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Everything posted by ThomasRoane

  1. The good ones can make that adjustment. If TH can avoid the TOs then he's a good one. (Not saying great so don't freak out) But he would have a career in the NFL. Even if as a journeyman backup with the potential to be a winning starter with the right gameplan.
  2. When I coached, by the 3rd game I had a good handle of what I had on hand and what could work vs our opponents. That requires some serious self-reflection and self-examination. You have to be honest about what you have and what you don't have. It's less about what the league is doing as a whole and more about the WFT offense maximizing its assets and minimizing its liabilities. Here is why I think a power/play-action attack is what the WFT needs now to salvage the season. 1) The defense is a mess. They're not trustworthy enough to keep the team in the game. They've been scouted and exploited and have yet to plug the holes. That will most likely continue to be the case with the lineup of top notch QB's still to be faced on the schedule. Best way to help them out is to minimize how much time you keep them on the field. It's gut wrenching to say that with all the draft capitol that has been spent there but here we are. 2) The QB is not quite tall enough and doesn't have the arm strength to drop back and throw the ball 40 times a game. He is however, mobile, smart, gutsy, and is not afraid to take shots if needed. (See also #3) TH in the play action or boot game could be a menace to a defense. (Look at the 49ers and the Packers; even the Ravens to some extent) 3) Even if TH had a gun and was 6'2"+ who can you say without a doubt that you can count on as receivers? There's #17. Logan Thomas is trustworthy. Brown, Sims, and Humphries have all had drops and if you watch the all 22 they're getting open but it's not early in the route. Until Samuels can play more than 2 games in a row you can't count on winning thru the air. No matter how good the route concepts are the receiver has to win early and make the catch. 4) You have questions at LG, LT, and RT. They're not bad. But the best way to help an Oline that is learning to play together is on the ground. Ask any ex lineman on Offense what they love most? Dropping in a pass set or getting off the ball and driving a defender into the dirt? They'll almost always choose run blocking. They seem to be holding up now in pass coverage and part of that is because A. teams don't want TH to scramble and B. besides #17 they feel like they can cover the rest of our receivers and make TH hold the ball or make a mistake. (Which has been happening) 5) As far as talent goes, you have a top 5 RB who can play every down in The Gibson. He wants to carry the load and should be given the chance. There's no reason he shouldn't get the ball 20+ times a game. McKissic and Patterson can give him a blow and aren't bad options either. Don't know if this could work beyond this year. They don't have that luxury. The WFT needs to find a way to beat ATL this week. Then find a way to compete with teams that are playing much better now than they are. If Turner continues to just stubbornly stick to his system he's going to be disappointed. Everyone will blame the QB. They'll make a change. The result will be the same. Or, they can get physical and be the attackers; maybe that would rub off on the defense. Punish the opposing defense with some 2 and 3 TE formations (all three TEs can block and catch). You may not see results early but it will get to them as the game goes on. Of course, you have your shot plays off your best runs. Some RPOs, counters and traps off your power runs. Find a few route concepts you can count on (mostly involving #17) and get to them with different looks, shifts, and formations. TH would be deadly on the edge in the boot game. The boot pass can be deadly. You fake one way, boot opposite and have receivers flooding that zone. Give TH a high low read with 3 receivers crossing the formation. He can throw it or run out of bounds. He's got the wheels to defeat DEs and if the DBs come up then they leave their zones. First, you have to make the defense respect the run. That is not happening right now. Coach what you have on hand. Not what you wish you had. That's how you turn things around when your team is struggling. McLaurin Gets it... Source: Terry McLaurin wants Washington's offense to help the defense 'turn it around' | RSN (nbcsports.com)
  3. Watching Davis move there's no way I'd entertain a trade down in hindsight. He's an athletic freak with a great attitude. He'll figure things out. When he does, I expect him to be an impact player. He will cause problems. Right now, he needs to be on the field and should never come off. Especially not for Bostic!
