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Everything posted by s0crates

  1. Here's one I thought of this weekend: What if the NFL wants Super Bowl 50 to be a rematch of Super Bowl 1?
  2. Anybody see Tom Coughlin's post game? Regarding his rumored resignation he asked, "Who said that? Did you get his initials?" Interesting.
  3. If the Eagles beat us on Saturday, then week 17 will be much more interesting for several big market teams, which means higher TV ratings. But the NFL wouldn't throw games for the sake of ratings, would they?
  4. After a little googling, I see this term isn't uncommon, but I always thought they said "euthanize."
  5. I have some student loan debt, all Dept of Ed loans, subsidized and unsubsidized. Borrowed about 30k, but it's up close to 50k now. The ****ers wouldn't let me defer while I was still in school so I defaulted. It took a couple years after graduation before I was making enough to start paying them back. Dept of Ed sold my loans to some collector, but I was able to rehabilitate the loan by making 9 consecutive income based payments (while accruing interest daily). Just finished the rehab and got my first statement from the DoE, don't know how that will go yet. I'll see. I'd also be open to any advice.
  6. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/12/11/former-oklahoma-police-officer-found-guilty-serial-rape/77138186/
  7. Springfield, Yeah I think you hit on one of the biggest "potential pitfalls" we should be careful of there. The privacy issues are a very real concern. And yeah we're off topic.
  8. No that isn't allowed, which is why I distinguish between use and misuse. I'd call taking calls during class misuse. I can see parents calling kids for the same reasons they would call the school and pull you out of class in the old days (e.g. family emergency). Although I have to grant helicopter parenting is a big problem (we're inadvertently teaching kids that they are products of circumstance instead of agents, but that is a can of worms). I prefer the show of hands, but the advocates for the polling like the anonymity, which benefits shy kids and helps avoid conformity bias. There are many potential uses of cells in class beyond this: Almost all students have an entire library at their fingertips, why not take advantage of that? I'll often have students look things up online that contribute to class discussion. I also have students who record lectures, use their cameras to take pictures of classmates' notes from a day they were absent, put assignments in their calendars, etc. I have colleagues who use text alerts for assignment deadlines, play learning games like jeopardy using web based apps involving cell phones or tablets, and have students document lab experiments for online science classes by taking video. There are pitfalls here of course, so you have to be careful, but times change, and education will change with them. We're still learning. (Realizing this has not much to do with cops, so I'll also add another reason to allow cells in the classroom: for documenting police brutality).
  9. Yeah, you are behind the times. First, parents want to be able to keep in touch with their kids. Second, the phones and devices have classroom uses (for example, many teachers are using audience response systems like Poll Everywhere). To be fair, there are some old timers who still enforce a no phones policy, because they view the devices as nothing more than distractions. And this isn't entirely false. Students texting in class, browsing Facebook, etc. is a problem. My opinion: Just like any other tool, the devices have a use and a misuse. I allow my students their phones if they use them for class (recording lectures or looking up relevant info on the web, for example). If they misuse them (in a way that distracts from class) then I make them put them away.
  10. Well that's something at least, better training, community oversight, and requiring justification for the equipment should all help some. Although there is nothing in that article about the "use it or lose it" rule, which is a particularly pernicious aspect of the program. ("Here's a tank, now you must use it in the first year or we're taking it back, so find a reason.")
  11. Well I bought the NFL.com thing, I have sound but no picture. Picture says game will start soon. EDIT: Hooray I have picture! It's HD and smooth so far. It's the Browms broadcast though (I think they do home team on these). At least I have the option to listen to the 'skins broadcast, which is a cool feature I think.
  12. The other has been shot too. This one was captured though. I don't see much outrage coming. There is a lot of difference between convicted murderers and accused cigar thieves.
  13. So does this mean the Jordan and LeBron comparisons can stop?
  14. Well there isn't any doubt which is the better team. I feel bad for the Cleveland fans though. That town hasn't won anything since my parents were kids.
  15. How many of those has James missed? 8-21? If I was judging on this game alone, I'd say the Jordan comparisons are totally unfounded.
  16. In fact that's part of why I stopped watching.
  17. I think I liked it better when it was a finesse game, but maybe I'm just getting old.Get off my lawn!
  18. So I have to admit I haven't watched much basketball in years, but I don't remember it being a full contact sport with fouls every other possession. Is that just how the game is now or is this an aberration?
  19. Her superior should tell her to use discretion. I wouldn't call it ignoring the law any more than I would say a cop who doesn't stop people for doing 67 in a 65 zone is ignoring the law. You don't think a cop's job involves using good judgement? Talk about not making sense. I've already addressed this slippery slope argument above. It's really a very silly point if you think about it.
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