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Command The 414

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Everything posted by Command The 414

  1. Saying for a bit now, something about him makes me think that Anthony Weaver is the going to be a great HC in this league… and it might not be here for us but boy after all this stuff it almost seems like the pieces are falling into place and in our laps… get Weaver, let him bring Tee Martin or Greg Lewis over w/him as OC and call it a day… I think he’s got the it factor
  2. Last thing before I get to bed and get beauty sleep… if McDonald becomes our new HC… hmm wonder if that gives us a inside track to signing MLB Patrick Queen? …. Fills 2 needs if so… good night Everyone ….
  3. Strictly an assumption here but Mike Vrabel has always come across as a guy who thinks he’s the man, from his days at OSU.. to playing for BB in NE to his HC in Tennessee… also seems to come across as the smartest guy in the room, just a arora he puts out imho… again just a assumption and not fact by any stretch of the imagination… I’m probably so far off KC will never fire Reid, you know that as sure as I wrote it… please… yes Andy Reid will determine his stay on KC… and please I’m old I have no idea what in the world WHYDFML even means
  4. Exactly, my 20yr old Daughter struggles w/anxiety in certain situations so it’s real… always over thinks things but the 1 thing my Wife and I always told her and tell her, don’t just say yes to something unless you follow through with it… cause once you say yes or agree to something then back out that is where the uncomfortable starts… so if you know you might not do something or enjoy doing something or going somewhere then just say no…
  5. Yeah.. in all seriousness he just didn’t wake up today and think.. nah I’m staying Pat here w/the Lions… he knew even before he interviewed w/any of the teams looking for a HC (at least he had to have had a inclination to such) so I agree a bad look for him and very unprofessional to wait till the day of the 2nd interview… should have had the decency to let them have known yesterday… or at worse last night
  6. Exactly, glad we found out today then to have hired him and he not be the right fit… imho at this level you aspire to be a HC… and there are only 32 of these jobs available… and several of them are tied up till their HC wants out… Reid, John Harbaugh, Mike Tomlin just to name a few… Johnson might not be a leader of men the way this FO wants… and good he made the choice for us
  7. Yeah kinda a Busch move on Johnson… I do t mind he turned us and Seattle away that’s his right, but he knew that yesterday so why wait till today when they were on a flight to interview him… listen while he’s good he’s only been doing this 2 years… and already I get the feel he’s a bit into himself as if he has all the leverage to pick a landing spot to be HC… nothing would joy me more then to see the Lions take a step back in 2024
  8. If anything just seeing Brady run from the tunnel to the opposite side of the field every game yelling “LETS GO” would be worth it to me all the while wearing coaches gear
  9. I say go get BMitch , he loves to trash every HC that's been here so then he could see what it's like being in the hot seat....at least Jay Gruden feels that way LOL
  10. I'm not a huge fan of Quinn getting the job if he does, but the 1 thing that will definitely ease his hire for me (and I bet alot of ppl) will be if he gets a quality OC and other coaches as well...I still want Weaver and him to bring Greg Lewis or Tee Martin over as his OC
  11. hire Anthony Weaver and let him bring Greg Lewis or Tee Martin over as his OC and call it a day....and he'd be more then likely the DC (and he'd hire a guy who is just by name the DC)
  12. Me too, Arthur Smith offenses to me are pretty bland, vanilla and even back in Tennessee w/Titans he had studs on the OL, RB & AJ Brown and still imho was Bland … no thanks to Smith for me
  13. It’s kinda weird how Slowik in many eyes has fallen off the radar since their loss to the Ravens … but similar to you I still have him high as well… I think his work w/Stroud is actually being undervalued a lot… and we know that’s the route we are going… also w/Slowik the Texans offense this season compared to last season was in many ways very similar to what will be structured here for us in 2024, which was very different, whereas Ben Johnson has ran the same offense with pretty much the same skill players two years in a row. In all likelihood, we know it’s going to be Ben Johnson, but I also think Bobby Slowik could be in will be a fine head coach someday
  14. I’m probably way off base here but I’m really thinking that if by the end of the day Ben Johnson isn’t hired (or at least working on the specifics of a deal) I can see a Weaver or Glenn hire which imho fits their desire for leading… we’ve all heard when Mike Tomlin interviewed with the Steelers nobody gave him a shot, but his interview with the brass went so well and he knocked the socks off of them… I could see Anthony Weaver being that guy…. just a hunch and nothing definitive, just opinion
  15. Also, the last I speak of this as we can all have our opinions which makes this a even better forum and makes life exciting imho… disagreeing doesn’t make us bad, it just says we have our opinions but we are still friends and fans of our beloved Commanders here it goes, I don’t think we should always hold something against a great or even good player in any sport because he or she are surrounded by other talent, in the case im talking about, I’m a huge Jared Goff fan, I think the dude is a very good QB (elite no, but you don’t have to be plus how many elite QB’s play in the NFL) but that shows his team is doing the right thing, the Lions FO has done the necessary things to make them a better team and surrounding talent only makes that possible. As @warhead36 stated I would take Goff a 100 days out of 100 over Dak and Tua, and that’s not saying I don’t think they’re good QB’s cause I do think they’re both good QB’s… but the narrative we fall into when it comes to saying this guy stinks, or this guy is a bum or this guy is only what he is cause of the talent around him imho isn’t validating or warranted… sorry for the rant… have a awesome day everyone….man I love this Forum 👍🏻
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