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Everything posted by ThomasRoane

  1. You can help improve it some by working the legs (as you drive the ball), triceps, and shoulder. The three most important areas that I work on when I coach QBs are their core power zones (knees to pecs), arm motion, and spin. Usually, the QBs that have that good overhand motion will be more accurate, have fewer balls batted, and will better able to drive that ball to the target. Coaching point is "chop wood!" Next is spin. The more revolutions you get on the ball the better it will cut thru the air. Especially on a windy day. You also end up with more accuracy. Brees had one of the best spins I've ever seen. He did a really cool sports science show where he trashed an Olympic archer in a contest. This why you hear somebody rave about a QB who can "really spin it." I suppose hand size does come into play on this. Making sure that index finger is the last finger on the ball is critical. The best way to encourage a good spin is with accuracy drills. I had a net with several boxes and I'd call out a box (each had its own color) at the top of the drop and have the QB focus on a good spin to the target. Finally, and probably most important is torque. The ability to rotate your upper body helps you get so much more velocity. Think Tiger Woods in his early days when he had insane drives. Mike Tyson with that short right hand. For football, I think of Dan Marino. Check out the torque around the 1:02 mark. Probably my favorite QB in the NFL now, Patrick Mahomes, is just amazing at torqueing his body. He gets away with breaking all the rules for how a QB's feet should be planted because of the torque that he exerts. He can get enough velocity on his passes from virtually any stance or platform. Torque can be improved with a lot of core work and there are some good drills for teaching it as well. There's the one-knee drill where the player has to bring the ball back, torque his body as he throws. I usually coach them to imagine they're trying to break glass with the non-throwing elbow. You can also have them face you and without moving their feet torque the body and throw that way. All this can be drilled to improve a QB's velocity. The problem is that for a QB who has thrown a certain way all his life will revert to that during a game when adrenaline starts flowing. That was the issue for Tebow and Leftwich. Neither of them could get rid of the hitch in their throwing motions. For Heinicke, you just tell him to be himself. When things break down, just play football. Have fun and do your thing. It's probably too late to reconstruct his throwing motion after all these years. That doesn't mean he can't be effective though. He can overcome that with savvy and mobility. He also has not shown any self-doubt. That can be huge for a football player at any position.
  2. Really good article. As JJG would say "he's super smart!" That can make up for deficiencies elsewhere. Really pulling for him!
  3. This is a perfect example why @mistertim cannot be taken seriously. That pic was taken before I got on a strict diet of pork rinds and superbeets and is a dishonest representation of the real me. I'm at least up to 160 pounds now! And I have a curly chest hair which I am sure is one of many more to come. Boom! Roasted!
  4. Or, it could be that I know more about football than you do. To be clear, I'm not saying Fitz has no talent. I'm not ignoring the trend he had for the last three years. What you keep glossing over is the fact that it doesn't appear that Fitz and Turner's scheme are a good match. Maybe Turner's scheme sucks. We'll see because now he'll have two of his guys (TH and Allen) to run it. It may be that RR needs a new OC next year. At least now we'll be able to see because with Fitz it was a murky situation.
  5. All six. Fitz didn't look anymore confident or decisive since the preseason. Either the scheme is not a good fit, or he needs a cleaner pocket, or Fitz has lost his magic. I don't need to see the team lose 4 games with below average QB play to realize that the Fitz experiment wasn't gonna work out.
  6. Think what that says about Montez then! Seemed like a nice kid. Not a QB though.
  7. Well, lol. I'd rather see the next Herbert! Regardless, the WFT will be looking for a new QB next year. Barring a Heini-CKE miracle season that's pretty much a done deal. You can never have enough backups in today's COVID and 17 game season/marathon NFL.
  8. Feelings are subjective and you're entitled to your own. My feeling, and many others agree with me, is that I've seen a complete lack of magic from Fitz as a WFT QB. So, if it doesn't work out with TH, I'd rather see Allen or Shurmur. I doubt very seriously that a guy pushing 40 and getting over a dislocated hip is gonna be any team's savior.
  9. Are you basing this assumption on Fitz before or after he became the QB for the WFT? If after, what evidence do you have to make such an assertion? Fitz could just be a bad fit.
