets a pass. I understood the charcters in Civil War easily. Stark and Rogers driven by mild paranoia (let's call them principles) over freedom and security. The age old conflict of conscience. The others were in tow and divided in loyalty.
  2. Indeed, and in this area, its a good thing. Just look at how women are still overly-objectified in movies and TV though. Watch Transformers movies or Game of Thrones...
  3. My wife and I like to watch old sitcoms on Hulu. Last night we queued up Laverne and Shirley. It was an episode where they were volunteering as nurses in order to meet and hopefully marry a nice doctor. Shirley says she is going to meet a doc in the supply room for some antics, and then comes back a few minutes later with clothes all torn up and laughing. She says that he jumped on her with an ether mask as she came through the door and she fended him off and used it on him instead and left him there. It was all a big joke. We were like "What the heck?"
  4. As well they should be. No matter who you are, it's serious.
  5. I hear you. However, there are a lot more "Evangelicals" who don't follow that lead than you think. You just don't see them on media outlets. Guys like Russell Moore, Al Mohler, John Piper and myself. You only see the wrong-headed one's like Falwell, Vines, and Dobson and the those who mistakenly follow them. But it is frustrating how many have more allegiance to the conservative politics than they do to Jesus. AsburySkinsFan is right though about the term Evangelical. It has lost its true meaning. Here is an article from Russell Moore in 2016 where he expresses the same sentiment. He gets lots of flack from the Trump supporters in the SBC. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2016/02/29/russell-moore-why-this-election-makes-me-hate-the-word-evangelical/?utm_term=.2b92d8170bfc
  6. Yes, and who don't believe the accusations are true. But apparently a lot of folks are portraying it as endorsing what he is accused of, which its not.
  7. I meant comics are a media marketed to kids.Or at least they used to be when all these characters and the JL story was written.
  8. I think his point is mainly that its not all Evangelicals, not even close. But we will get lumped in regardless, because the judges (no pun) ignore the facts too.
  9. I agree, but I think why is important and that is what Ed Stetzer's article is addressing.
  10. Man, you guys are harsh. Its a movie based on a media marketed to kids. View it through a kids eye. Still planning to see JL this weekend.
  11. It's also hearsay or gossip. "I was told by this person that this guy did this." You're right though, if you're gonna say it, you better name names and back it up or don't say anything.
  12. Good to know. Pretty much 90% of those I've heard talk about it see it as spitting on the flag and the military. But I also run in mostly Conservative circles which lends itself to Trumpism.
  13. Good luck with that. This issue is beyond reasonable debate. To most veterans its a "barbarians at the gates" attack on all things holy and righteous. Probably second only to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Just ask my dad or any number of my coworkers in defense. One even boasted how he got up in a young civil servant's face who didn't pause when walking across the parking lot during the 8AM anthem on base.
  14. Disgusting. One more reason why I am not a Republican anymore (not a Democrat either).
  15. I'm surprised any Pro-Life conservatives are behind it, given that it eliminates the Adoption Credit and the gov't still funds Planned Parenthood. Oh yeah, I forgot about the wealthy donor constituency. Grow a spine.
  16. I really liked it. I give it a B+. I had to cap it there since I felt that it took the comedy too far sometimes. Such as the hair cutting or the bouncy ball scene. Not that they weren't funny, just didn't add anything. Loved Goldblume and Blanchette.
  17. Gonna see Thor today at 4:10. So excited for my favorite Marvel character. Well, tied with Cap anyway. I still think that the first Thor was one of the best movies in the line. It had some serious character themes: the arrogant learning humility, sacrifice for others, etc. Also been resisting all urges to read about its plot or details. Gonna call it here though: Hela's gonna have the Soul Gem. I bet I'm right.
  18. Episode 3 was slightly better. Episode 4 tried to be comedic, but Karnac is so mopey. The only reason I am watching at this point is to see if Black Bolt destroys some stuff. And apparently they added some inhuman named Mortis (not in comics) whose face is like the Destroyer in Thor.
  19. We stopped caring and became desensitized about "shredding babies" when we said it was a right in Roe v. Wade.
  20. OR... He knew he was gonna do this and spent his remaining time with the mind-set "you can't take it with you..." We'll never know.
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