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Command The 414

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Everything posted by Command The 414

  1. I hoping I’m right and there’s sarcasm in there cause I’m not liking Chip Kelly at all, to many proven young play callers out there in the NFL.. names have been mentioned and many more we don’t even know…
  2. I think the only reason many are upset over the Quinn hire is we saw what the RR hire eventually ended up becoming over the tenure of his being the HC, we see that in a lot of cases that retreads being successful aren’t necessarily the norm, but the exception, and to be fair I think the biggest reason for disappointment is we were told that Ben Johnson was the hot new shiny toy and the up and coming Coordinator… (sadly that’s how a lot of ppl live their daily life’s as well, follow the norm, think how they think ppl want them too, and follow everything they hear and are told without doing their due diligence to find out for themselves) let’s be honest not many really knew anything about Ben Johnson accept for what they heard and were told by the NFL outlet pundits …. A lot of ppl never heard of Ben Johnson up until last season I bet.
  3. I personally have no issue w/for Fields being our QB… plus we could draft MHJ…I think he could definitely improve on his throwing skills no doubt. I wouldn’t trade anything lower then a 3rd though .. just trying to save my quality as best I could
  4. I will say this about Josh McDaniels.. he’s a way better OC then HC and the advantage of him here would be no matter how good he’d do here as a OC… ain’t any team calling him for a HC opening, so that’s a concern we’d never have to worry about….
  5. That’s harder to get rid of then Rod Gardner when he was here as WR being coined 50/50… cause it was 50/50 he caught the ball.. at least Gardner wasn’t known for his struggles by a lot of ppl whereas even the casual football fan remembers that 28-3 meltdown loss
  6. I’d say the traffic out in LA is horrible but the traffic in the DMV is probably worse.. so I can’t find any reason why at that price tag he’d even consider a move away from HC
  7. Truthfully I don’t have any expectations for 2024, but I’ll say this, I think Quinn will surprise a lot of us and be a very good coach. I guess what im saying is if we finish 5-12 this season that’s better then 4-13 right? But that isn’t on Quinn as knock, just in general Kinda how I feel as a fan about the entire process FO and all… I don’t think Jesus could have been hired as HC and turned this thing around fast… I see a few years of misery before reaping some rewards
  8. I will say this about the hire… Quinn is a retread no doubt but unlike our previous HC who went out of the frying pan into the oven right away… whereas Quinn hasn’t been a HC for several seasons now and he landed back on his feet did his time as a DC and was highly successful… so kinda like life, sometimes we just need to step away and do something else to learn and grow and then if/when given another chance maybe (hopefully for us as fans) he grew and is ready to do even better as a HC…
  9. totally agreed....even more so w/Aaron Glenn being on the docket to interview as well, what/who offers anybody anything but still talks to someone else about an opening, hire, etc...this is all saving face by Ben Johnson and his agent (as you stated previous) that's all it is....these podcasts can be so misleading w/info...just stick to opinion, heck i was actually thinking about doing 1 but just to much time involved
  10. yeah he was OC by title but wasn't Bruce Arians actually doing the play calling from which i remembered and once Arains retired and Bowles took over Leftwich was doing the play calling (and not well either)
  11. Wow, I don’t know what Campbell makes but to turn away more $ then a HC who’s been in the league for several years now (if all true of course) is pretty gutsy imho but but but… this podcast by these guys reminds me of the soooo many we see on YouTube for our Commanders… I can’t see them having a standing offer for Johnson and yet interviewing Aaron Glenn too… I don’t see them being valid… all opinion and a attempt for more clicks / followers imho sad though w/so much fake news and reports we can’t take anybody’s word for it these days
  12. probably cause even though he’d have the title DC there MacDonald will be the DC.. whereas in Tennessee he is the DC for real and will be calling the defense
  13. Yeah unless offered the HC here… who knows maybe they have… honestly being the DC there in Bmore might not be a bad fall back plan if not our HC opening
  14. I like that plan…. Quinn isn’t a choice for me but if could put together a top notch coaching staff on both sides of the ball then I’m good with it… even to the extent that he might not even be the play caller for the Defense… let a Al Harris who whomever take those sole duties…
  15. Exactly… great post and completely agreed.. nothing wrong w/being glad for those who have earned their due… it’s his right too to decide to be there and not here as well
  16. I was just venturing over looking at the 49ers coaching staff...to the 2 biggest names (because of Dad Gary) is Klint Kubiak (offensive passing game Specialist w/10yr exp) & then his Brother Klay Kubiak (assistant QB's w/4yrs exp) maybe we make it a family affair ..take a flyer on these young guys like the Packers did Matt LaFluer....
  17. you know he got a bad rep and was pretty much the scape goat in NY w/Jets, well apparently he wasn't the issue, maybe Saleh and Joe Douglas and Co. along with Hackett are as well, I kinda wouldn't mind him here in some capacity .....he was w/McVay in LA this season
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