  10. Damn we have some negative Nancy's on this board! How many times did Fitz connect with Scary Terry? At least Heinicke took chances. I dunno what is the obsession with people feeling like they need to set us all straight. We know Heinicke isn't the future. So what? What we do know is that the most entertainment and excitement we had for this team was watching them go toe-to-toe with Tampa in the playoffs and Heinicke was a big reason they were even in that game. We'd all like to have a Herbert, or Burrough, or a Fields. WE DON'T! Yet. So don't think you (and a few others) need to point out the weaknesses that TH has. We already know. You don't have to temper our expectations. For this year though? He is the ONLY CHANCE we have at being successful. Or at least entertaining and fun to watch. That quarter and a half from Fitz was Alex Smith/Dwayne Haskins type QB play. The players believe TH gives them their best chance to have a good season. So, let us enjoy what we can of this year until we get The Guy we really want. Respectfully, A fan who just wants a little less negativity
  11. I agree. They're a liability vs good pass catching TE's as well. Not a good sign that we didn't see a lot of Davis on the field. I'd have to go watch again but it felt like they spent more time with a 4-2-5 look. Probably to counter the quick passing game. That's fine. I'd expect to see the more athletic Davis than Bostic out there in that situation though. Hope our 1st round draft pick improves. A lot.
  12. Bottom line is that all the draft capitol was spent on the D-line so it's on them to produce. No excuse for not doing so. Having said that. It's important how hand-in-glove is the relationship between the D-Line and the secondary. The Chargers staff outcoached DelRio and RR. The quick passing game took away WFT's strength. The DB's were giving up too much space because - and let's be honest - only Jackson can be classified as a good man corner right now. Maybe BSJ develops into that guy. Fuller is very solid but not a good man corner. A defensive linemen needs the QB to hold the ball for 3 seconds or more on average to be effective. That ball was getting out of there at almost the 2 second mark every time and was where it needed to be. Take away the dropped passes and Herbert had himself a day. That's a really dangerous offense and I foresee the Chargers putting up a lot of points this year. The WFT plays a bend but don't break defense that keeps it close. Del Rio did fire some blitzes. Herbert read them and made us pay for it. He's damn good. For the WFT to be good they're going to have to be a physical running team that shortens games and keeps good qb's on the bench. Take a few shots off play action but don't get into shootouts. Special teams was really good today. That bodes well. Cam has to run the ball to be effective. His body won't allow the old Cam to play like he used to. It's a shame but it is what it is.
  13. He's still learning so I think the team will use it as a teaching moment. He was trying to do too much there on that goal line carry. There was one play where he was running left and made it look like he would spill it. Instead, he trusted his blocking, put his foot down and cut it back inside. I think it was for a first down. That one got me pumped! I was thinking "he's getting it!" Then, the goal line carry happened. He got spun around in the air and it's hard to hold on to the ball when you don't have both feet on the ground. Your natural instinct is to relax an arm to break your fall. I'm sure that Randy Jordan will make him watch that play over and over. AG decided to spill that one outside looking for a home run. All his blocking was inside and he was on his own. That's where he needs to understand field position and to understand the importance of a safe, 3 yard gain. That was a time to put his pads down and hammer the hole. Hopefully, he'll learn from that. He does have the potential to be special. Now, I'd be doing ball handling drills with him all week! The nyg defenders will be going for the strip on Thursday. It's human nature because usually fumbles come in bunches.
  14. The first game is not a good indicator of how the season will go. Whether we agree with Ron or not about limiting PT for the starters, the WFT will need a couple of games to figure out who they are. However, there were two things that really left me salty. 1) I thought I had seen the last of a 3rd and long conversion by an offense. Especially with the front 7 the defense has. That was inexcusable! You had to know that Allen was gonna be the main target. You can play zone but Del Rio or Harris should've had Jackson on him. 2) The other issue is repeating a mistake over and over and over. It's been pre-Gruden that I've seen the same mistake. A team will stack two defenders. (It varies but it's still two receivers that are tight.) Keenan Allen beat us for a key first down on one play because BSJ tries to fight thru the rub concept and is a step late. How many times must we do this? It's so easy to defend!!! You just banjo that play. The outside defender takes the outbreaking route. Inside def takes inside. If they both go vertical then both defenders go vertical. It's maddening!!!
