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Everything posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

  1. My ex had Seroquel, which is by far - the craziest drug I've ever taken. You have no choice but to go to sleep. It's basically laughing gas in pill form. I'd take a quarter of her dose, and be gone for 15 hours. Weed and alcohol, otherwise. I promised my brother when I was around 13, that I'd never do anything like coke and stuff. Keeping that promise.
  2. Interesting. No TDM. Wow. Not hard to be the best FPS in years. Lol. Basically have a 4 year window of crap to go against. I'd go as far to say the golden age died 10 years ago, with a few games since then that were good. I'll never forget Infinite Warfare. Game made me feel like I was going to have a seizure. Tells you how bad Vanguard is, that it is traditional boots on the ground (how can you go wrong)...and is a worse game than Infinite Warfare.
  3. So it's only Search and Destroy? I love Search, but that sounds weird to only have it that style. Yes, Battlefield somehow ****ed up worse than COD. And Halo needs to evolve. It looks OK, but it seems like the same style of gameplay as it was 22 years ago. Those were good times, but it needs a weapons loadout rehaul. FPS is the worst it's ever been right now.
  4. You lost me there. SBMM is awesome. If there is an option for it. There is playing on the streetball court, ****ing around. And then there is the NBA. Cool. Now, there is no streetball court. None. All the parks are gone.
  5. Hey, instead of being a ****ing Gene Siskel...how about you come up with an idea?
  6. It's because the algorithm is insanely strict about putting you against people of your skill level. If you are a B+ player, you ONLY go up against B+ players. Same for everyone. This is why they disband lobbies after every match. @Momma There Goes That Man thinks that's cool. Old days COD is over. They sell people the game for 60 bucks, then rip the noobs for 300 bucks... for skins, and packages of BS. Because the noobs think they are good. D- players pay the developer's bills now. Activision sold out. That's why they sold to Microsoft.
  7. Alright alright alright. Matthew McConaughey voice. We all know this. I just would like all of us to figure out a theoretical solution. Instead of attacking each other.
  8. Woah. That's my offering of debate. When does it stop? What is the best weapon a person can have, and why? It's a question. Otherwise known as, an honest conversation.
  9. Okay. Orthodox religious person. 😅 😉
  10. You and I both know this won't happen, nor will my hypothetical situations. Just saying... You can accumulate all this crap by being "good"...then lashing out like the Mandalay Bay guy. And on a much smaller scale. So we ban guns. We tell the population that - what do we do with the backlash, is the question.
  11. Alright. My point exactly. Where does the rule stop? What is your stance? What armament are we allowed to walk in to a store with? What levels are there to it? Qualifications? See? It gets muddy. And what can you have at home? The problem is......... People gonna break the law.
  12. I heard something about that too! Thanks for the reminder.
  13. Wooo! She was in the fire over there on Riverside! The street just to the east of that is murder central.
  14. Going back to Burr's original point. You get your beginners license with a revolver. I'd even say a BB Gun. Very supervised. You work your way up to a bolt rifle the next year, and so on... Until you're allowed a minigun and a grenade launcher? Where does allowing civilian munitions stop? Because hypothetically, the right to arms is endless, no? We can all have miniguns and 50,000 rounds of ammo?
  15. You lost me at the first sentence. Maybe they do. Listen and have a discussion. The power thing? Ehhhh I have to side with you on that. Fair play. There's my blanket statement. 😆
  16. I get your point. My biggest thing is the snowball effect. When does it stop? When is it illegal to own a tank, a warship (air), a 2,000 lb bomb? You could play it off like a saint...until.... Didn't Mandalay Bay dude have a (relatively?) clean record? Like your points.
  17. These complete blanket statements sound like the enemy you despise. This is why I'm embarassed to ID as democrat. Not as much as repub, however, so I still "side" with you all. Dems have become what they hated 15 years ago. Militant, stereotyping, broad-stroking. Everyone here is "this way" huh? Oklahoma was one of the first to pass legal weed, there are gay people walking the streets kissing each other. We may have a horrifying governor, and too many Neanderthals in the hills...but in the city - it's ****ing normal. Basically Moco and PG, with a few buildings that a taller...and a stadium. I'm facinated by the anger. Like this is Cowboys vs. Redsk ..manders...swear I wasn't going to say Redskins.
  18. @LD0506 is the guy who busts up fluid conversations with spammy block-text. Nobody cares. Let's keep it going. I stand by my statements.
  19. Why not? So we shut off the guns and ammo immediately. Okay. Guess what happenes then?
  20. Just saying my American and Humanitarian brother... You either offer a solution, and stop being subtly condescending, or they will make their own firearms and ammo. This ain't me, this is what I've seen.
  21. This would cause the mechanism of probationary alcohol making. Therefore, the criminals have the weapons only.
  22. I almost think the freedom of press is as much to blame. Founding fathers never forsaw this. Why we treat them like people treat religion, is absurd We should never hurt each other.
  23. Again, the writing is on the wall. "Making guns" is an afterthought. They are out there like a ****roach outbreak through an abandoned restaurant at full-stock. Now what do you do?
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