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Everything posted by ThomasRoane

  1. No, but I think he balked at the idea at first. It may be his ego getting in the way. Not sure if he'd be much of an upgrade over Bostic. Regardless, Holcomb and Davis need to be every down LBs. Did you guys see Chase dropping in coverage again yesterday? It's probably the dumbest move in the NFL. Never works. Buffalo still got their completion in his zone. SMH The NFL is a copy cat league. The Chargers gave other teams the blueprint. Get the ball out quickly. They recognize who the weak links are. Run to keep us honest but mostly just keep matriculating the ball down the field. Gotta get Collins and Bostic off the field. (Put Davis on the TE in pass coverage.) At this point, I think you gotta get Fuller off too. Somebody had a good idea about trying him at FS. D Hall did it. Might not be a bad idea. But he's not good in man coverage. Check out this quote from NBC Sports:
  2. I wouldn't mind having Matt Ryan. At what cost though? More concerned with draft capitol than salary cap. The WFT can't afford a package like the Rams gave up for Stafford. There are still too many holes in the roster.
  3. Agreed. But not 2021-2022 There's no good prospect in the draft and the WFT can't afford the draft capitol to trade for one. Too many holes.
  4. I wonder sometimes how closely our fans pay attention. It's like they don't realize how long we've been in QB wasteland. Heinike may not be what we want but we've seen a lot worse play from that position! If TH goes out then the WFT will truly be in tank mode. And of course, the QB's coming out this year don't inspire any confidence.
  5. Did you speed read my post? We're not gonna play the nyg every week. When we play against a team with good personnel we're not winning enough.
  6. JDR did try to bring pressure. Kam Curl has an opportunity and hesitates. Certainly, there's plenty of blame to go around. Coaches and players alike. WJ III and BSJ are going to be fine. Need a good star/slot corner who can cover clever route runners like Beasley. They're the teams achilleas heel. Curl is a keeper. Probably need another safety. Or two if they want to go with the Buffalo nickel. (Sub safety for the star corner) Need another LB to replace Bostic. Really good try-hard player who will make a good coach. But he's a liability on the field. No athleticism any more. It's over. DL will play better if they can get more help from the back end. Although, CY 99 is not playing up to the level of a game changing #2 pick in the draft.
  7. Said this before and I'll keep repeating it. Scott Turner really needs to commit to the running game and help TH out with more play action against the good teams. (We're not playing the nyg every week unfortunately) I feel like Turner goes away from the running game too quickly. They have three good TEs who can block and catch. Pound it more because you don't have the personnel to go 3 or 4 wide. As excited as we were about our receivers being upgraded, as of the third game that doesn't appear to be the case. Only McLaurin can win one on one matchups. Teams are bracketing him and the rest of the receivers aren't good enough to win; when they do, they have butter fingers. So TH has to hold the ball forever waiting for somebody (ANYBODY) to get open! Hopefully Samuels can come back healthy. If not, then this is not going to be a good passing offense.
  8. Just no push by the O-line. They're super slow getting off the ball. Def need to fix the left side of the Oline.
  9. Eventually, the WFT will have to get a franchise QB. But let's be very honest. They are not a QB away from competing for a championship. There are several holes on this roster that are being exposed by superior talent. Any QB right now, Heinike included, is just a placeholder. The team could do a lot worse. They're in desperate need of help on the O-line (specifically run blocking), another cover corner (probably 2), and a back up pass rusher who can make plays. Don't waste any more $ on journeyman QB's. Roll with Heinicke and Allen until the rest of the team is ready to take the next big step. Today? That seems like two years away.
  10. Fine. Good alternative. However, I reserve the right to continue my loathing of the Bills and their bitter fans who have nothing but Super Bowl participation trophies in their trophy case!
  11. You didn't like Joe Barry's quote about no rear view mirrors? Little did we know, those mirrors wouldn't be needed because our defenders were still running behind the guy with the ball. Or were they escorting them to the end zone? The third and long conversions irritate me the most. Even under Gregg Williams we had that problem. I remember the butt whipping we took with him from Brady and if my memory is correct I think he played back in that game and allowed a lot of 3rd and long conversions in a soft zone. Not since Gibbs 1.0 under Pettibone have opposing offenses feared our defense on third downs. It's really a bizarre version of football groundhog day. Whenever I see 3rd and long I think "well, the offense has us right where they want us." In my mind, if it ain't working then stop doing it! I'd rather see the QB on his rear after a conversion than to see all our defenders covering grass and allowing the opponents best receiver or TE find a hole for an easy pitch and catch.