  4. You're on point here. TH can be successful though if Scott Turner would be humble enough to change his plan of attack. A QB like TH can be very effective and a winner as a play-action QB. For that to happen, Turner has to commit (I mean really commit) to the running game. Try to stay ahead of the sticks. Keep the third downs manageable. That doesn't mean that he has to discard all of his passing concepts. There will be times when play-action is not an option. Especially 2nd and 20+ or 3rd and 8+. That has to be the exception though for TH to succeed. If Turner can keep the down and distance manageable and chew up clock then I like TH's chances if he's facing an average of 3rd and 3. His ability to scramble for the first would always be a threat to a defense. Let's hope Turner can take a hard look at what he has and make the calls that play to the strengths he has. Not what he wishes he had.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me to see him demoted to punt protector. Like the last great FA safety we paid a boatload of $ to.
  6. Well, it would be one thing if we were promised we wouldn't suffer. He told us clearly take up your cross and follow me. The question is, why do we suffer? That was not God's intention. Mankind was created to live in communion with God from the beginning. To spread Eden throughout the whole world. To be priests and to bring order to the rest of the lands. Hence the command be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. God wanted a blended family of both His spiritual (elohim - angelic) and human children. Some of the spiritual children, Satan as you probably know Him, wasn't really keen on the idea; at the tower of Babel he would be joined by others. He also didn't like the idea that he had to submit himself to anyone. He wanted to be higher than God. So, he deceived Adam and Eve with the age old lie that is repeated over and over. Hath God said? Twisting the words of God to deceive and to mislead. Mankind had been given dominion over all we call the Earth. Adam chose to believe the rebel over God and mankind had to be sent away because it's not possible to be in a Holy God's presence in a sinful state. Being apart from God - the Giver of all Life - Adam and Eve were no longer immortal. They would surely die. That death however would loose their bond to the rebel - Satan. Yet still, they were in his realm of the dead - since the Bible clearly calls him lord of the dead. Someone had to rescue Adam, Eve, and all mankind from the curse of death and to free us all from the sting of death. In order to do so, Jesus Christ - the Messiah - also had to die in order to be able to pay the debt for all mankind. He could not just be a mere man. He also had to be Deity. So, Christ came born to a woman (fully man) yet Fathered by God thru the Holy Spirit so still fully God. The ManGod so to speak. He came and picked a fight with the rebel from Eden and his companions. Jesus knew He had to die so that He could pay for our sins. The enemy didn't know. (1 Corinthians 2:8 None of the rulers of this age knew this wisdom, because if they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.) By killing Christ on the cross they sealed their fate once and for all. They lost their power over the souls of mankind. Ever since then, they pit us against one another. They cause us to use one another. Why? Because they despise everything there is about us because we are loved by God. By hurting us (or better for them - getting us to hurt one another) they imagine they are hurting God. It's foolish though. Because in the end, they lose. We win. We are given access to paradise. They are destined for eternal misery and despair. They know that and that, is why we all suffer. This supernatural enemy hates you and hates me. Even those who serve them regret it in the end. They love to break their toys. ~CS Lewis, That Hideous Strength
  7. Thank you. If I may, there's actually one thing that I enjoy discussing more than football and that's theology. (Hard to believe I know) I'm not interested in debating or trying to sway your beliefs. I too struggled with a lot of the very same passages that you pointed out. If it's okay with you, I'd like to share some of the information that I found. There are a lot of strange things in the Bible that require more than just a concordance or a word study. I won't take anything personal and I respect your beliefs. Permit me please to try and explain what I've discovered. First, I'd like to address the remark about the things would have read and signed off on statement. God was dealing with an ancient near eastern people group who were not dumb cave men. However, they didn't have the scientific instruments and knowledge that we have today. Funny, I'll bet in the end, when Christ returns we'll look back at what we thought we know and realize we were quite off the mark on many things as well. Just because there is a text in the Bible that doesn't mean that God agreed 100% with what the writer believed about his world. God knew that the world was not flat with a dome and great tree. Jesus surely knew that the orchid seed was smaller than the mustard seed. He was the Creator after all. Neither of them thought it was important. Why? Because the Bible never was meant to be a science book! It's not about the how but it's about the why? There are quite a few accounts in the Bible that are really ugly. Rape, incest, betrayal, etc. Just because they're in the Bible that doesn't mean that God approves of them. He allowed them because there are important lessons to be learned. For each of those we see the results. Heartache, misery, etc. None of the Patriarchs were perfect. They all did some things that they wouldn't be proud off. In the end, they put their faith in God and He redeemed them. That lets us, the sinner today, see that He is a God of grace and mercy not desiring that any should perish. (He's never changed) As for Noah's ark. The writer of Genesis had no idea how big the world was. As far as he was concerned, Moses (and some contemporary editors), thought that the nations surrounding the Mediterranean Sea was the whole world. By the way, there is scientific support for a regional flood event. Also noteworthy is that every surrounding civilization has some kind of flood narrative in their lore and myths. God didn't feel the need to interject and say "well actually Moses, there's a couple more continents to the west. North and South America. And there's this land in the far south pacific where giant jack rabbits run around with pouches to hold their babies." What was important was that God created. God decreated. God recreated again. I'll get to the Tower of Babel next. That's far more fascinating than you could imagine.
