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Everything posted by cakmoney61

  1. Heinicke is a good guy, but he is very limited as an NFL QB physically and mentally. He's very small with a very weak and inaccurate arm. Also, he doesn't see open receivers (or lurking defenders) and he doesn't throw receivers open. Unfortunately, because of the O-line's inability to protect the QB, Wentz would do even worse. He is like a deer in headlights when he is pressured at all. He actually makes a mediocre O-line look worse. Wentz would need the 1991 Hogs blocking for him in order for him to succeed.
  2. Facts. There is a ceiling on how many points a Heinicke-led offense can score. As a result, virtually every game is going to be a dog fight if the defense plays well enough and the bottom line is they held the Giants offense to 13 points. Which ended up being more than a Heinicke-led offense could overcome. Admittedly, they would have scored more were it not for the refs.
  3. There's never been a player with more moxie than Heinicke. Moxie is a mysterious substance that appears on the football when it's about to be intercepted, thereby, preventing the INT.
  4. If Tom Brady was the QB, three yellow flags would have been thrown at that DB's feet.
  5. Devastating call on Terry followed by a devastating non-call on the Giants DB. He fouled him three times on one play.
  6. There was too much moxie on the football for the defender to intercept it.
  7. I believe. But I refuse to emotionally need a win the way a crack addict physically needs crack.
  8. Whenever Washington fans desperately want a win the team loses and normally by laying a massive egg. Don't do this to yourself. The days of having my heart ripped from my chest are over. I will hope for the best while preparing for the worst and whatever happens happens.
  9. I never saw this coming when Washington was 1-4. I was thinking 4-13 with a top 3 pick and a chance at a possible franchise QB. I'm still not sure how the team went 7-1-1 in its next nine games. But here they/we are. I have guarded my heart all year by not desperately wanting them to win and I will do the same Sunday night. I feel like we are playing with house money, however, because 7-5-1 was far out of the range of possibly in my mind. Over the years, Washington has gutted the fanbase in games like this with horrible performances. I don't believe they will lay an egg. OTOH, I have no idea who is going to win. I will pick Washington (27-24) based on the fact that the Giants have been bad for several weeks while Washington has been winning.
  10. Heinicke has Tom Brady-level luck. It's uncanny and totally inexplicable.
  11. Moxie is a talent!!!!! And Taylor Heinicke has boatloads of it!!!
  12. I'm sorry, but a quarterback's greatest talent being moxie should not work at this level.🤣
  13. In trying to tackle Jones, the defense is consistently giving off a Three Stooges vibe.
  14. Moxie is unquantifiable and Heinicke has it in spades! His moxie is what enables the defense to thrive.😉
  15. Defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The strength of the team wins another one!
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