  15. Heinicke is just what the O-line needs until they can gel. I think they'll settle down but they need more game reps. With Heinicke, they don't have to be perfect. Fitz was clearly uncomfortable and ineffective in a dirty pocket. TH really works a pocket well and the fact that he can flat out run is scary to a defense. He has to be the guy regardless of what happens with Fitz.
  16. I'm really sweating it out over Gibson. Took him with the 2nd pick after Macaffrey. Hoping he'll be Macaffrey 2.0. (Bigger, faster, etc.) And because there is LITERALLY (as Chris Traegor would say) no other option for a short yardage/goal line back on the team. No Samuels right now to take carries away either. Love Patterson. But he can't move a pile. Just not big enough. As we saw in the Ravens game.
  17. Wow! Leveon Bell's stock is meteoric for FFB transaction trends.
  18. From the perspective of someone who's coached football for over 30 years, I'll bet that Turner, staff, and the players on offense are largely unaffected by the absence of Samuels. He hasn't been there the entire offseason. They're used to life without him. Samuels would be a nice bonus. But since he hasn't been there he can't be missed. Even when he does return, there will be a period of adjustment between himself and Fitz. For the first game of the year, I'd rather see the offense without him. So they can just play without having to think too much. The offense can play fast and loose — without stress. QB and receivers should be on the same page. As a fan, it sucks that we have this new weapon that we won't be able to see in action; at least for week one probably. I don't think anyone at Redskin's park is losing any sleep over the situation though. To quote a possible HoF QB; "relax."
  19. Or, it could be Dyami Brown who benefits. He has more size. I didn't watch him a lot at UNC though. Did he run any jet sweeps with them?
  20. It was supposed to be to prevent teams from having a competitive advantage. It's a tax for being healthy or putting together a good team. Or so they say. Personally, I believe it's a way for the NFL to get out of paying players more of a pension. If they don't dress for a game it doesn't count as a game played. Or something like that. If the NFL really cared about the safety of players they'd let teams dress 53. That would mean fewer starters having to play special teams.
  21. If Samuels isn't getting touches that seriously increases the value of AG in fantasy leagues. Who I believe will have a monster (almost McCaffery-esque) year. Even if he comes back I can't imagine RR approving of subjecting Samuel to hits as a runner. Could also mean more PT for Dyami Brown in that Jet-sweep scheme. With his size and speed I'd be very interested in getting him more touches.
  22. 1984. It's like reading today's, American news. Crazy how close Orwell came to predicting what was going to happen to the western world. Of course Brave New World, Animal Farm, etc. are all good. A little more off the beaten path is The Space Trilogy by CS Lewis. Which he felt was one of his favorites. That one is very prophetic as well. Highly recommend it.
  23. My draft is Monday. .5PPR league, 12 teams. I have the second pick and will probably go Dalvin Cook. Sucks that I don't pick again until 23! Am I crazy for considering a TE for that pick? Only if the following three are available though. 1) Kittle 2) Kelce 3) Waller or Thomas (Leaning toward Waller but he does have the ankle issue and there are 3 other WFT fans who will know about Thomas) After those four, I may be able to get Higbee or Andrews in the third. Hate the idea of getting a TE so early but TE is such a weak draft position after the top 5. Irv Smith is out. Noah Fant is iffy. What are you guys seeing in your drafts? Are the top tier TE's going early?
  24. Good article in NBC sports about Apke that pretty much says the same thing. Special teams is such an important part of the game! I heard a college coach talk about the punt team in this manner. How many plays on offense can earn you 35 + yards of field position? With Way punting, that's even higher. Now, imagine how it could work out if the punt return team can produce. Trying to sustain 80 yard drives is very hard in the NFL. If the offense only has to go 60 or less you have a much higher percentage of scoring. Even if it's just putting 3 on the board, that keeps pressure on the other team. I'm really excited to see how well the Special Teams contributes this year. In the early Gibbs years, it was always a big factor. Nice to see that this staff gets it. You have to coach up every player and every facet of the game. Leave nothing to chance.
  25. It's a breath of fresh air to have TE's that want to block after suffering thru feeble attempts by Reid and Davis. Used to drive me nuts that Gruden insisted on keeping them in tight. He deserved to get fired for not recognizing that neither player had any desire whatsoever to block. Dunno how many times Davis especially would let a defender cross face untouched into the backfield.
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