  8. The Father cared enough to send His only begotten (one-of-a-kind) Son to take our place on the cross to pay for our sins so that we could spend eternity with Him without ever having to fear death or feel sorrow again. Not to float on clouds and play harps all day. But to participate in wild and exciting new adventures as rulers, teachers, priests, explorers, etc. Before you go there, the Son volunteered to get up on the cross by the way. Hebrews 10 5 Therefore, as he was coming into the world, he said: You did not desire sacrifice and offering, but you prepared a body for me. 6 You did not delight in whole burnt offerings and sin offerings. 7 Then I said, “See— it is written about me in the scroll— I have come to do your will, God.” We see things from inside time and space. The Father sees all things as if they've already happened. In your mind, all of these tragedies have recently (in relation to mankind's history) taken place. However, the Father has seen to it that all things will work out for the good for those who love Him. I know it may seem an easy thing for you to put yourself in the Judgment seat about what should have or should not have happened. You don't see the butterfly effects that ripple thru time. Third, fourth, fifth order effects that began as acts of evil that worked out for the greater good. (The Father plays chess while the enemy is still playing checkers) The early Christians were brutally persecuted in Rome. Human torches, sacrificed to wild animals, etc. That forced many Christians to free all throughout the Roman empire. Bringing the Gospel as far as Britain and eventually to most of the known world. He used the devils roads to spread His good news.
  9. Has it occurred to you that God's enemies, who couldn't destroy the Church thru persecution, changed tactics and joined the Church to distort or to hide the meaning of the Scriptures? Ever hear of the Dark ages when the Roman Catholic Church would not allow the common people to read the scriptures for themselves? Caliph Omar destroyed countless writings in Alexandria in 640AD. Yet providentially, look how many yet we've found stored away in clay jars in the desert. Put there by people loyal and dedicated to God. With the early Church being the only exception, our generation has no excuse for doubting the scriptures. We have more copies, writings, commentaries, etc. than any other generation. Even the early Church had their hands full with gnostics and legalists. Paul and John specifically wrote letters to expose their heresies. Here's the big picture that I think a lot of people overlook when they decide to lay all the blame at God's feet. God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. However, He choses to allow His children (spiritual and human) to play their parts in the battle between order and chaos, good and evil, light and darkness. Even after those dark ages the Reformation, lead by men and women, brought the scriptures back to the common people; even the plowboys (William Tyndale reference). For those who really want to know what the meaning is just seek and you will find. God never fails. His children fail to complete their tasks. Ultimately though, He bends everything by providence (even our failures) to fulfill His will. One more thing though about rules and such; do this/don't do that. Man! You nailed that one! That's what separates Christianity from the rest. Christianity is not about do's and don'ts. It's about what's been done. The rules are a good mirror for us. To see if we're on the right track. But the harder you try to live the Christian life the more you will fail. Only Christ can do that for us. It's supernatural. It's our job to live our lives with believing loyalty. Knowing that He will do what He has promised. As CS Lewis said, “The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.” A Christian should demonstrate a pattern of life that is trending up. There may be dips here and there but behavior should be trending towards becoming more like Christ. As much as we can we are to walk in faithful obedience. Daily feeding on the Word and spending time in prayer; relying on Christ to do the hard work. We just have to be willing. We will fall. We will sin sometimes. Regardless, His Grace will call us back to the right path again. I love the words from We the Kingdom's song. I don't wanna abuse Your Grace God, I need it every day It's the only thing that ever really Makes me want to change.
