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Califan007 The Constipated

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About Califan007 The Constipated

  • Birthday August 7

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  1. I'm an idiot lol...a blind one at that. And I violated #4 on top of it 😂...jeebus.
  2. Holy lol..... I think we need this played before every Commanders game lol...
  3. So...a handful of nuts, a serving of peas, a slice of bread, and two apples. - What if you or your kids don't like apples? - What if your kid has a nut allergy? - What if you add a diet Coke to the Big Mac?...No calories added so it's ok? - What is the size of the "serving of peas"? Gonna calculate your meal up there lol...using cheapest prices listed on local store site: For a family of 3 1 oz nuts: $3.73 for 8 oz. 1 oz = $.47 x 3 people = $1.41 (just a quick aside: you can get Ramen noodles for like $0.25 a package...so 3 packages of Ramen Noodles can feed 3 people for $0.75, almost half the cost of eating nuts.) 2 apples (each), so 6 apples: $0.75 each x3 people = $4.50 (another aside: $5.91 so far for a family of three to eat the meal you're proposing...and $0.75 cents to eat Ramen noodles instead lol) 1 slice of whole wheat bread: Loaf of generic wheat bread - $1.79 Average of 21 slices a loaf 1 slice = $0.09 per slice x3 people = $0.27 1 tbsp of butter: 8 ounce tub of butter = $2.79 1 tbsp = 1/2 ounce, so 1 tbsp = $0.17 x3 people - $0.51 Serving of peas: Frozen peas = $1.00 for 12 oz 4 servings per bag 1 serving = $0.25 x3 people - $0.75 Grand total spent on the apples, nuts, peas, and bread meal: $7.74 Grand total spent on the unhealthy Ramen Noodles meal: $0.75 You could toss in some generic "hot dogs" with the Ramen noodles--8 for $1.49. Let's say each family member gets two hot dogs... Grand total spent on the apples, nuts, peas, and bread meal: $7.74 Grand total spent on the unhealthy Ramen Noodles and hot dogs meal: $1.50 That $7.74 could feed your family once...or it could feed your family 5 times. And that's the thing missing: parents who are struggling aren't asking themselves "Can I afford this?"...They are asking themselves "What's the best way to spend this money and make it go as far as humanly possible?" Stretching their dollar are priorities number 1-thru-A Billion on their list.
  4. Someone somewhere suggested we outlaw so-called "Loyalty Programs" by fast food places...basically because they reward you for eating a lot of their food by giving you free food, which perpetuates a cycle of constantly eating cheap unhealthy food so that you can get more unhealthy food free. I hadn't thought about it before...
  5. It's largely a societal issue, which is why I think individualizing the solutions won't work ("you just need to make better decisions," etc). When I went to Australia, holy forkin' shirtballs lol...everyone was in shape, at least in Sydney. I walked downtown there one afternoon and was blown away at how many people were just...fit. From businessmen and businesswomen to cashiers to kids to senior citizens to bus drivers, they all just looked healthy. And I know it's not simply because individual Australians make better choices than individual Americans (although they probably do lol). And Australia was promoting and encouraging getting exercise and eating right like a mf'er all over the radio and commercials. And it wasn't being done because there was a profit to be made by doing so...it was just their society and culture. It was bizarre... After spending 10 days in Sydney and Hamilton Island, I came back to the States and went to El Pollo Loco like the next day. Every single person except me in that restaurant was obese lol...and when I say "everyone," I mean: I remember just looking around and thinking holy crap, this really IS how the rest of the world sees Americans...as over-indulgent, lazy fat-asses. It was absolutely eye-opening experience for me. As a country and society, we don't prioritize eating healthy and exercise, probably because 1) there's no profit to be made from people handling their own bidniz, and 2) too large a segment of the population would see it as "socialist woke nonsense--you stay out of my fridge, Biden!!"
  6. "Many non-organic fruits are still relatively cheap in grocery stores and are ready to eat with a wash or a peel." Define "relatively cheap"...because "cheap" to one person is nowhere near "cheap" to another. Last week I bought one package of strawberries, one package of raspberries, one package of blueberries, and one bag of red grapes. $11 for fruit. And that's just for me alone. Some people's food budgets for their family are like $60 for the week...they damn sure ain't spending close to 25% of their weekly budget on fruit. "Unsalted nuts come out of a jar ready to eat, aren't that expensive" Again, define "aren't that expensive"...because you can buy like 12 packages of ramen noodles for less than a jar of healthy nuts lol...
  7. Crockett: "I'm just curious just to better understand your ruling...if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bad built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" Comer: "A what, now?" (laughter ensues) Crockett: lol....Crockett is a savage.
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