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Command The 414

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Everything posted by Command The 414

  1. Totally agreed… specially the own it and answer for it statement…. My fear today is these athletes are doing everything they can to present perfection… somewhere we’ve got lost to dignity imho to admit just who we are, sometimes I wonder if it’s a social media effect… they don’t want to throw, run and now in Daniels case weigh in cause they don’t want to be seen in the Social Media world as having defects or not being perfect… maybe I’m just diving to deep into this but I see a huge red flag over all this
  2. I tend to agree, I get the big 3 not wanting to throw or/and run, I think they are being told by their reps (whom ever they are) and they don’t want to give any leverage to the other 2 but not weighing in takes it too another level imho… for me where does the insanity stop… 1st it was/is players don’t play in Bowl games, now it’s they don’t perform at the Combine, and now we don’t weigh in… what’s next are they going to ai themselves in attendance at the future Combines and just stand there while they actually aren’t tjere? It’s going insane at the level of selfishness and the attempt to control everything… have belief in yourself, if you’re good then let it shine as many times as you can… we all know you can’t always be at your best…sometimes failure can work for your good… you get back up and do it again
  3. I got a email Thursday letting me know I have a online time slot for possible relocation. I’m getting on to view but I can’t see relocating … if for anything I’d need a new Screen Name lol 😝… nah just kidding, I enjoy my current seats to much… but again nothing wrong with taking a look
  4. I said yesterday in a post I actually think JJ is going to be the best QB for years from this draft, dude has ice in his veins, his demeanor kinda reminds me of Joe Flacco (doesn’t seem to get rattled and show emotions) but is far better athletically then Flacco…. ppl would flip the freak out on here, but imho if we could move down 3-4 spots and get some extra picks doing so and then draft McCarthy I’d be in Commander Heaven… I actually think he goes to Denver and Payton has his QB for a decade
  5. very well detailed response...and I too share many of the points you do. I think it's a 3 horse race w/the big 3 (Williams, Daniels & Maye) and then the rest are a bit below, but I have to say I have this overwhelming thought that should we all be around here on the board in 10-12yrs that we might just be saying that JJ McCarthy turned out the best, the big 3 are flashy and meet all the so called requirements of the NFL QB, but JJ just seems to have it all while not be so flashy and shiny....he just does things right and goes about his business, and let me say I'm a Penn State fan since a child and hate UM...so for me saying all this about McCarthy pains me to no end lol
  6. For those of us who are old enough to remember this QB class…this season reminds me so much of this to a degree, of all these QB’s… Williams, Maye, Daniels, McCarthy, Nix etc… someone is going to get a Blackledge, a Eason… but of all the QB’s in that class who was a darn good QB for years and really unrated , it was Ken O’Brien… who’s going to be the O’Brien in this class, Nix? and who’s going to the the Blackledge and Eason? And do we have a Elway or Marino and Jim Kelly in this class? John Elway 1st Colts Todd Blackledge 7th Chiefs Jim Kelly 14th Bills Tony Eason 15th Patriots Ken O'Brien 24th Jets Dan Marino 27th Dolphins
  7. totally agree w/all the above, and not that I'm advocating for Sam to stay and remain the starter, but the thing I would have liked to have seen was not so many quality QB's in this years draft (sitting at the #2 there are just too many QB's that imho are better then Sam) to pass on and let him be the starter again, I actually want to see him stay on as the back up, there's no way we keep/resign Brissett for what he will garner $ wise, I also think despite a horrible ending for Howell last season he has shown he could be a back-up and useable if/when needed to step in.
  8. If you could get the same back from previous seasons (not the 2023 version though) and the price was right, Josh Jacobs was a beast.. I think he could easily bounce back but the price is/would be to high for my liking specially with all the other needs we have
  9. Exactly totally agree too… nothing against it but the annoying thing is the X (Twitter) posts ppl share to try to prove their point… I love opinions and welcome them no doubt, but the trying to get a point across by using another opinion is taking it too far…
  10. to hop on the tail of this...and I totally agree too, I still can't believe this team didn't manage not a single 100yd rusher in any game last season, that's like a teams leading Home Run hitter not reaching double digits.....I wouldn't have thought that was possible in the NFL....wow
  11. if someone with their eyes can't see that Russell Wilson is pretty much done I just hope that person isn't employed in our FO...he's done, those stats were soooooooooo misleading last season, I mean Sean Payton probably would have played the towel boy at some point over going back to Wilson after the benching........I love Wilson personally, the things he stands up for in life, being a true role model but as far as wanting him here...nah I would definitely want Howell to be the starter.....