  10. Have you heard of Dr. Michael Heiser? He's a Hebrew/Greek scholar who has a really good podcast (Naked Bible Podcast) and is the author of several books. Namely, The Unseen Realm. Here's his website: Dr. Michael Heiser - Biblical Scholar | Author | Semitic Languages Expert (drmsh.com) I am a Christian and I'll admit that there are many thorny issues in the Bible that can really make your head spin. People like Dr. Heiser have been very helpful. (N.T. Wright, Carmen Imes, John H. Walton, Tim Mackie, etc. come to mind) Most of the controversial scriptures are only controversial to the modern reader. Thanks to a treasure trove of commentaries (that many of the early church fathers lacked) that we have from the DSS and archaeology, we now have a more clear picture of the culture that the original audience of the Scriptures were accustomed to. Most of our problems come from trying to read the Bible as a Post Modern reader. As Dr. Heiser says, the Bible was written for us but it was not written to us. What sense would it make for a prophet or a writer to talk about things that their audience couldn't relate to? They wouldn't and they didn't. What does 100% Word of God mean exactly? Dr H. also likes to remind people that there was no such thing as automatic writing when it came to the scriptures. Paul, as an example, didn't have the concepts for his letters downloaded into his brain, write them down, and then go back to see what God had written thru him. That was not the case at all. There was however, a providential partnership between God and the writers of Scripture. Explained in the quote below. As a natural skeptic, I've probably reviewed all of the difficult scriptures there are and most times the misunderstanding was a result of not fully understanding the culture, the context, the referents, and/or the metanarrative. I've never had more confidence in the Scriptures than I do now. But each person should do their due diligence if they are honest truth seekers. There are loads of resources out there. Commentaries, books, apps, you name it. You don't have to be a Hebrew or Greek scholar out there because many people have already done the hard work and make it easier for us laymen.
  11. Poached it from this guys Youtube channel: I don't agree with everything he says. It's easy to critique a QB when you're watching in slow motion. Especially when we don't know the order of progression. What the coaching points were. And we're not dealing with a defensive line in our faces.
  12. Actually, Holcomb isn't really bad. He's there he's just not big enough to match up with a TE. Holcomb on a back isn't a bad match up. You gotta put Davis on the TE though. He's got the size and athleticism that you need for some of the better TE's in the game. Ideally you'd want Curl on the TE but offenses aren't stupid. They know who Curl is now. So they're forcing him to cover receivers more often it seems.
  13. Watching some of the All 22 it's obvious that TH does not trust Dyami Brown yet. Not that I blame him. Really makes me curious how things would look with a healthy Samuels. That would give TH more trustworthy (to him) options. This is the order that TH has to work with now IMO. 1) McLaurin (duh!) 2) Thomas 3) Humphries 4) McKissic 5) Everyone else
  14. I sincerely hope that Scott is not just like his dad. As an X's and O's geek, I really get into the strategies and tactics that teams employ against one another. Norv was an excellent strategist. He could design a great gameplan. However, after halftime he failed to adjust to what new tactics were introduced by the defense. He'd have that clueless look on his face and just blindly stick to his script. Gibbs however was a good strategist but a brilliant tactician! He was the Belichick of the 80s and early 90s. Even Gibbs 2.0 was great at adjustments. Take the Monday night miracle. Santana ****ed about not running the Dino route (post corner post) and Gibbs called it and they scored on it. Gibbs came back with a tweak to have Cooley distract the safety so Santana could get behind him and that was it. Best game ever cause my annoying, cowboy fan brother-in-law had been calling before yelling "how bout dem cowboys!" Of course, after that second TD? Blissful silence The jury is still out on Scott. Is he a strategist? A tactician? Or both? Hopefully both but to me he needs to demonstrate a better feel for what it is that his players can do best. TH threw a bad pick in that NYG game. But The Gibson was feeling it! Runs for 11 yards and a first. Runs hard for 3. It's second and 7. Give the kid a chance to go win the game! The Oline was firing off and the giants defense was feeling a little down. Sure, TH should have thrown the ball to the flat. But why throw at all there? Now, fast forward to the Bills game. First drive, McKissic rushes for 8. Nice surprise cause Bills are prob thinking pass. You have 2nd and 2. Why not bring in The Gibson and see if you can muscle