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PF Chang

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Everything posted by PF Chang

  1. Jon might not but the Three Eyed Raven would. I've thought that Bran would warg a dragon and destroy KL to prevent the Night King from getting a million soldiers, and starting to think that Jon and Daenerys will be blamed for it. They're laying it on thick with basically everyone distrusting Daenerys, in Sam's case he thinks she's evil and has no problem burning anyone who gets in her way. Sam asks Jon if he'd have done the same thing to the Tarlys. If a dragon destroys KL, the blame is going to be placed on the only two people anyone has seen ride/control a dragon.
  2. The Night King isn't Bran but I think he's a Stark ancestor. The Children of the Forest created the NK from one of the first men and lost control of him. I think they didn't realize he was a warg - the NK 'raises' the wights by warging the dead. We saw that when you kill a WW all of the wights he was controlling stop moving, because he's no longer warging them. When the NK and army get through the wall at the end of last season they do an overhead shot and the army looks like the Stark wolf sigil. Makes the Stark words "winter is coming" ominous.
  3. D&D have said the weirwood visions are part of Bran's destiny and that the most important one was that vision of the dragon flying over KL, and implied it's in the future. The most important vision being the dragon shadow along with the "you will never walk again, but you will fly" makes me think he'll control it somehow. As far as that destiny being to warg that dragon to nuke KL, basically what Yohan said. If the Night King is going to attack KL (and given the snowy throne room vision I think it's almost certain) then everyone is going to die anyway but the NK gets a million soldiers. They've mentioned the population of KL a couple of times in recent episodes. Even if it's not Bran I think someone will be setting off wildfire because of this scenario, what you said about Jaime would be interesting.
  4. In theory Bran doesn't remember anything about his fall. I might be confusing that with the books though. I agree that Bran whispering "burn them all" in the past affected the Mad King. I think "burn them all" is going to echo in the last few episodes too. The Night King will be close to destroying King's Landing and adding the dead 1 million population to his army which would be game over. Bran will "burn them all" by warging a dragon and basically nuking King's Landing with wildfire to prevent that.
  5. I think they're going to have some of the characters in Winterfell treat Bran as a villain this season. He's basically the super NSA. He's going to repeat "the things I do for love" to Jaime Lannister the same way he freaked out Littlefinger with "chaos is a ladder."
  6. lol at Harper calling Philly the greatest city in the world. It's been a day and I think I already actually hate this guy.
  7. Harper is a douche and is thus a perfect fit in Philadelphia. That stadium is a nice fit for him though. Not just for the opportunity to be surrounded by other dbags, but that RF porch.
  8. Yep. Most of the country probably doesn't even know this is happening. A significant portion of those who are aware will say "oh, all politicians lie, who cares."
  9. About 30% of people itemized prior to the changes, and generally people who itemize are well off. There's no personal exemptions anymore ($4,050) but the standard deduction went from $6,350 to $12,000, so people taking the standard deduction are getting a $1,600 benefit. It's a tax cut for most people, though I'm guessing about half (the less rich half) of people who used to itemize get screwed. The administration should have done a better job of warning people about the withholding issues, the reason people aren't getting refunds. This administration is completely incompetent though, it's part of the price of electing a dumb game show host. The surprise of owing instead of getting a refund is not good and should have been emphasized by the gov't. But it's not good that people are actually upset about getting more money throughout the year vs. getting a refund. You're effectively saying you'd pay the gov't to force you to save money instead of just putting the extra bit from each check into a savings account yourself.
  10. I know that nobody cares about lying anymore as long as the person's on your team, but it's amazing how he doesn't even have to use believable lies. Devil's triangle is a drinking game like quarters that only Kavanaugh and his bros know about. The treasurer of the 100 Kegs or Bust club throws up because of spaghetti, not alcohol.
