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Everything posted by daveakl

  1. Make a double boiler to heat it up.
  2. Sixers at least had a plan and told everyone what it was. You can argue the execution wasn't the greatest but at least one knew what it was. The wizards on the other hand.......
  3. Money talks. If kids start seeing how much can be made playing soccer (and as leagues in Europe become more accessible to watch and learn about they will) more and more will play.
  4. Everything I hear is that this has been a huge success from a profit standpoint and we are going to get more international games played in the states.
  5. Did I see it right....did his arm look all jacked up
  6. I like watching the Argentinian players sit down every 5 minutes.
  7. This was a fun hypothetical on the radio today: LeBron calls Clippers and says I want to play with my friends. Trade Blake to NY Knicks for Carmelo, Wade and I are coming to LA. Think it's far fetched?
  8. Watch wando score like 3 goals tonight and break this thread wide open.
  9. Good, they can hang out with the other half. The unemployed half.
  10. /thread. Start the 2016-17 with that quote please.
  11. That wrist will feel better holding all the trophies.
  12. It's definitely getting better. This is coming to Raleigh: "We want to share the details of an exciting project - a soccer school. It is designed for boys and girls who dream of playing D1 college or pro soccer. To do this, our children need more training time. Our kids train 6 hours/week while youth in South America and Europe train 15-20 hours/week. We believe in the adage that you need 10,000 hours to become a subject expert. The idea is to create a small private middle school(10-13 year olds) where students have high quality soccer training in the morning, school from 11am-5pm and club soccer in the afternoon and evening. It’s the same idea behind a music conservatory. We will not be a club team, but focus on outstanding morning technical training/tactics and education. Located at WakeMed to maximize school and soccer time, we will have regular interactions with the Carolina Railhawks when they train. As for the academics, we plan on taking advantage of all the changes in learning sciences, technology and the labor market. We plan to start out with 20-30 students and grow to 150 students in several years eventually offering grades 5-12. The “micro school” movement is growing in Silicon Valley, New York and elsewhere. Each student will have their own individualized learning plan in a blended learning environment. We will organize soccer-and-study trips to South America and elsewhere. In short, we believe that this education will best prepare our children for college and, more importantly, a global, technology-driven marketplace. Please take a look at www.accelerator.school."
  13. Guzan Yedlin — Cameron — Brooks — Johnson Zusi — Bradley –Nagbe Zardes — Dempsey — Pulisic
  14. It bounces between old school Big East basketball to touch foul basketball on a whim. It's the consistency that's lacking.
  15. That was a great ball by bradley.
  16. I hate the Seahawks but dang if that stadium isn't awesome.
  17. What on earth did he do to his elbow?
  18. John Brooks coming strong
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