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Everything posted by Zguy28

  1. Yep, but more and more of my Christian friends are seeing the light of the hypocrisy of the GOP. Those who are still struggling are those who grew up with the "Moral Majority" which as a friend recently reminded me, was neither moral, nor the majority. ******************************************************************************************************************************** http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nevada-democrat-accused-sexual-misconduct-resign/story?id=51599790 Nevada Democrat accused of sexual misconduct says he won't resign He even says that Pelosi and other ranking Democrats knew of the allegations last year but still supported him. Of course they deny that.
  2. Just saw JL yesterday...finally. I liked it a lot. It was fun. A little rushed and setup, but that makes it more like the comics IMHO, which I like in this case. Thought it was cool to get to see Zeus. And I didn't think the CGI on Steppinwolf was bad at all. In fact I found it quite good. I liked Aquaman as well. If anything, I felt like Affleck was lacking some. And what can I say about Gal Gadot? She is one of the most beautiful woman I've seen in all my years.
  3. Wow, didn't tealize the guy was 88. Time to retire anyway. Go out peacefully.
  4. I don't think he thinks that at all. President Trumps disgusts me on a personal level (I always will be a #neverTrump), but I agree with what Spiff said.
  5. My guess is more than one. Maybe a draft is in order? I'm saying Cap or Iron Man first. Will Drax and Gamora end up trapped in the Soul Gem with Pip the Troll? lol
  6. You mean the part where that character throws what looks like it might be a trident? That is Proxima Midnight.
  7. Nice! I don't think they should've shown the scene with Vision though, where Thanos's minion is extracting the Mind stone. Although when it flips to him putting the stone in the gauntlet, it is the Space stone (Tessaract/blue), not the Mind Stone which is orange. He also has the Power stone (purple) which means he has to have taken it from the Nova Corp.
  8. Its a ****tail of greed, power, and sex. Usually it's two out of three. Some people are perv's. Some people are greedy, and some people are power hungry. Its all about the self.
  9. But then this thread would just be boring and we wouldn't get to watch AsburySkinsFan run around frothing at the mouth over his posts.
  10. Probably. Although, for the sake of facts, the mall banning thing involved a woman in her twenties, who claimed he wouldn't stop asking her out and hanging around her workplace, not a 14 year old. But the rest, yeah, not the same thing at all. Now Grego has a point though, it's generally easier to disbelieve accusations about "your guy" or "Stand by your man" as Hillary once famously said on a Late Night talk show years ago. That doesn't prove hypocrisy just the general point of tribalism. What may is that some folks seem to be softening on Al Franken and justifying his behavior.
  11. Take a look at Rubrik. We loved Veeam, but loved this even more. Hardware and Software in one box. Can scale so easy too. We left Veeam and expensive SAN/Data Domain storage behind and installed two brik's on-premise. https://www.rubrik.com/ *************************************** Came across this the other day. Taking a real hard look at our data centers. https://www.grcooling.com/
  12. Not saying any of this isn't true, because Hollywood is full of this I'm sure; but I think we are going to reach a saturation point soon. Am I the only one who thinks this?
  13. So I was curious as to why he got banned from a mall. Here it is. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/roy-moore-accuser-banned-mall/story?id=51195632
  14. One can only hope. Not just Bugs Bunny, but remember John Wayne? How he would grab a woman and kiss her? Like with Maureen O'Hara?
  15. And I never said that anyway. I don't think Trump is gripped with fear. I don't think he's that smart probably. Statements like that are why his supporters distrust his critics and claim they make stuff up. Because sometimes they do.
  16. I think it is just the nature of the sinful human beast, always will be. We all struggle with self control, especially when our fleshly desires are enabled through power and lack of accountability. The bible says that when we sin, we can only blame ourselves because its our desire that lured us away, but that a fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control (this doesn't mean you have to be Christian to have self control). For most of history, in most places it is males in power, so they are the common abusers. But I have no doubt, as we see from "teachers having sex with students" thread, that women also fall as well when in power. It's why in the bible God has to give us commands to do things that are contrary to our natural tendencies: love God, love your neighbor, do good, be gentle, faithful, seek the welfare of others before yourself etc.If only more people followed that who claim they do, but don't.
  17. God help us. He'll try to take credit.
  18. Mr. Franken I presume? Wow. Not sure if this was posted in here yet?
  19. Everybody in Congress is now looking at each other like:
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