  11. The McConnell fable that guy was looking for is the Scorpion and the Turtle except the turtle is the bad guy now.
  12. At this point, agreed it would hurt them with the GOP base. But they had that list of 65 women ready, they knew something like this was coming. Just seems like you could nominate another Gorsuch in the first place and avoid this mess. Could be a combination of things from the list from the @DogofWar1 post.
  13. Is it really that important to GOP senators that they get someone with Kavanaugh's views on executive power? I don't understand why they wouldn't just nominate another Gorsuch clone otherwise. Confirming Kavanaugh is going to hurt them in the midterms.
  14. I worry about the young Trump clones. Someone like Charlie Kirk isn't as charismatic as Trump but he's also young and doesn't look like dog****. And the message is the same. Twitter has made people like him famous. The barriers to entry for political power are falling apart - Twitter was huge for Ocasio-Cortez on the other side. It seems inevitable that there will be a young Trump clone who will basically be their version of Obama.
  15. Sansa accuses LF of betraying Ned, which is something she could not have known without Bran's help. Bran's actor confirmed that in the scene they chose not to include, Bran fills Sansa in on everything LF has done (other than the Lysa thing which Sansa saw herself).
  16. The Winterfell plot was a mess. They chose not to include a scene explaining how Sansa knew about LF's betrayal of her father. Bran's actor: So choosing between nonsense option A, Sansa inexplicably figures out LF, and lame option B, a guy who can see everything that has ever happened tells her, they went with option A. At least option B could have been more interesting. In a world of magic you can't plan for everything. Littlefinger tries to manipulate Bran the same way he manipulated Robin Arryn. Flatter the child lord, give him a gift, get him on your side. The problem is Bran can essentially Google search all of history. LF gives Bran the dagger that he held up to Ned's throat in the throne room in S1. This causes Bran to look into LF's past (and he then repeats LF's line "chaos is a ladder" back to him, something it's seemingly impossible for Bran to know). If Bran's looking into the history of LF and the dagger he'd see LF betraying Ned in the throne room. So he was doomed by his own attempt to manipulate Bran and the hubris of continuing to carry that recognizable dagger (it's the same one that Sam sees in the book in the Citadel when he learns about dragonglass).
  17. Donald Trump basically executed a hostile takeover of the GOP and these same cowards are doing everything they can to cover up his crimes. If Trump ****ed their wives they'd thank him.
  18. It seems like a lot of CC debt but a lot of people are financially illiterate. Not a fan of this article being written unless you're connecting his debt to some sort of tangible issue. This isn't Manafort's debt to Deripaska for example.
  19. Yeah I don't get that post either. Spend some time on Tumblr or lefty Twitter and you'll find plenty of obnoxious leftists who fit zoony's caricature. Fox News loves the segment where they send a dip**** like Jesse Watters to the NYU campus to find like, a pink haired transgender communist who identifies as a dinosaur. So yeah we can find these people and present them as proof that liberals are nuts but filming a 'mentally ill' racist as evidence we have a lot of racists is wrong?
  20. I saw Alex Jones was unhappy on Twitter. I guess Kavanaugh was part of the Vince Foster "coverup."
  21. lol. Trump picks someone less extreme on abortion so he can cover his own ass instead. About what you'd expect.
  22. No Democrat will be palatable to Republican voters. Kerry had three Purple Hearts and was smeared as a coward who lied about his military service. It doesn't matter that it was a lie because it never matters to Republicans. I think we tend to vote against the other party more than we vote for our own. And it's about the candidate's supporters, not the candidate himself (until the objectively despicable Trump changed the game). I had nothing against Mitt Romney personally but voted against the wealthy. People do have particular hatred for Hillary as well, but I think Trump supporters are happy to tell you that they really just ****ing hate leftists. Anti-PC was huge for Trump.
  23. Agreed, I don't think it's an issue. Expecting plenty of dystopian jokes though.
  24. Probably referring to "People of Praise." I don't know much about it other than that the women leaders/advisers are called "handmaids."
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