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Everything posted by daveakl

  1. People thought Flip was dumb for bring in those vets though. It's worked perfectly in hindsight.
  2. So the patio/barshed has turned into a 400sqft deck with a 10x12 barshed build in the middle.We decided to spend the summer/fall using the yard as is and seeing what would benifit us the most. Starting after thanksgiving with digging the footing holes. Doors to shed will look like this: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.solarinnovations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Vinyl-Folding-Glass-Wall.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.solarinnovations.com/vinyl-products/vinyl-bi-fold-door/&h=764&w=1000&tbnid=4ZzwvyFmI5QS0M:&docid=R7Mz1nFqNFYwWM&ei=wndTVrj8KcLbmwHK5ITADg&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-sprint-us&ved=0ahUKEwi45ZnxsafJAhXC7SYKHUoyAegQMwhRKBowGg Shed inside like this: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://sftimes.s3.amazonaws.com/3/5/e/a/35ea10fbb118320b47bbaf9fd6ca6a94.jpg&imgrefurl=http://sfglobe.com/2015/02/27/pub-sheds-are-a-growing-trend-worth-seeing/&h=495&w=660&tbnid=5hxOiJ9ttyKB2M:&docid=OBrMoHXStZU1_M&ei=_3dTVqTuB8LemAHt46zACQ&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-sprint-us&ved=0ahUKEwjk6YKOsqfJAhVCLyYKHe0xC5gQMwgmKAQwBA
  3. Stupid game on a stupid chanel I don't get.
  4. Isn't she basically Mike Tyson? Didn't all his fights before his first loss end by the 4th or 5th round? After he lost wasn't the road map set for all those that followed?
  5. It's usually at that point they start grasping at straws, throwing **** at the wall to see if something sticks, and listening to DC9.
  6. I think they are playing this right. They have Okafor and Noel. Saric comes next year. Oh, and they have 4 1st rounders. Put that with embiid and that 8 players. Now you go out and get vets to finish off the roster and you are in good shape.
  7. How does that work if he goes 1 year in Washington? Can he sign the 5 year max the next year and get the 10 year vet version or is he limited to 4 years since he would have only been in DC 1 year.
  8. Why would Durant not just sign a 1 year deal with OKC? Doesn't he get the 10 year super max the following year by doing that? It also let's him see what Westbrook does.
  9. Gortat being able to hold the pace they want to run is the big elephant in the room.
  10. So really the spider caused the wreck. Sounds like the paper is covering up the real problem.
  11. Do you hold your penis to the same standards?
  12. You can sign your own people and go over the cap. The problem is the luxury tax penalties. And that they won't be able to have much flexibility if people get hurt or need back injections or whatnot.
  13. Drinking Dragons Milk 2015 by New Holland. Fantastic high gravity beer.
  14. What about private academies that would play other private academies. The cost to attend is x plus 1% of all professional earnings.
  15. Isn't there a strong argument that college soccer programs hurt the player development a lot?
  16. Not a good night for the good guys.
  17. 100% agree. Mexico outplayed us the whole game.
  18. Well suck my left tittie Well suck my left tittie
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