  12. Not true at all… case in point, Carolina threw Bryce Young out to the Lions den and it showed he wasn’t ready cause Frank Reich feared his job which he lost anyhow when he had Andy Dalton who probably has at least 2-3 more yrs as a starting QB left in him…heck I’d even say when he was in Chicago they should have kept him as starter before rushing Fields…I might get yelled at for saying this but RR was worried about his job here last season and 1 could argue Brissett should have been the starter over Howell… and here’s another case for you… remember me saying this, Anthony Richardson with the Colts is another case, there’s no way they were down to week 17 fighting for a playoff spot if they would have won if Richardson was the QB… Gardner Minshew played very well for them….HC are scared for their jobs and don’t want to take the chance to sit the new shining toy they just drafted….
  13. I don’t think playing for 3 different OC in his first 3 seasons has done him any favors to say the least. Something Kingsbury said yesterday, he said not being held down to 1 scheme/skill and having the QB fit that scheme/skill… he said molding the offense around the QB’s skills and using their traits…. I’m not promoting Fields but I also don’t think the narrative placed on him is fitting either…
  14. Totally agree, was very sure of himself (not in a brag way either) and very confident too… didn’t seem uncomfortable at all w/questions asked…
  15. Stay at #2 and take Drake Maye After that we have 4 picks remaining in the top 100. I think we look OL depth or fill a need on the OL with higher picks like the 2nd round, then we look DE, DB, LB as well with those 4 remaining picks after the Maye pick. FA route… I think this is where we could grab a TE, DE, LB and even OL needs as well, I kinda feel that we could solve a lot of the needs with both the draft and through FA specially with a FO that has proven to be able to draft well (Adam Peters) In closing I’m still on the fence with trading back, I’m still waiting for the Combine and Pro Days to take place and my tune might change after that cause maybe Bo Nix or JJ McCarthy might move up on a lot of peoples lists and we could trade back a few spots from the #2 and get more capital and still nab 1 of these guys with like the 10th-14th pick….
  16. I would definitely think they have make the call right? At least see where Pace & Co mind set is… nothing beats a quitter but a try… I just wouldn’t get to carried away with giving away a kings ransom… I’m all for this seasons and even a player, but I’m not fancy on next seasons picks that would need to be given …plus I think w/Maye & Daniels (and who knows after the combines, and Pro Day Workouts on College Campuses Bo Nix and/or JJ McCarthy or someone else moves up exceptionally higher then they already are)….I think standing at 2 is where we end up come draft day
  17. Yes Sir… man this isn’t any joke, finally a franchise that’s seems to making every effort to be a winner, being fans for so long I can’t say I remember when the assembling of coaches at a high standard with great skills in coaching their particular positions has come together seemly so nicely… man I’m pumped Sept can’t get here fast enough….
  18. That’s how I feel, I’ve had the same seats in the same section for 20+ yrs now , however when the upper level was subtracted by a lot of seats. We move way down from Row14 down to 3 and been there ever since… and if it wasn’t for my parking pass my tickets would only be a bit over $800.00… for 2 seats, can’t beat it imho
  19. Wow I didn’t even see that till I read your post… yup totally agree most of the time less is best imho… I don’t like them at all 👍 leave them off
  20. I totally agree w/you on the Long Commanders font across the front… get rid of it 👍
  21. For me, give me this right here as the home uni … and keep the pants the same and just change out the Burgundy Jersey for the White on the Road and call it a day, and add a alternative uni incorporating the same.. maybe Burgundy pants or something…just my opinion though
  22. That is a great scenario, if I didn’t know any better you got some GM in you… totally agreed the Bears if GM Pace does things right could easily be set for a long time after this draft
  23. Totally agree… And what’s these guys suppose to say, well he wasn’t that helpful or yeah he’s a bum… these type of answers to questions like these imho aren’t anything to base any merit over they’re simply great things to post to try to make a point … nothing more
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