your way for the first down. Move the chains. Get a new set of downs and slow down the Bills pass rush. Instead, we have a pass for 0 yards. Third and 2 successful but McKissic has a brain cramp and instead of just running thru he forces contact on a rub concept. Good concept on 3rd and 12. They got 11 with Thomas. Would like to see him use his size and eliminate any doubt (we lost out on the replay review). Punt. Second Drive. We're down 14 after the Bills just put together another 8 play drive and made our Defense look silly. Clearly, they are reeling and need some time to get their crap together. In my mind, Scott needs to look past his script and read the room. Buffalo's defense knows their offense can't be stopped and are beginning to smell blood. They know they can just get upfield now and go for the kill. Nothing calms a situation down for an inexperienced offense like a good running game. But first and 10 they take a shot to Brown? Not sure where TH was in the progression but if I'm going to try to take a shot it will be to #17. Better yet. Run the ball here! You don't want to end up with another 3rd and long. Second down run to Gibson. Predictable if you ask me. Buffalo knows the offense missed their shot so now they're going to play it safe. Third and 8. Good on Turner to exploit the middle again. Logan Thomas makes a good catch and fumbles. Not a good result but good plan. Still, they're essentially 3 and out. Defense back on the field again and gives up another long drive (long in that it was 8 plays) for a TD. Third drive. First down Turner targets #17. Never really a bad choice. I'm totally fine with that. He's your best weapon and moves the chains. First down hand to The Gibson. He gets you 4 yards. It's second and six now around your 35. Again, read the room! Your defense is on life support! Turner calls a pass. No one is open early (a bench route comes open to the right later on but TH has already moved on). He comes back late to McLaurin and throws the pick. Shoulda ate it or thrown it away. Lesson learned. Better yet? How bout a run play here? Or something safer. Let's try to get us to a 3rd and 3 ok? Move the chains. Eat some clock and give your Defense a chance to recompose itself Essentially, it's another 3 and out. I hope Turner develops more into a Gibbs like play caller than his Dad. We'll see how this plays out. Again, I feel like Scott wants to show off some of his best passing concepts. They are good. But this team (not just the offense) is not a team that can survive a shootout week after week. RR knows that. I believe his comments about TH are also for Scott Turner's benefit as well. Sorry for the book!
  15. I remember watching Joe Burrow lay waste to Venable's defense from the 2nd quarter on in the National Championship game and telling my son that Washington needed to make a deal with the Bengals and go get him. Last year, I thought maybe it could work out for us. Chase Young finished strong; minus the Tampa game but I believe he was hurt. Even if doubled, chipped, etc. he is not dominating like an Aaron Donald. Or even a Bosa or TJ Watt. I'm feeling a little buyer's remorse. I fear that five years or more after CY retires that Burrow will still be a stud, franchise QB in the league. I don't know if Washington explored a trade or not. They should have though. Not putting the fault of the Defense completely on CY mind you. I'm adamant that Bostic, Collins, and Fuller need to be replaced. Or Fuller needs a new position. The quick game is really hurting the Dline. Thus showing it's easier to gameplan against a great defender than a great QB. Great QBs > great defenses more often than not. SMH at the QB's left to face!
  16. Yeah, it's really strange. Makes me wonder if maybe he has an injury that he's not made public. He's getting beat right off the ball. I think FS is the only place he could fit. Even then, I'm wondering if he has the speed for that. We know he has the smarts.
  17. I'm gonna keep beating this dead horse. They are a power-play action offense. Run the ball, put in some boots and play action and shorten the game. Keep the other team's offense off the field. Feed the Gibson!!!
  18. Sure it will! Visiting fans will show up in droves!
  19. Last year, no OTA's and no preseason coaches had to simplify. This year with full OTAs and Training Camp I wonder if maybe the coaches really got fancy with their schemes. It sure seems like there's a lot of confusion. The slowness to react is probably related to self-doubt about their assignments. All too often we see two players jumping the same route. Put your best 11 on the field. Simplify. Give a great scouting report. Let the players hunt and kill. Don't make them try to win a chess match. Maybe next year. But this year most of the players on Defense are young. They're checker players. See -> hunt -> kill. Just knock the hell out of the ball carrier. Right now, they're playing on their heels instead of their toes.