  12. I liked it as a fan but Greggggg neglected to inform Gibbs who was super pissed! Probably wouldn't have allowed him to do that. That was a good move though and it did show what lowlife's the Bills could be. A simple play up the middle wouldn't have hurt them. Seriously, I think I want this game more than the NYG victory!
  13. I still have my Sean Taylor towel they gave out. It's laid out in my Redskins shrine at the office. Ever since that day I just can't stand a Bills fan.
  14. I remember what buttholes most of the Bills fans were in 2007 after Sean Taylor died. We lost 17 - 16. Unfortunately, Joe Gibbs didn't realize you couldn't call back to back timeouts then and that gave the bills a closer shot at the winning field goal. Their fans were as rude and obnoxious as the worst cowboys or eagles fans that day. No appreciation for the fact that as fans we were all still grieving. They deserve to be curb stomped and I hope it happens this weekend.
  15. A powerful running game is a defense's best friend. Keeps the other offense off the field. Allows the defense to gameplan and to stay fresh. I like that we have the weapons to to compete in a shootout but right now this defense needs a good running game until they can find their stride. The pieces are there (Gibson, blocking TE's, etc.) but ST has to commit to it. That would also help the tackles on offense as well. I wouldn't be surprised if RR forces Turner to run the ball more this week.
  16. Some really good concepts by Turner. He really stressed the Giants coverage scheme. Hopefully, TH will take good notes and hit on some of those in the future.
  17. True. I don't believe that RR and JDR were fooled by the rankings. They drafted a LB in the first, DB in the 3rd, and a Safety in the 5th. Then two DEs in the seventh. Signed WJ III to a big contract. He has been an upgrade. Signed Bobby McCain and McTyer (who I would like to see play more). So I'd say the coaches and the FO knew what the truth was. RR pushed Bostic in the offseason to get a lot better. LC lost weight to get faster. I'll bet that was highly recommended to him. The coaches know they don't have all the pieces for an elite defense right now. Of course they can't say that publicly. But I'm sure they have Mayhew scanning practice squads to see if they can poach some help. They've got what they got right now. No since whining about what you don't have. It's on them to get the best 11 defensive players on the field. Feelings will get hurt but you owe it to players like Jonathan Allen who are fighting their guts out.
  18. Really good article from Keim. The big picture here is that the defense (more so than the offense) is very interdependent. One person out of position can cost you. You also see that other teams have adjusted as a matter of respect for the front four. So, the back end really has to step it up and be where they're supposed to be. Good news about Davis. I like him and would love to see him on the field more. He'll figure it out. Correct - mostly. Often the players who are chipping leak out for their route so it's not always 7 guarding 4. Regardless, imagine the frustration for the coaching staff. They can't allow the same people to continue to make mistakes. Either they need to play better or get off the field.
  19. Especially at his salary. I hope we've seen the last of paying top $ for underachievers. WJIII looks like a good deal. Samuels is still unknown. Can't put Collins on current staff. They inherited him.
  20. He's just another in a long line of FA safeties desperately trying to be Sean Taylor but I believe God has decided there will be only one. How many more will we go thru? I hope he's the last! I would seriously be shopping him for a draft pick. Hell, I'd take a fifth for him.
  21. Bringing most of my kids and my son-in-law (his first game) to the KC game. Will you guys still be in the red zone?
  22. Whether you go 4-3 base or 3-4 base doesn't matter much anymore. Most teams spend most of their time in some form of a 4-2-5; that's because you have so much 11 personnel. (1 Back - 1 TE; and that TE is often flexed out or in the slot) Usually that fifth person is a DB but Buffalo went with 3 safeties instead. Which is nice if you have 3 athletic Safeties. Because ideally, you can have three safeties that move all around and all three can run support or cover. Makes it hard on a QB to determine what to do presnap. The WFT, unfortunately, have only two. McCain and Curl. If they brought up Forrest they could get by with it.
  23. Chase needs to hang out with Jonathan Allen after practice. Watch some film on how JA uses his hands. There aren't many people better than him at it. Which is how JA is still so good even though he isn't as thick as Payne (320lbs) or Ioannidas (310). They have Allen listed as 300. I doubt his playing weight is anywhere close to that. Yet he can overcome the lack of bulk with superior hand placement.
  24. Personally, I don't want to see Davis come off the field at all. We saw some hints of his 1st round athleticism in the giants game. The sure tackle after a jerk route and then him just stonewalling Barkley. That's all I need to see. Keep him on the field. Don't care if he occasionally has some brain cramps. He'll figure it out. He's an elite athlete and a defense can never get enough of those. Further proof that the back 7 are more of the problem than the front four.
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