  20. Ok, you're being disingenuous now. So, if you're a super competitive QB who wants to win. And you just witnessed Buffalo carve up your over rated defense for two TD Drives (#1 Eight plays for 75 yards/ #2 Eight plays for 52 yards) you're not going to feel a little pressure to produce? Maybe take a few chances? Or are you Alex Smith or John Beck and going to just keep throwing check-downs and punt on 4th and 2? TH needs to reign it in a bit but if he didn't have that kind of bravado there's no way the WFT beats the NYG last week and we're looking at 0 - 3. I'd rather have a QB who has some fight and competitive spirit who will take a few chances than a QB who is gutless under pressure. Deep down, I'll bet you would too. Whether you like it or not, TH is the only QB on the roster that gives the WFT a chance to have any success this year. Next year? Who knows but they don't have that luxury. They have 14 more games to play and they pretty much have to ride it out with #4.
  21. And bragged about it! SMH! I don't blame Gibbs for "retiring" after that Seattle loss. A game that was ours to be had. Especially if Carlos Rogers didn't have stone hands.
  22. Very much so. Snyder thought the offense was too simple. Umm news flash! Most good offenses are very simple!!! They run the same basic plays and concepts over and over. They're just creative in pre-snap and with formations but really it's the same scheme over and over. I used to coach AAU basketball for Boo Williams. Ran his girls program for a while. The Black Widows was my creation We used to run a motion offense and as I learned from Duke and Coach K, it doesn't matter that the defense knows what you're going to do. First, if your players know their assignments they're less likely to make mistakes. Second, when the defense over plays (anticipating a tendency) your players can make them pay. In basketball, maybe you backcut to the basket instead of popping out to the wing. In football, maybe your route is to take you inside but you see the defense has inside leverage and you take it out instead. Because your guys know the scheme so well and have practiced it so much they know how to exploit their opponents. I think some coaches get too caught up in the X's and O's. I've made that mistake before so I get it. You have all these great ideas in your head. Ways to punch and counterpunch your opponent. It all looks great on paper if every O beats their X. And it feels like such a waste not to call those really cool plays. Coaches (again, I'm confessing I've made the mistake) forget that it's not about what you know. As Coach K used to say it's all about what your players can execute. Do what you do best. Find a way to tweak it just a little according to your opponent's scheme and personnel. But don't make your fast players slow by making them over think things. (That could be our problem on Defense btw) Scott needs to pound the ball. You have a rookie RT and an average LT. LG is not super dependable. Feed the Gibson. Stop trying to be cute with the jet sweeps. Without a player like Samuels as a threat they're not effective. Simplify and execute. Limit your playbook and let your playmakers make you look good.
  23. They have done so occasionally. More often than not the blitzer doesn't get home and the results are ugly. The weak links on the back end can't even blitz effectively. Del Rio must see this and must make the hard call. Collins and Bostic need to come off the field. Same goes for Fuller; unless you wanna move him to FS. JDR has to do what's best for the team.
  24. Turner wants to attack every part of the field but that's not the personnel he has. He has the personnel for power and play action. Three good blocking TEs who can catch. He should be in 12 personnel for the majority of the game. (One RB and two TEs) In 12 personnel I'd have McLaurin and Brown on the field as wide outs. Both scare teams with their speed. (Even though Brown has a case of the dropsies he has potential) TH would be really good in that kind of offense with the boot game. It's too bad they're not a zone stretch type team. I could see Kyle or Lefleur having a player like TH playing like a top 10 QB as a compliment to their running game. Nobody was better at figuring out what your guys were good at and adapting than JJG. Too many coordinators today believe too much in their system. I don't care how many guys you can get open. Can the people you have to put on the field execute? If not, find out what they can execute and do that over and over! Another reason for that style is to shorten the game and keep the defense off the field. Gibson is special. There's no reason the ball shouldn't be in his hands less than 20 touches a game. Yeah, it's a boring style but until this defense gets right (if they get right) a shootout is the last thing this team needs.
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